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Everything posted by Psylenz0511

  1. When you say cheap, I am guessing you mean pre-50 when you want to gear up fast without the fancy purple/winter/SBB IOs. Actually many of the main buffs/DEBUFFS of Kineticism do not fit well with set bonuses of IOs Fulcrum shift needs 2 Acc and 2 Rech IOs of at least generic level 35+ IOs Same with Siphon Power, Siphon Speed while Transfusion and Transference do use accurate healing sets and end-mod sets respectively. Inertial Reduction, Speed Boost, and Increase Density can get away with one slot to operate, but picking up Resistance procs in Increase density, and end-mod features for speed boost is attractive but not required I opine until you 'trick out' a level 50. Remember to get tactics so your siphons hit more often and maneuvers for defense procs. Also remember: even with siphon speed and not tons of recharge bonuses, you will eventually hit what I call the animation cap. In other words, your dilemma will be waiting for powers to go off more than waiting for them to recharge. It's a delicious predicament. PIck a secondary with many short animation attacks. I love Kin/rad. Dual pistols is a good choice for the many AoEs for many fulcrum shifted targets. I cannot imagine beam rifle on a Kin, sorry, just my opinion. Kin/Dark is a classic build, too, with the cones/AoEs and who doesn't love the tentacles? Have fun. I hope to see you again soon on Everlasting, Troy.
  2. I think you nailed it in another post about defender buffer teams. Faraday Cage, Sonic Dispersion, FF Dispersion, Traps' Forcefield generator are good to team with
  3. We have a loose knit coalition of sorts built around a global channel with players that group for all defender or all corruptor WST content weekly on Everlasting. Today we did a Kahn TF in 34 minutes. Reichsman is just a big sack of hitpoints I do realize that.
  4. Tachyon Bug awaits further action
  5. I replied in the defender forums. You might build a 'loose' coalition where if you have special events, characters from other servers could transfer to Torchbearer to be a part and then transfer back after the event to their home server/SG. I suggest a global channel "The Jolly Green Glow" for extra recognition to where members of the channel would receive communiques even when they were alting on non-AM and therefore non-SG characters. 😁
  6. Joking aside, I am a member of an all defender/all corruptor cooperative group on Everlasting. We are a community built around a global channel "Buffed Up". We would welcome a coalition with an all AM - SG on Everlasting. Short of being both on Everlasting I have a Rad/rad defender at level 50 that does not get played enough I could transfer to the server of your all-AM SG. Hit me up @Psylenz in game or here.
  7. Caltrops are a slow, and a fear, AND DAMAGE. The slows can be 'procc'd' for decent aoe damage. Personally for the alpha strikes, I certainly endorse seeker drones, especially with a caltrops chaser, that gives you TIME to set up the other traps. Also, adding to fold space, and teleport target, regular teleport gives you a few seconds of invulnerability to lay down a Poison Gas Trap! I look forward to trying the new tier 9
  8. Take something with quick blast animations and good melee range damage, might I suggest the old Poison/rad combo
  9. All AM, I prefer to play all PM 😛
  10. If you haven't rolled one before -- FEEL THE POWER OF THE STORM!!!
  11. Storm/Water for the win. Added -defense from water and a self-heal in dehydrate. What is not to like?
  12. I heard in game, not in jest, is dark miasma really a good secondary. I never heard that before! In short, oh yeah. For example I have a Fire/dark corruptor and she is hottt. Target AoE rain, Target Aoe Blast all on a tar patch? yes please. Starts early finishes strong.
  13. So much misinformation: First gale in conjunction with steamy mist means most of the time you get the jump on them to knock them down. Even if you only hit a third of the spawn, that means the alpha strike from the spawn is 1/3 less. I slot for acc, KB>KD, and FF +recharge (that's 100% recharge bonus for the number crunchers). O2 at higher levels is a potent heal. I usually do not bother to try to buff the whole team for end drain resistance, but your blasters can appreciate that aspect. Snowstorm is much maligned. Yes it's a aoe slow, and it has -fly. What most non-storm users and many stormers themselves do not know is that snowstorm is the great interrupter. Spawns in snow storms do not self-destruct (Embalmed vahz, CoT mages) do not set up force field generators ( sky raiders) do not summon allies (rikti comm officers). There are more I am forgetting. Combined with a stray tarpatch or glue arrow, snowstorm is arguably a hold, and reduces incoming damage significantly. Like most powers, teams can get the most advantage to the team playing to individual members strengths, this includes corner pulls by tanks, fold space for blasters' nukes, and even stormies' hurricane. Why do tanks pull to the center of a room and not to a corner? pure laziness is my thought. Look at the Imperious Task Force. The standard operandi on Romulous at the last battle is to PULL to the doors.... why? It leverages, the taunts, the aoes, and the defense and heal auras and leadership boosts. Telling a stormy he cannot use herdicane is tantamount to telling a blaster he can't hover blast. It's simply vinidictive and arbitrary. IMHO, thunderclap isn't worth the animation time nor the placement proximity required. Freezing Rain, Tornado and LIghtning storm continue to be the big 3 even in a storm blast world of Homecoming. OH yeah, one last dig, all my stormies are defenders or trollers.
  14. I post only to clarify: Dark blast/Storm is NOT just a concept, although I do favor the defender storm primary for debuffs. From beginning, Dark blast and it's -tohit and various applications complements storm so very well.
  15. I have to vote for Electric Affinity. It buffs recharge, heals, applies a degree of absorb, buffs tohit, buffs recovery, And then there is Faraday Cage for resistance, mezz protection and a myriad of status protections that sonic dispersion wishes it had. Kinetics is the king of damage buff; however, increase density won't protect a team of 8 from the statuses that Faraday Cage offers protection for. Radiation is a great debuffer, but in practice, powers like radiation infection only get proper usage against bosses and hard targets. I will admit the -regen in EA is weak, even dark miasma has trouble with heavy status attackers like Super Stunners and Gunslingers. That said, I still like the balanced support of an electric affinity on the team, especially if he has 7 defender cousins to team with >:)
  16. Is there some process to implement the work around with the alternate IP that I am not seeing? Nevermind, I repeated the login attempt and I AM IN THE GAME
  17. 5:03 PM]Number Six: Still no progress update from OVH. We've implemented a temporary workaround to allow people to log in through an alternate IP address until the problem is fixed. Copied from Discord again
  18. 3:45 PM]Number Six: We are aware of a network issue affecting the OVH datacenter that hosts Homecoming and is preventing players from connecting. We will post updates when we hear more from the provider about what the issue is and how long it will take to resolve. [3:51 PM]Number Six: Start time : 01/06/2023 18:48 UTC Service impact : The public network is unvailable. Root cause : Issue on a network hardware. Ongoing actions : Replacement of the equipment affected. Posted 1 minute ago. Jun 01, 2023 - 19:51 UTC quoted from Discord
  19. Being professionally skeptical, how do you know how much damage, storm damage, does on a defender before the beta is released in its final glorious form? That said, I do love my Storm/water defender a LOT. to the OP, the correct answer is DEFENDER, storm DEFENDERS outperform corruptors, just like FF.
  20. Everything is weaksauce compared to fire blast because the secondary effect for defenders in fire blast is...more damage. Ice is not that much more damage than energy on a defender unless you are leveraging FR + aoe goodness, which you CAN do with torrent on an energy blast defender. I would invest some KB>KD procs in energy blast in a team play build so that nova and torrent don't drive your teammates bonkers short of you being a kb expert that can push the spawn to the middle of the kill zone. (Good stormies don't knock foes out of Freezing Rain 😉 )
  21. I don't particularly go after that proc, but my stormies all have 3 slotted health, and 3 slotted stamina. I put the miracle and the numina's in health with a heal IO and the performance shifter proc and two other endmod IOs in stamina to quench my stormies' blue thirst. If I am going on a particularly thirsty adventure like... the MLTF I pick up some buffs in the supergroup base and get +recovery and -end drain at an empowerment station
  22. I will be quite frank. DP plays NOTHING like ice blast. It would be a totally different ride. I do see how some of the shorter animation blasts in DP would work will with the slower animations in time. SPeaking of DP, if some bozo tells you that you dont need swap ammo, tell ole Psy said to kick them in the shins, esp on a defender since the secondary effects of the ammo times is amplified on a 'fender.
  23. Can you proc distortion field like choking cloud and not get a more solid hold when it does proc? chance for +mag hold in choking cloud does wonders! Just an AoE slow? Harrumpf, you slow things down far enough its darn near close to being an aoe HOLD
  24. I have an Ice/TIme corruptor I like very much. I know. It's not a defender, but he is a close cousin to your defender. I call my Ice/TIme Frozen Pickle. I have all the hold powers because when I want to hold a boss, I just keep stacking until they are good and held. It's actually pretty amazing. The ice rains inho work better on a corruptor because of scourge. The other plus is I sometimes find powersets I am not inclined to favor or play as well, such as time. But, Ice/time clicked for me for some reason. I think it's because the ice blast animations are fairly quick compared to the time animations. Good luck. I tend to prefer to level up a character and shelve it after incarnating it, so I cant really speak to how it plays itrials but it sure is hella fun in the 'growing up' levels
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