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Everything posted by Psylenz0511

  1. Kin electric is a classic build that hasn't slowed down any in 18 years. The endurance siphon has changed over the years, but the buffs have not diminished. Thank you for your build, but the link didn't work for me. Do you have a data chunk?
  2. I answered this before in another empath post. For maximum fortitude, regen aura, recovery aura, and adrenaline boost, you require maximum recharge. To do this I suggest a high recharge build with hasten, with IO set bonuses, and with Force feedback +recharge proc. To get all of the aforementioned you need Empath/ENERGY blast set. You will be able to decide which of the abilities you use most often to use the Force feedback procs. Your team will also want you to tone down the knockback with KB > KD procs as well. Leaving some of the KB in select abilities gives you the ability to push single targets back in to the kill zone/mosh pit. Torrent and explosive blast especially deserve the KB > KD proc to keep the peace with your team. To summarize regarding Empath/energy blast: 1. Maximum recharge 2. Good secondary damage 3. Knock down is a great damage mitigation
  3. Actually team teleport and / or Fold Space are not bad options. You would want to get experience in teleporting into groups so you do not overshoot your targets. I used teleport to good effect on my radiation defenders. Nothing like dropping a quick EM Pulse in the middle of a chewy group with a choking cloud chaser to mezz any missed foes or survivors. Unfortunately, the team tp does not apply to lightning storm or tornado, but tornado will catch up quickly. TP in, short range and then hit gale to knock down as many foes as possible in body guard mode. The zombies will react quick enough to the missed targets that reply to your gale. Necro/storm is NOT a weak combination at all with practice and advatageous use of hurricane.
  4. With the way the procs work, I believe a strong case can be made with energy blast with the FF +recharge procs and the KB>KD procs. Knock them down and increase your recharge for the long cool down abilities.
  5. I had a Cold/sonic in live that outperformed my expectations. Very good team build and able to solo, too.
  6. Are there not macros to place sleet at the feet of your targeted enemy?
  7. I learned something today. Was it like that when Live ended in 2012?
  8. How do you get so many slots in a level 49 power. I thought you only got 3 more at level 50!
  9. How do people know what a banshee sounds like?
  10. I rolled a Dark Armor/staff tank. I usually stick to buff/debuff archetypes but something about a fuzzball with a stick appealed to me. I really like the psi resists, although the goofy knockdown hole was surprising and annoying. At the risk of hijacking this thread. I am having a hard time keeping the spawns on me. I didn't take cloak of fear, but when I taunt a foe, so many times they turn away and RUN? Do tanks slot up taunt in 25% 50% 100% of their attacks? Is there something in Dark Armor that makes them run? Do they run from Death Shroud's light damage DoT? Dark/staff seems pretty fun. I am comparing it to the TW/Willpower scrapper melee experience I recall foggily from Live days. I have a Brute on Excelsior that is Electric Melee/Shield Charge that doesn't worry a lot about taunt since I knock the foes on their butt before they get to ask questions.
  11. I love my Electric Affinity/Water Blast defender: Bathe with Toasters. I first rolled a sonic blast Elec Affinity, but the jumping in and out of Faraday cage to maximize the head count for howl and shockwave was more than I cared to bear. Water blast can be either in melee in a Faraday Cage with the melee damage dealers or you can babysit the squishies at range. I beg my blaster teammates to stay in the Faraday cage, and it helps me too, when I am looking for a teammate to blast a heal circuit off of.
  12. Ain't got no distractions, Can't hear no buzzers and bells...
  13. This change was in Live and it was intended to fix when transfusion, twilight grasp, and other slowly animating abilities performed on dead or dying targets. Today, we have a lot less transfusions fail because the target died before the animation finished.
  14. For teams if you switch to ice, your teammates won't see the -resist numbers in the targets affected. If those were the only values being compared, sonic blast would result in more team damage than ice blast.
  15. I went Poison/water blast. With defense debuff and the accompanying -resist debuffs, target aoe procs and some knockdown in the secondary, it's a lot of fun.
  16. I would plug Thermal as a non-clicky primary. It has shields like sonic and cold, and it also has a single target heal and a PbAoE heal, too. It has two big debuffs: melt armor and heat exhaustion. Melt armor comes up quicker and is a target AoE debuff.
  17. I think you will like /sonic blast better. With a primary that has more control, like dark miasma or radiation emission, dark blast secondary effects synergize well. The -res will make spawns melt faster so you will need less accuracy and defense check. Additionally, you can top off your teams health with a quick heal aoe for anything that is unresisted by the shields.
  18. I understand you are going for set bonuses. It still looks like you do not have enough endurance reduction in maneuvers, steamy mist, hurricane, tornado and lightning storm. Snow storm can easily get by with 2 slots of endurance reduction and the proc; accuracy and range are in my opinion wasted enhancements on snowstorm. Steamy mist, tornado and school of sharks are underslotted.
  19. I think in most cases a /storm corruptor is weaker than a storm/* defender. That said, I agree with much of what @Ethereal Starwrote but I would suggest some slotting in your kb powers for the force feedback -recharge proc, especially in water burst and gale. These can boost your recharge so that you cn easily have multiple storms and tornadoes at one time. For the proc alone, you gain recharge and knockdown which make gale very useful. Storm does have strong synergy with knock down if slotted. As was stated in this thread knock down is like a short hold, where the foe cannot attack you when it's on its back. Repeated knock DOWN with gale is an effective tactic with simple elegant mitigation. I always take O2 boost for the spot heal. It can bring allies back from the brink of defeat. I consider the endurance drain protection a major buff and will buff blasters controllers and other defenders for problematic groups. I am looking at you super stunners and sappers. Steamy mist could really use eight slots, but that's only a dream. It's indispensable. Snow storm is much maligned. It does cost a lot of endurance, but it really does a lot. The -recharge and -movement speed should not be poo poo'd. There is much mitigation in slows and this stacks with the effects in Freezing Rain and the knock down features. Incoming damage is mitigated before the foe even has a chance to shoot or strike again. What many posters overlook is the interrupt mitigation in snow storm. Many of the foes most annoying features are interrupted by hurricane. Embalmed zombies in hurricane are interrupted from exploding. Snow storm interrupts force/energy mages from self-destructing. Sky raider engineers cannot setup a forcefield generator in a snowstorm. Rikti communication officers cannot summon allies in a snowstorm. The list goes on. Snow storm grounds fliers: clockwork, sky raider, circle of thorns, etc. My suggestion if you are not getting enough out of snow storm, you don't have it slotted enough or you are not using it enough. Hurricane is a power I always take on stormies. It does NOT have to run all the time. You are NOT precluded from using it on teams. Good storm users know you do not blow foes out of the kill zones set up by tar patch, ally rains, static field or even your own freezing rain. Running hurricane at eye level on yourself and allies is bothersome. I choose short storm summoners and stay low to the ground. I frequently take hover, almost every time, on my storm summoners just so I can place lightning storm in the most desirable places. Even without a knockback to knock down proc, you can angle the strikes so the power does not scatter groups. Most storm users go cardiac for their incarnate alpha ability. Everything else is pretty much matter of taste. Go out and have fun with your chaos creating abilities!
  20. Bots/Traps is pretty straight forward and still very solid defensively. You get a nice mexx protection in Forcefield generator in =Traps
  21. @Aurora_Girl Was not Afterburner rolled into Fly with a toggle enable and no longer a separate power selection. You can still put fly speed enhancements in Fly. I am not sure of marginal value putting more than the single slot in Fly.
  22. What is your base accuracy and +tohit? I would think you need more accuracy slotted especially for fulcrum shift, siphon speed and transfusion. I don't mind muling procs and such in combat jumping, but its way overslotted for defense. Defense from combat jump is negligible. If you want the set bonus I would put more defense in grant invis, vengeance or stealth. I am not a fan of phase shift. If you are low on health, get in position for transfusion. You cannot buff teammates with phase shift running. If you are stealthing with stealth and the stealth proc in sprint, you will need a teleport target (for friends as well as for tp foe) to bring the team to your position reliably. I would dump combat jumping, world of confusion and mass hypnosis to pick up teleport target, teleport (or combat teleport) and fold space. You can pile up foes as you like then for bigger fulcrum shifts. You will help the team to kill spawns faster than if you rely on world of confusion and mass hypnosis for mitigation. Just my two cents worth.
  23. Necro post I know but I have a question. If putting the damage proc from the 'Slow' set Impeded swiftness in frost breath or ice storm... can that proc fire with each tick or is it on cast only?
  24. On teams, Sonic/sonic gives as good as they get, very useful. It is slower soloing when 3 lower level ability are ally focused buffs. Kin/Sonic is good on a team or solo and is a classic buffer build.
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