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  1. Simple report. Yin's enhancements are supposed to be slightly cheaper (35%) than SO's, however, if you use the upgrade button you will be charged standard SO rates instead of discounted prices.
  2. Tried out the leather (and Olympian guard) options, don't like how they make the color seam between the sleeves and the arms more obvious (since you cant put textures on sleeves). Did start experimenting with the sleeveless robe options though, may use them for an alternate costume on this character. Glad you liked it :). I think I have settled on keeping the horns. As for Dark armor, yeah it would fit the concept, but my last character already used dark armor so I wanted to try something else, and I was disappointed when I saw that there's no option for stalkers to use the cloak of darkness visual effect for their hide. Really wish they gave stalkers the option to look completely invisible for their hide, that way you can just pop in when you land your assassins strike on an enemy. Ooh I didnt think about ice! The slow aura from that and the fear effects form the presence pool for a sort of ghostly presence thing, and ill nab the Rez from the presence pool. I'm using ice! Thanks everyone!
  3. That sounds cool! I also had no idea that unrelenting was a rez, despite having it on one of my mains... Thanks for the info!
  4. 1. The outfit: I got the outfit mostly down, the only things I'm stuck on are the color of the hat, and whether to keep the horns or not. dark yellow with horns: Dark yellow without horns: Dark red with horns: Dark Red without horns: 2. secondary powerset: Making a stalker. I have settled on dual blades for my primary (obviously), but I have not settled on the secondary. I am torn between ninjutsu and willpower. Considering ninjutsu because I was going for a ninja theme, but I am also considering willpower since for backstory I was thinking of her being some sort of angry/vengeful spirt that willed itself back from the dead.
  5. It appears that the blur effect on the insect wings is broken on homecoming. Homecoming photo: Rebirth photo:
  6. For some reason, I cant view the new Sybil top if i open the costume editor on a character in game, and i can no longer see it for the rest of the session (it's a big empty space), I can only use the sybil pieces if i go to create a new character immediately upon opening the game. Trying to edit an existing character from a tailor: Trying to make a new character AFTER opening the character creator on an old character (notice the blank space): Making a new character WITHOUT logging into a existing character (only time it shows up):
  7. Some screenshots I took at the event: Dance floor! Jimmy!
  8. Crackling Umbra, Kinetic/Fire stalker.
  9. Already used that color scheme on one of my mains costumes, Daikata, Nature/Psy Defender! And here's one I made specifically for this thread, Jamie Frost, Ice/Ice or Ice/Martial Blaster (have not decided which yet.)
  10. Closed versions of the mini vest, classic steampunk, and victorian steampunk jackets on females. I wanted to use a short jacket on one of my characters, but since they use biolumenescence it looks like im showing off my tits when i use them. Give biolumenesence chest, gloves, legs, and boots the ability to use paterns. Biolumenescent Face can use em, so why not the other parts? Fix the retro jacket sleves so you cant see through your elbows anymore. The ability to use spectrum underneath shirts and robes. If possible, make spectrum a skin texture/pattern so i can use more pieces with it. Make those cybertech tattoos a pattern so i can use em without having to wear a tank top. Also make it that you can color the tats and tank seperatley. Custom eye colors. If possible, give us the option to have our wings only appear when we start flying, and dissapear when we stop flying. That would be awesome. edit: also, robotic left arms. I dont know why the og devs didnt make this in the first place.
  11. Big Al Hazard, AKA "The one man wrecking crew", was one of the most notorious hitmen of his time. He was renowned, not for his percision, class, or tact, but for his ability to send a message. Al was not the man you sent to do things quietly, he was the man you sent when you wanted a real spectacle. You know when he has finished a job, because a city block would be gone by the end of it. However, his carrer was cut short when he attempted to do some work in Paragon city. He massively underestimated the heroes there, and was majorly wounded and arrested a week after his arrival in the city. For most, this would be the end, rotting away in a jail cell for the rest of their days, but not for Al. He spent years planning his escape and his return, and now he roams the streets again. He is still nowhere near his previous peak strength, but he is slowly building himself up, preparing for the day when he can finally exact his revenge on Paragon city.
  12. Where is the ae?
  13. Even if a limit is absolutely necessary, i still want it to be a little higher. Uhh, no. Fly does benifit a little bit from speed enhancememts if you enhance afterburner at the same time. Enhancing flight speed on afterburner raises the flight speed CAP more than it increases your flight speed, so you have to enhance both powers for the most effect.
  14. We already have ED limiting how many of the same enhancement we can put in a power, so why do travel powers need to have such a low speed limit on top of that? Flight enhancements are completely useless unless you have afterburner, in which case you need to apply enhancements to BOTH powers inorder to go any faster. Speed's cap is also really easy to hit. Cant say anything about leaping since i never use it.
  15. I just wanna use spectrum under a t shirt.
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