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Posts posted by Snowdaze

  1. 29 minutes ago, Mulligan said:

    I just had to leave a zone. I was waiting for a friend to spawn Kronos, but I get attacked constantly.


    A couple days, fine.


    But this is out of hand. STOP IT.

    Next week they will be over, Tuesday the 12th of May. It'll be ok, Live servers used to do it too, it's part of the experience. Many people do enjoy them, and it provides an easier time to get associated badges. It's only for 2 weeks, the associated time is very much to accommodate the fact there are players that only may play once or twice a week.

    • Like 4
  2. 9 hours ago, Razor Cure said:

    Boost Range does NOT work on aoes.

    Hmmm, Ok, this is like a half truth, but you did make me think, since I have never used it on a PBAoE, I am tempted to take it to the test server and give it a full rundown. However, I am sensing what you are implying my be correct. By not work on aoe's you mean Boost Range does not affect "Radius". A fact that I had not considered them to be different mechanically. But now mentioned I do feel you may be right. So Boost Range wouldn't work on Soul Drain and Dark Consumption, it however would not be any less effective of a power then it is in Energy Manipulation. 

  3. 5 hours ago, Kililea said:

    I do hope this won't be just a "rich get richer" thing with the top 10-20 people with insane hardware always in the lead.  Like, once you are a top 10, you can't be part of the top 10 again so you give other people a shot  😉   I'm around 70 so not like it will make a big difference, just sayin.  The top end of the list is an exponential curve that is just untouchable like the wealth curve in the US.

    Right at the beginning I knew this was going to be a thing and if you go back and read the first couple pages of posts on the thread you will see I was vocal about this, and advocated for those not in the top ten to also be eligible for prizes. As mentioned there are 3 categories for prizes. The Top 10 Category is more incentive for those who do have high end equipment to keep going at it hard. To be in the top 10 it's not cheep, I am not looking forward to my electrical bill this month and for that reason after my second month in the top 10 I will be significantly slowing down, especially since the summer months where I live electricity costs skyrocket!

  4. As a hardcore fan of Streets of rage 1-3 on the Genesis, I've been waiting for this since i saw the announcement in October of 2018! I've beaten it on easy so far, it turned out a lot harder then I anticipated which is great! it will provide many hours of replay.

  5. 2 hours ago, littlegems said:

    i am trying to find a list of macro images. i like how people have different button images for base macros and other stuff, and i would like to learn more of them. anyone know where i can find that info? i looked on the wiki, but it either is not there or i don't know how to look for it.

    coh icon name archive:


    You are welcome! Have fun!



    • Like 2
  6. 4 hours ago, Ivopadopolis said:

    I don't get this though. Everyone I have asked about this gives me the runaround. Of all the things to keep a secret, a set of emotes/macro seems ridiculous. If I knew I would tell anyone who wants to know.

    because honestly the animations are extremely flashing and annoying, and if the information got out the the general public and everyone was running around this game would quickly become city of trolls. Now, I've seen the information posted in public places, SO you can keep asking people and someone may tell you, it wont be me, because of the reasons I stated. OR you can go scour the internet to find the information you seek. I'm sorry this may be disappointing.

  7. I was doing the First Ward arcs earlier today and this kinda thing happens, I cant say I enjoyed it. Not really what I'm looking for in an MMO. In a Tower defense, or a Beat'em Up, or well in other games maybe, not what I'm looking at in an MMO. Now if you want to do this thats fine, but if we could get the 20 ambush in the last mission of Blind Makwa's arc lowered, and there is also a stupid number of ambush's in Master Midnight's arc!


    Also I agree that is what Terra Volta is for all intents and purposes.
    Lastly... Invasion are survival missions, endless waves of enemies, problem is we are all more powerful then out current level of invasions, because Battalion never came.

  8. Last night I had a discussion about Darkness Manipulation, a conclusion was reached that as a set it could use a little love, especially since it was left behind with the Shadow Maul update.

    Lets face it, Dark Manipulation being the second least common picked set for blasters is odd, considering it a strong pick for scrappers, tanks, and brutes alike. 

    I feel with just a few minor changes it could be a more balanced pick on blasters that are willing to get into the thick of things as a blapper. It's regen/recovery being packaged with it's single target fear also just feels odd and out of place.


    My personal thoughts and suggestions:

    T1: Penumbral Grasp (change to the fear power): Traditionally I understand that the T1 of a blaster is an immobilize with a damage component. However I feel this acts as a detractor to DM as the set now for all intents has 2 of these, the first one being forced, and the second Midnights Grasp (T9) just outclassing the rest of the set on damage is basically a "must take" power for any blaster that wants a heavy hitting melee attack.

    For this reason, redundant single target immobilize, I feel that this is the prime placement for the single target fear. It falls into the control category, it's not as definitive as a hold, and any damage to the target potentially lets some damage through like and immobilize does by nature. Now naturally as a fear it wouldn't have a damage component, but there is precedent for no damage on a T1 in Temporal Manipulation.

    I don't really feel like there needs to be much change for the ranged single target fear to be placed here, but maybe a slightly faster recharge for it's lower then average fear time.


    T4: Shadow Maul (add utility, stun, open the cone a little): This is one of the elephants in the room, especially with the update to it on Dark Melee. As it stand right now it's the exact same as before the changes to the melee sets, this makes it highly unreliable and undesirable to people trying to get the most out of a character. My solution is to add some utility to it, leaving the longer recharge and animation time, so we take some some inspiration from Dark Pit (which we will get to later). Lets take the disorient component from Dark Pit, a Mag 2 stun and add it to Shadow Maul! a nearly 10 second duration seems a little extreme we are augmenting here not overpowering, so somewhere around a 7 second stun effect, and maybe open up the cone just a wee bit more to ~70 degrees, to make it actually hit more then one guy. This maintains the signature stunning ability of dark sets and provides a bit of flavor and flair to the blaster version, without changing any of the major DPS curves.


    T6: Touch of the Beyond (make Kuji-In Toh clone): Right now this just seems weird to me... it by a LARGE margin is the weakest of the Regen/Recovery buffs for blasters. It's the ONLY offensive single target power in this category, and feels very much like an underwhelming pick just to get regen and recovery on a blaster. I personally like the concept of adding in a Kuji-In Toh clone in this spot for a variety of reasons, primarily the fear and psi resist, which are also signature to Dark Armor! It's not overpowered, it's a long duration click effect so you don't have to worry about end drain of an "armor toggle", thematically it is similar but counter to Energize in Energy Manipulation which is basically the "non-dark" side of energy sets. But all in all there are other options that could be done here to provide a better balance for the set, which is open for discussion.


    T8: Dark Pit (remove and add Boost Range): I really am at a lose for words on this one. I like dark pit on defenders and controllers. But as a late game power choice that only stuns minions, requires a heavy slot investment to make it viable, and has absolutely no damage component... it's very hard to like on a blaster. By this time in the game you are generally whipping out damage AoE's left and right, and teams and some solo builds will regularly clear out minions in single volleys. I feel this presents a perfect opportunity to make another thematic link and add utility of a different variety! Suggestion: Boost Range! I choose this as it's provides a link between normal energy and negative energy, it's the EXACT placement for Boost Range in Energy Manipulation, and lastly it helps the blaster use things like Soul Drain, and Dark Consumption, powers where you have to be in the middle of things to get the most effect could be used from the edge of the fight with the same effect! As a secondary bonus, Boost Range would no longer be a unique power in a single set in the game, but it still would be limited to blasters. And I can't hide the fact I have thought about the fact that it would give a small boost to the range of the revamped Shadow Maul giving it a little more life in the later game with the ability to hit a little more. It feels natural in the set to augment other things.



    I know this has been a sizable post and I tank everyone for reading, and giving consideration to my suggestions. I would like to open the floor to other suggestions or balanced changes. But please don't just say "NO" and quote something that's not constructive, please leave reasons and opinions why somethings should or should not be.


    TL;DR: Please move on to the next tread, you clearly don't really have any positive or negative feelings toward Darkness Manipulation. Thanks for the +1 to the view count tough.

    • Like 3
  9. 23 hours ago, Crysis said:

    Saw someone emoting yesterday with something I've never seen before.  They were levitating, on their back, full on seizure with light flashing all around them, as if being electrocuted.


    What was that?

    There is a set of emotes that if joined to another emote in a macro you can use to get a handful of animations, the info is out there in the community. But I'm reserved to spread full details until the devs and/or GM's decide on if they are going to patch it out or not. Less people having access does equal less upset people if it gets "Fixed". Also due to their "overly flashy" effects less people with the info right now equals less people attempting to "troll" with the animations. Although there is also the train of thought that if more people have access the novelty will wear off and just less people will use the animations in general. Really not my call but right now you can classify those animations as a "bug," until otherwise stated or supported.

  10. so if you want a full single mash macro try this (untested but I have some macro experience):

    /macro opacks "salvage_open S_HVSuperPackSalvage$$salvage_open S_RVSuperPackSalvage$$salvage_open S_WinterPackSalvage"


    if someone wants to report back and lemme know if that work for spam opening any given pack, that would be great.

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  11. On 4/4/2020 at 10:59 AM, Obus Form said:

    Anyone have a macro to open the Heroes and Villains, Rogues, or Winter packs?


    With prices on Winter IOs dropping to 20 million, it is not profitable to even open Winter packs and convert anymore.  The tedium itself is just over the top.

    if you haven't found it yet I dug it up from elsewhere:


    (Heroes and Villains):

    /salvage_open S_HVSuperPackSalvage

    (Rogues and Vigilantes):

    /salvage_open S_RVSuperPackSalvage

    (Lords of Winter):
    /salvage_open S_WinterPackSalvage

    • Thanks 1
  12. 14 minutes ago, The Bobby Llama said:

    Goldbrickers, I think.

    I was leaning that way, but I've never really had a huge problem with them. The Boomers can hurt, but they have to hit, and the whole lot of them are notoriously inaccurate, like stormtrooper level accuracy! (I mean I'm sure this is just an effect that by the time I encounter them I've started putting on some defense already and Gold Brickers have nothing to really mitigate player defense)

  13. 8 hours ago, XaoGarrent said:


    -Nastier enemies, showing up much earlier in the game. Arachnos everywhere, in particular. Brickbusters and Slag golems hit you with a frequency and level of debuff that is rarely seen elsewhere.


    Whats a "Brickbusters"?  I've been around the block a few times and cant figure out what you meant by this one.

  14. 19 hours ago, SeraphimKensai said:

    You're right on most accounts and it makes sense as most groups don't even stop to let a /traps player set up.


    My old i0 Elec/Elec Blaster remembers combat resting, 2 people at a time in the back resting to regain endurance during a fight, while the others held the line and rotated out who needed cabs or a chance to rest.


    Mind you it was gloriously chaotic, as a stray. 

    aoe could kill you.




    back when there wasn't a formula to mob dynamic, and you could go into a mission and a group could easily be more LT's then minion or the mob could be a metric ton of minions at that 😆 maybe I'm miss remembering the old days but I do remember it was more chaotic and much harder.

  15. On 4/19/2020 at 8:04 PM, ArchVileTerror said:

    Sounds like an interesting idea.  Perhaps the longer you're in Rest mode, the biggest the Recharge bonus becomes.  Start at 5%, and climbs up to 50% after about ten seconds.  Could make for some interesting use in solo play.  Obviously not big enough to impact Team play, though, as the team will just move on.

    Numerically, does this have any clear downsides I'm not calculating?

    Thematically I love this idea, but also 50% is mehish, I think this could easily continue to climb to 200% over time, if you really want to hold up and fully catch your breath, I don't really see a problem with it. It would help out solo players with extremely long recharge powers they like to use or need before a big fight. And on teams it does little to nothing, as most teams don't stop long enough to rest unless it's right before an epic fight with some AV, even if then.

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