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Posts posted by Snowdaze

  1. 10 minutes ago, SwitchFade said:

    I'm going to leave this here, because I don't need to convince people when actual proof exists,


    SR in end game built well becomes OP.. I don't need to quote multiple posts, threads, builds and math, it's been done 1,000 times.


    All my SR toons facetank GM's, AV's and everything else, without aid-self, that's how good it is. Further, with massive debuff resist, there are few factions that have any effect. There's a reason SR is NOT on any npc, it would be stupid OP.

    Plenty of mobs and foes have 1 or 2 SR abilities, but yes giving a whole suite would be a bad day for players under many circumstances.

  2. 1 hour ago, Psyonico said:

    It's meaningless against anything but EBs and above (and even against most EBs) and when you get into the AV territory, you need 500%+ for it to be meaningful, which most powers wouldn't be able to reach, even with enhancements.

    I dont find this to be true, if anything it's meaningless on anything Boss and Below. Only in EB, AV, and GM territory do you actually notice it allowing for greater overall reduction of the foe's health. Likewise a simple poison dagger temp power has a huge impact on a GM or AV fight.

  3. Taunt specifically is a "Threat Multiplier" if an enemy is assigning the tank a low treat value because they say are under direct attack from a heavy hitting blaster and not the tank, simply taunting them wont necessarily pull them off, the tank must taunt AND attack the target to make the target view them as a larger threat!

  4. This is not a good idea. All the above mentioned effects stack, and are % based not flat value. The reason they are not enhanceable is they do not need to be. Though where I do agree -DMG MAY SEEM underwhelming, it in combination with any resistance based armor, or sonic bubbles, makes the combo extremely effective.


    Please to not add these enhancements.

    • Like 1
  5. As long as they still obey ED and fall into a reasonable enhancement schedule (IE not over powered percentages) I dont dislike the idea. I am kind of opposed to having multiple of the same effect in a single enhancement. Also this sounds like a programming nightmare, and likely falls into the "not anytime soon" category. This also seems so potentially ridiculously powerful, I feel like they would have to be found as recipe drops alone, no vendor buying.

  6. If you want a challenge go play in Ouroboros, and flick on all the options. Radios arent ment to be a challenge. Also you HAVE THE OPTION to not use full Incarnate power if you want a Challenge! Not using what has been put in the game is an option, you arent forced to be an incarnate! WHY do you feel the need to change what others have come to love and enjoy? You have options if you want a challenge.

  7. 8 minutes ago, thunderforce said:

    Levels are, yes, a game system. Not part of the lore. That's my point. Nothing to do with levels can contradict lore.


    The second part of this isn't saying more than that you personally want to steamroll stuff. Fine: with a full set of T4s and the Notoriety at -1, you can steamroll stuff whether or not you get a level shift. Other people would like a challenge; don't deny them it.

    People want their level shift, dont deny them it!

  8. 1 hour ago, thunderforce said:

    You missed the point; it's nothing to do with Giant Monsters. In lore, all enemies are "levelless". No-one has ever heard of a "level". Mobs getting a level shift has nothing to do with the lore.


    But if you can somehow pretend that "levels" are a part of lore, you might as well ask how it is that players can never exceed level 50 but mobs can. It makes no less sense than complaining about mobs getting a level shift to make them challenging.

    Levels are a game system to make the game feel natural. As you become a more powerful hero through experience and your own "SECURITY LEVEL", the enemies you fight become less effective against you, and you encounter new factions that have other tricks and more effective and then less as you once again become more powerful then them. Security level 50 is the highest the city assigns any hero. 


    Also all invasions have levelless (system wise) enemies, not JUST giant monsters which I mentioned nothing about. 


    If you factor in everything an incarnate gains, they are MUCH MUCH tougher then they appear, that is the point. If you have done any iTrials or the incarnate gated TF's, look at what the devs had to do to make them challenging. They didnt just add some HP and some damage, they literally made it so you had to follow a strategy. iTrials are designed to to challenge you! Regular content is NOT designed to challenge incarnates! THAT IS THE POINT OF BEING MORE POWERFUL! Incarnates are not weak delicate things that need help from others!

  9. 30 minutes ago, thunderforce said:

    It doesn't break the game to design around gameplay first and let the lore (where enemies don't even have "levels") adapt to fit. You might as well demand that no enemy be allowed to be over level 50 at all, because that's how it is for players.

    Now it feels like you are grasping at straws. The levelless enemies are specifically designed for world events so lowbies wont be roflstomped and can still contribute. You put them in normal content then it's never any harder or any easier, its plain white bread. As for no enemies over 50, well you are clearly just angry to make such a statement, because both you and I know thats just dumb. Now if you GO BACK AND READ my second post I said: "If anything research should be done to potentially add +5 through +7, and for the love of all things, limit the terror of it's mass wiping potential to 50+'s! And leave the current incarnate system alone!"


    Now this can't just happen over night, the enemies in the game are not designed to scale higher then 54 for most of them, which literally means they would have to modify X number of endgame factions to allow for 55-57. But I would like to state, lore wise this makes very very very very very little sense. It would be input just to satisfy your sadist needs to beat your head against a wall.


    1 hour ago, thunderforce said:

    There isn't such a need and the proposal doesn't force people to fight purples. The current system is at the expense of normal difficulty settings; in DA, if you want to make full use of the interesting bits of incarnate abilities, the Notoriety scale effectively goes from -4 to +1 rather than the normal -1 to +4. (Outside DA it goes from -2 to +3, which is less bad... but if having less level shift means a less bad thing happens, what do we conclude?)


    I think the idea of being able to add "incarnate level shifts" to enemies, posted upthread, is a good one. It makes it optional (and while I think removing level shifts altogether outside of iTrials would be a good idea, I recognise there will be enormous pushback to that). Why not just add +7 Notoriety? The "incarnate level shifts" wouldn't need enemy groups' level ranges to be revised, and in my view should not provide bonus XP and inf - it's just a challenge setting for people, not a tool for farming.

    You cant level shift the current enemies because the enemies you are fighting aren't incarnates! I now repeat my first post for effect!

    On 5/13/2020 at 1:14 AM, Snowdaze said:

    Explain to me what it means to be an incarnate then if you aren't effectively more powerful then the ordinary folk. OP suggestion could be done, but it defeats the game lore it is designed for.


    If the OP doesn't want to be level shifted then they can craft and equip a T2 power. If at that point you want to complain that you aren't getting full benefit from said incarnate power then you are missing the point of the incarnate power all together. You are either more powerful, or you are not.


    Gunna go with: leave incarnate level shifts alone. Using the extra power after 50 is a choice.

  11. 1 hour ago, Chance Jackson said:

    If they were to make it slotable they would probably have to spend a lot more time on the system which is fine but we'd also need them to give us more slots I'm not sure how easy that would be 

    it would be a separate thing only updated by missions, it would have to be "outside" of the normal leveling mechanic

    • Like 2
  12. 43 minutes ago, MTeague said:

    You are not wrong lol.  I went on a wild "pretend I had infinite time, what could we do with this?" brainstorming session.

    I still like my idea better (shocker, 🙂), but I would probably fall out of my chair if anything remotely like it were implemented.


    It's just... 

    But my favorite power is Confuse....  most people wouldn't even call that an "attack" at all.  That's why I'd rather a roll-your-own point-based system. 


    But.... like i said, I would have zero expectations to ever REALLY see that produced and useable.  I wasn't kidding on the "nobody will ever get this right on the first try, and how do you handle powers that already exist?"  Cause I could see that kind of "we have to change something about the point system, everybody has to redo their powers now" really really would piss a lot of people off. 


    And there's probably something to be said for keeping it more controlled and limited choice menu (if in fact, the devs ever chose to provide any kind of player-created-power to ANY degree... which they might not....).  25 years of gaming has shown me players will always always always ALWAYS find a way to exploit any new lever they are given in ways the developers never planned on.  And my idea would give them a bazillion levers to fiddle with 😱

    I'm not saying you cant have 100% proc effects added via enhancement thus giving you a confuse on your powerchoice, but it would probably carry a hefty setback like -dam or something too!

    • Like 1
  13. 3 hours ago, MTeague said:

    I agree that I would ~ power and help keep AT based flavors


    I read the whole thing I swear I just wasn't going to quote the thing to notify you, and then have your post hide mine...


    It's and interesting concept, but I think it's honestly a programming nightmare.


    Simply put I think for balance sake and programming ease something a little bit more simple.


    As a sitting around having fun idea here I go:

    You unlock your signature power at lvl 10 through a mission. Each 10 levels you can come back run another mission and level up the power. Each level up gives it one more slot.

    At lvl 50 you have your power how you pick it as a melee or ranged or what it looks like I haven't really worked that out, but to keep it simple it's a base clone of any power from any powerset, lets not be discriminating, but lets keep it as an attack. We can give all signature powers an enhanced bloom effect or something to make them recognizable. 


    What makes this a signature power?

    1: You picked it! It is your favorite power! But it's literally called Charactername Signature (allows for variable naming that allows uniqueness, and doesnt worry about people trying to name it themself...)

    2: It's on a longer recharge (minute? minute and a half, 2?), not affected by any recharge enhancements, lets face it we really don't want it off balancing the normal games attack chains, it's made for flair and effect! Think of it as a none incarnate judgment kind of thing....

    3: it's more accurate then normal, what fun is a signature wiff?

    4: It's also not effected by Enhancement diversification or diminishing returns! Now I do this because even though it can become an over powered attack, it's outside of the attack chain, thus balance! Also this is what makes it having only 5 total slots, not "the worst thing ever". (or start it with 2 slots if that can be a thing, i dont really care)

    5: Completely new and unique set of enhancements for it, each level range could offer a small variety of enhancements that you can only pick one from for your power. Thus as you level up and the power evolves it becomes different then other peoples, some of these enhancements will over lap in effect allowing the power to take advantage of the ability to bypass ED.


    the above rules allow for the devs to "work within the system" much more then making a bunch of stuff from scratch.

    • Like 2
  14. 5 minutes ago, Joshex said:

    thanks for the offer of 1 bil inf but I want to earn it myself by playing. I just didn't realize I could just buy a few of the crud ones to make up for getting a crud one and sell more than one to shop lol. anyways someone else beat me to it in my hesitation and shame.


    Glad I could help you expand your horizons. And thank you for being big enough to realize it. Too many people put up endless forum fights just because they can't admit they don' want to see things from the other viewpoint.

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