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Posts posted by Snowdaze

  1. So what about Smoke Flash? So if you make all stalker placate primaries aoe, then why would anyone take Smoke flash? It becomes a "dead" power, and I use the term "dead" like a "dead language" it's still there a few people will use it but ultimately it's pointless and it's not used for any practical purpose.

  2. 1 minute ago, Chrome said:

    it sounds to me like you actually want an AOE, auto hit, you can't touch me button, that also rehides you...if that existed...it should replace whatever armor set's t-9 is currently available similar to hide replacing one of the normal armors.

    I was more demonstrating the 'cost of balance' for making it AoE.

  3. 7 minutes ago, MTeague said:

    I understand where you're coming from. I'm not sure I arrive at the same conclusion, but I can see the argument. 


    Really, it was the "poor form" phraseology that struck me more than anything else.  I was more like "Dude this is their home and we are all of us their guests, how can it possibly be poor form for them to speak their mind?"

    I understand "poor form" can mean a wide range of things. But the Homecoming Team are definitely trying to be as professional as possible, and for that I am extremely grateful they do the game and the community tremendous credit.


    So as much as we would like opinions or word about a suggestion from up on high, the homecoming team will most likely continue keeping a silent watchful eye on the suggestion box for good ideas that everyone likes, or at least no one hates, that could be implemented reasonably into the game without shifting the balance of the game or making the card house of code crumble.

    • Like 1
  4. 8 minutes ago, MTeague said:

    I must have missed the etiquette manual that you're reading from. 

    I certainly would take no offense, and not consider it to be anything but HELPFUL for a dev to say "Codewise, that's a nightmare, I wouldn't get your hopes up, at least not at this time." or to say "Something like that is probably possible... do not take this as a promise it will get done... but in priniciple, if something like this worked its way to the top of the queue, it could happen.".


    Hell, I wouldn't even mind if the devs said "you know what?  We could totally do that. It would take two seconds. But we're opposed to the idea, so it won't happen. Ever."  I mean, I might be disappointed, but at least there would be Word From On High, and that would be that. 


    I also would not be offended if the devs chose NOT to post anything... if they prefer just lurk and skim posts, hey cool.

    But "poor form"?  Sorry. I can't get behind that. 

    Think about it this way, soon as they start posting things like that then people are going to cry and complain when they arent answered. It's really a slippery slope. It's one thing if they want to make an announcement/update/future plans post, or hold and AMA event, or something. But when they start commenting on individual posts in the suggestion box, well like I said it's a slippery slope.

  5. 11 hours ago, Monos King said:

    Really hoping to hear on if either the Outlevel removal or Installation of all missions or arcs into Ouro is plausible. I have strong preference for the first option for aforementioned reasons but either would solve the main issue.

    It's poor form for devs to post in the suggestion box. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Chrome said:

    there is an AOE Placate in Ninjitsu, it by no means comes close to any of the Armor T9 let alone MoG The AoE placate has to hit on everything around you otherwise you still have things beating on you...when you hit MoG nothing touches you, for the entire duration....although since it can miss then to me that means its also useless(my opinion).


    but AOE placate exists, and its not god mode...so at least that is one fear proven irrational

    Smoke Flash vs Placate, lets compare: it is a lvl 20 power that has 2X the recharge, 4/5th the duration, -1 mag, requires an accuracy check, caps at 10 targets, AND AND AND DOES NOT RE-HIDE YOU! 

    Sounds to me like you are giving up a LOT for it to be AoE...

  7. 3 hours ago, Uun said:

    None of the epic power pools available to defenders or corruptors hero side include a defense-based armor. I'm aware that you can change alignment and do a patron arc to get scorpion shield and then change back, but blasters, controllers, dominators and masterminds don't have to go this route. All have access to frozen armor, and controllers also have access to rock armor. Would it be too much to ask that an ice/cold and/or earth/stone themed epic be cobbled together for defenders and corruptors? How about this:


    Chilblain Stone Prison
    Hibernate Fissure
    Frozen Armor Rock Armor
    Greater Ice Sword Seismic Smash
    Freezing Touch Earth's Embrace


    I don't necessarily agree with your power choices and order, but I find your base request of def based epics that dont require you to go red side, a reasonable one.

    • Like 6
  8. 2 minutes ago, Replacement said:

    While we are in disagreement, I appreciate your approach, here.  Looking at the end-goal of what an aoe placate means, and how that compares to other abilities.


    Your fear then, is that setting this to aoe essentially makes you invincible for the duration, since you cannot hit what you cannot target.


    My counterpoint, then, would be a low target cap.  For example, we could start with a target cap of 4 and only creep upwards if it feels warranted.  This would, afterall, end up on a Beta server first. 

    This is also why I like my chaining suggestion earlier, which has an associated cost (Assassin's Focus opportunity cost) as well as a target limit instead of just "this whole raid's worth of mobs."

    I still feel unless it cancels all affected upon you attacking one, it is still a very measured increase in power, as you will be able to continue attack with out fear of reprisal from other enemies.

  9. I will say, I am open to the idea of dropping the prerequisites for the concealment pool for stalkers alone, if at all possible. It wouldn't be beyond the realm of theme for them since they already have incredibly similar powers to the pool, given the stipulation they take the placate from their primary.


    In short I would be ok with Hide and placate counting toward the 2 power requirement for the concealment pool.

  10. 2 minutes ago, MTeague said:

    I've having REAL trouble seeing how you can view that statement as true.  


    MoG lets you soak all kinds of incoming damage for it's admittedly short duration. Attacks already chained will basically bounce of you.  You can keep attacking, and KEEP MoG's protection for the duration of the power.  A PBAE placate is basically a glorified "You're Asleep but only to me".  If you damage them, they can attack you immediately after, and will, if you don't one-shot them.


    A PBAE placeate would most likely either be used as a Phase Shift "get me the hell out of here!" when you bit off more than you can chew, but too bad for you if there's alreayd incoming firepower, it's GOING to hit you anyway, or, you could use a PBAE placate to pacify a squads of minions around a boss while you knife that boss down. 


    I'm seeing MoG as leaps-and-bounds-more-valuable than iether of those two options.

    No you do have valid points and to you MoG is more powerful thats fine, I did say it's ARGUABLY more powerful. Consider level, flat out a power that would stop a group cold (to you) for 20 seconds?! There is a reason controllers and dominators have powers like that! They are notably more fragile and in return have powerful control aspects. 


    With a pbaoe placate, In essence with a ton of patience, you 'could' in effect go from level 12 to level 50 with never being taking a point of damage, you might as well just farm the character up to 50 and put it on a shelf at that point.

  11. 14 minutes ago, Replacement said:

    You are saying leave it as it is but your arguments are supporting evidence for an improvement.

    • I don't use it.
    • It's more work than it's worth (AS>Hide>AS)
    • It takes forever.

    Just because a power is Utility, doesn't mean it should be bad at utility.

    It's not bad at utility, it does exactly what it was designed for. If you really want it to be AoE, then to maintain balance you are going to have to increase recharge and reduce duration. I'd much rather have the current longer single target effect that I can use more often.


    Too frequently people just want something to do more, and they need to consider the full reach of what they want, because more often then not what they want is much more powerful then they think. The suggested change to Placate "level 12 power" (simply making it aoe) would for all intents and purposes would make it arguably MORE powerful then the current Moment of Glory "level 38 power" (I still want old MoG back but we arent talking about that here).

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Bill Z Bubba said:


    Funny how the boards work. I started a badmouth blasters thread under archetypes and came away from it with a much more solid build for my fire/time blaster. 🙂

    I'm very much normally a mirror. If someone comes looking for help I'll help them. If they come looking to put things and people down, then I'll take them down a peg.

  13. 3 hours ago, Galaxy Brain said:

    So, the AT who thematically should be the best at placating enemies needs to use a pool power?

    Hmmm, well arguably they already ARE the best at placating enemies, they already get a placate in their primary. If you want extra placate functionality then having to go deep into a pool? Sure, you have the option, sacrifices can be made. I honestly hardly ever use placate, and my stalker is a Dual Blades so I even get more functionality from placate then most as it's part of the empower combo, still doesn't mean I normally use it. It's there I can, but it's rarely needed, and frankly it's more work then it's worth to AS, placate, Hide, AS; it takes FOREVER! Placate is very much a utility tool not an armor.

  14. 7 hours ago, Bionic_Flea said:


    OH SNAP!


    I'm sorry, it just seemed in poor taste to come onto the Dom boards and start badmouthing the AT. One has to anticipate shots fired if they want to be an antagonist. But it is true, they are a hard AT to play if you aren't fulling paying attention.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
  15. 20 hours ago, ZeeHero said:

    I'm not interested in earth/earth doms in the least and never will be, nor do I like earth control.


    All I want is for the other dom sets to not be awful to play.


    Doms get less HP than blasters they die when looked at, and they really kind of suck until incarnate level if not using the build the OP is.

    Back when I was inexperienced I also thought dom's were awful. They are not for inexperienced players. I'm sorry you are incapable of playing them well enough to have fun.

    • Thanks 2
  16. 3 hours ago, krj12 said:

    They both appear to work as a PBAE defensive shield for my team mates - HOWEVER, it does nothing for myself, which begs the question - why?

    Also originally all of these were single application not target based AoE, which meant back in the day at the beginning of every mission and half way through everything stopped so they could be reapplied one by one to each player on the team and it took a while, Please just be grateful you don't still have to do that!

  17. For the same reason Force Field's Deflection Shield and Insulation Shield, Sonic Resonance's Sonic Barrier and Sonic Haven, and Thermal Radiation's Thermal Shield and Plasma Shield cant be applied to ones self. They are ally buffs. If you could apply any of these to yourself hitting caps becomes easy, also they all stack from different sources! It was a design choice, a good one, and a tried and true game mechanic.


    Also these powers have basically FULL armor values, and are given to classes that by design don't have armors. Being able to apply them to yourself would make these 4 sets much more powerful on Defenders, Corruptors, Controllers, and Masterminds, and frankly there would be a lot less diversity in the game because they would be the sets to play.


    Please don't change the status quo for these sets, they are working as intended, even though it might not be the way you wish they worked.

  18. The AS, Placate, hide, AS tactic is the stalkers of yesteryear. The Issue 22 stalker buff made them a much more able fighter. Placate still reapplies hide, you then get full defense bonus. At that point you should be continuing to fight, not waiting for AS to recharge. I don't see a problem with placate on stalkers. If you make it AoE you are basically giving them a free moment of invincibility! An AoE placate is a very very powerful thing, that is why there is a cost of taking extra powers to get it or paying for it in Inf.


    I feel this is an unnecessary change, what you are asking for already exists, you just have to decide if you want to pay the cost for it, it should not be free.

  19. 6 hours ago, Redlynne said:

    And here I thought this thread was going to be about how NPC pathing can't figure out STAIRS in the Praetorian Lab maps.

    NPC pathing can't figure out how to climb or descend stairs without getting caught and hung up on ... well ... nothing ...

    4 minutes the other day for 3 npc's to follow me down one set of stairs!

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