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Posts posted by Snowdaze

  1. 3 minutes ago, Joshex said:

    higher than people are willing to pay because people offer it too much lower. stupidly lower. thats the point here, and yes then people sellign for the legitimate fair price get a WW inventory piling up with stuff that wont sell. it's cheap enough at 10k! sheesh! you want to go lower? I'd forgive a n00b for that because they honestly might not have known. But this is far too common to be n00bs. and the fact it's being defended means there is some invested interest in the way it's currently operating.


    the recipes WOULD sell just as fast if everyone listed for shop price or higher, but because someone keep putting things up for lower that shop price on purpose things at the shop price wont sell!


    there doesn't need to be a cap or a ceiling, there's needs to be a floor! it's just mean to stock the market up with oranges listed below the shop price, people using them to make that little bit more to afford thier next toon suffer because now it takes 3 times as long! this is the negative effect!


    just a few weeks ago all rares were selling for 15 to 20 k now it's 3k below the shop price! it's obscene! I was counting on the 15 to 20k! I sell everythign else I can get my hands on too, through blood sweat and tears as they say!  now oranges are worthless? WTH?!! why are you doing this to us? (I assume it's not just me that noticed and is effected by this, and from in game chat I've heard others say they have noticed it too, they said it's just a trend and when people stop supplying at that rate it'll go back up, but here you are defending that rate!)



    Once again you have completely missed the very first thing I posted! "Wentworths and the Blackmarket are not, an auction, they are specifically designed to maximize the use of supply and demand as a Consignment system." If something doesn't sell for at least what a vendor will pay, it is currently valued as worthless, and you are certainly welcome to sell it at a vendor. There is no need to force a floor on to WW. If you were counting on 15-20k then buy them up when they are cheaper then the vendor and resell them there! Pretty sure if you asked in a widescale chat for a mill inf, SOMEONE is probably going to give it to you. I really dont know anyone in game that is soooo hard up for 15-20K!

  2. I do like the concept of characters getting a signature power, however this concept seems very code/developer intensive, and until the future of the game is resolved with NCsoft, I feel the Homecoming team will not have time to entertain such an idea. Once the future of the game is more concrete that would be a good time to come back with this idea.

    • Like 3
  3. 2 hours ago, Joshex said:

    alternatively it could be the same as the crafted normal IOs. I just thought that was too low as a minimum. maybe somewhere in between, good call though! I had assumed it's be the price of an enhancement converter (1 merit), at around 80k a merit so 100 merits (purple recipe) would be 8mil. maybe I mis-remembered.


    yeah it's a hypothetical situation and unlikely. but there's this thing called a market gap. The rarity of items and recipes was designed to be as smooth a transition as possible, with no large gaps:
    EX: 250 common, 1000 uncommon, 10000 rare, for things like salvage and sets. IOs are a different story and I honestly don't know why they decided to do that but they did.

    a market gap would be any place in the market where for sake of illustration the price of a previous tier is far below the price of the next tier:

    EX: 250 common, 300 common, 500000 rare. here we see a market gap between uncommon and rare. it will make players who for some reason need to bridge that gap, find it much harder than it should be.

    here the problem was cause by high price rather than low, but the same thing can happen with low prices because they can add to an already large market gap.


    it's economics. it's the same tool certain business people/politicians use to make it harder for people to follow them. Close off the quick profits by selectively devaluing the market you used to get up to your current state while keeping the luxuries at the top expensive or even raising the price.


    in example, purples go for about 15 mil on average, sometimes lower some times higher, there may be a number of ways to get that by doing TFs and farming for high sale stuff and converting and playing the market. But not everyone has the same amount of time or ability to do so many TFs, some have limited time to farm if at all, and if everyone converts and plays the market, then no one will because people will stop buying for the played price or there will be a price gouging competition which inflates the market.


    But only certain oranges sell for millions, def sets, pvp sets and procs namely. not one of those? theres useful orange sets. the market seems to tolerate those for a few hundred thousand or 10s of thousands. but the others should default to their shop price of 10k. at 10k (the store price) the market gap is 14,990,000, this is already hard enough to bridge, but it's accepted as fair. lowering the orange to 3000 then increases the gap to 14,997,000. it only seems a little more, but when you consider this is not a one time comparison but an average earning potential comparison, 3000 * 100 is 300k, where 10k * 100 is 1 mil.


    so the effects of devaluing the market can be seen. it makes it tougher to amass funds from general drops. this means players have to consciously work for it and sell the things deemed of high value ONLY. it makes selling these other recipes useless except for badges  and as conversion material which results in less people selling them on the market at all.


    the fact then, is people use them for conversion material. and they want to keep that conversion price down so they can resell it and make a profit, if it were 6000 inf more expensive thier profit would be less. that is the real fighting words here it's a case of "I want to play the market, rather than play the game"


    when I go to WW to dump what I don't need, I should at least be able to comfortably assume that the price people will bid is at least a little more than I would get from a vendor if they really want it. if there's 0 bidders I just dump it in shops anyways. but when there are bidders and they just don;t want to pay up and there are people fueling them at such low prices, that's just a disrespect to other players who still need inf..


    market gaps. it's not a nice thing to increase.


    by devaluing rare recipes you are in effect making players sell more of them to get the same benefit they could get selling less and with less time. not everyone wants to spend the time crafting and converting, we'd rather dump and get back to playing, but when we go to dump and you wont even pay as good as the store? it just makes people aggrivated, you can cheat yourself out of inf if you want but don't cheat me out of mine!!

    I like how you have either not read anything that I have posted, or just completely disregard due to the fact it does not fit your vision. WW is a great equalizer in the game. No one is stopping you for putting up worthless recipes or items at vendor prices which are higher then people are willing to pay. No system or cap needs to be implemented.

  4. 48 minutes ago, OdinTGE said:

    I'm aware the team is small and voluntary. They put up a forum for suggestions, so I made one. I would like to remind everybody that even in a niche community/game like CoH is at this point there is still a disconnect between people who frequent the forums and the bulk of players. It seems clear that the people posting here have the mindset that anything pre-50 simply doesn't exist; everything must be in the context of level shifted 50s with fully tweaked builds. That is not the entire game, and for very many people, isn't the game at all.

    This is entirely why I suggested the Ouro/trial "buffed enemies" challenge setting, possibly be looked at extending to normal content through the Notoriety system. Many of these suggestion threads are either vague in intention or code modifying intensive, situations where people who have been around a long time are going to be automatically defensive. And people need to look at ways to "tweak" the current game with their suggestions instead of outright adding a whole new system. Approach is the number one way to effect change.

    • Like 1
  5. 29 minutes ago, Zeraphia said:

    That is true, but the rate at which salvage drops is higher than all of those, by a significant margin. I would not say "you can go much longer" you actually go about the same if not less. In specific, "not collecting white salvage doesn't change the rate at which one gets other salvage" is very misleading. The white salvage can BLOCK the other salvage by filling up your inventory so quickly. 


    You also use inspirations during battle (so you have higher turnovers), you don't use salvage during battle. 


    Recipes drop significantly less than salvage does.

    While yes, salvage is more common then recipes, I can still run a 5 arc farm with my farmer and not fill up my salvage. I think sell/craft/store everything, and repeat.
    It just takes soooo much time to fill salvage up, that you have ample opportunity to clean out.

  6. While I'm not disagreeing, I think this is done more as visual feedback so you or your team can easily keep track of what buff is on. If you are going to make this claim it should extend to all buffs, and to that effect I think there would be a decline in reapplication of buffs if this were the case. Also I'm not sure if the dev team really has anyone that is working on "how powers look".

  7. 8 minutes ago, Apparition said:



    Yes, but so does BAF farming and Lord knows that there is a ton of that.  There is always at least one BAF farm running on Excelsior, if not two.  But that is for salvage, not Incarnate threads.  Even then, you still have to do something specifically for the Incarnate salvage, unlike veteran levels.

    I really havent noticed BAF farms on Everlasting, Even so I think a BAF takes longer then the first DA arc. Ultimately I dont really see a problem. People are running content and receive something for it, this is good. And still there are people with high vet level who aren't incarnates because they either dont want to be, dont know how to be, or havent gotten around to be. Being an Incarnate is very much a choice, and as long as it's a choice, I fail to see a problem.

    • Like 2

    7 minutes ago, Zeraphia said:

    You made a terrible argument about how it will affect the market (it won't), you tried to say it doesn't affect people (for their time in the game), when it does. Again, inspirations and recipes already have this option, honestly less problematic than how much salvage stacks up in comparison. 


    You possibly make significantly more money in the process by rejecting white salvage, which will lead you to possibly gaining more orange salvage (via the inventory not being full). If you just leave the inventory full, or are in a mission when it is, you are very possibly missing out on actually good salvage because your inventory is choking from the tedious amounts of salvage it has. *(Hence why it SHOULD be reject-able)


    It is not just laziness that drives this, and honestly even if so... who wants to go /ah after just about every mission to avoid salvage filling up? I certainly don't. I mentioned before just how easily the time accumulates to sell this stuff through the AH, I wouldn't call people "lazy" for not wanting to sell it to be quite honest. What takes you, someone who is practiced at keyboard clicking/typing 30 seconds to do, may take another individual much longer, be very aware of that and do not assume and apply your situation to everyone. Even taking your estimates, I have demonstrated the amount of time and tedium that selling the salvage presents itself. 

    I'm gunna field this one. Salvage capacity is much higher then INSP or Recipe capacity. So you can go much longer. I really just regularly clean up after myself though and don't normally have a problem. Also not collecting white salvage doesn't change the rate at which one gets other salvage. Though I very much find this a "is the juice worth the squeeze" issue. It really depends on if it's a feasible code to implement. I wont call you lazy...but... isn't that what most QoL issues boil down to? A group of people find something more work then they are willing to put in?

    • Like 1
  9. this suggestion also destroys the ability for lowbies to buy things off the market and vendor for inf, which removes items from the world and it's good. if you put a minimum list price the same as the vendor, then the amount of product on the market will go up and the price wont change because it will be the same as the vendor (cost/demand economics). with the price able to drop below vendor price it controls the amount of items in the world.

  10. 11 minutes ago, MTeague said:

    Hm. Well I've spent less time in Dark Astoria.  They only had males in the classic Steel Canyon, etc zones

    yes and no, Tsoo in Steel, IP, Talos are all male, and in DA there are both genders. However in Graham Easton's story arc in Steel there is some if not at least one female Tsoo.

    • Like 1
  11. Where part of me agrees with the OP part of my also disagrees. I agree missing is no fun, however it doesn't take much enhancing to mitigate this. I disagree partly on the enemies should have more health as in the fact we are superheroes, we go into a room an clean house as such. But in the form of asking for a difficulty modifier from the notoriety settings I find this an acceptable ask. A place to start looking on this would be how ouroboros sets it's "buffed enemies" challenge setting. If this is a feasible implementation I dunno, but since you arent asking to change the 'core' gameplay, it might be worth investigating.

    • Like 1
  12. 10 hours ago, Apparition said:

    Honestly, I am now convinced that veteran levels were a mistake.  It worked for Resurgence due to the very small player base, but they do much more harm than good on a server the size of Homecoming.  Veteran levels allow people to obtain Incarnate abilities too quickly and too easily, leading to a bunch of whining on the forums and Discord that “the game is too easy.”


    IMO, it would have been better for the health of the game for veteran levels to be removed, but it is too late for that.

    yes and no, While I agree at current they are too easy, they also are not the easiest way to incarnate out. Speed running the first DA arc allows you to get salvage much quicker then you can with the current vet level system.

    • Like 1
  13. I understand frustrations of the current system. Most things can be mailed between characters if you use your global name. That being said I am not opposed to the investigation into having a global storage system per account, however this seems like it would take a significant amount of time, coding, and probably another DB server running, and all of those things cost real world money. Thus where the game stands now, and I feel that this is outside of where the current dev's priorities should be.

  14. So, Wentworths and the Blackmarket are not, an auction, they are specifically designed to maximize the use of supply and demand as a Consignment system. If someone wants to throw something up for sale at 1 and just grab the current highest outstanding bid, then more power to them, but there is a risk involved. WW and the BM already take a fee for using, they are designed to take INF out of the game. And your 4th argument if I remember right is completely invalidated as I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) your selling fee is variable based on listing fee and final selling price. WW and the BM should take in the end 10%(?) of the profit every time regardless.


    I feel the current system is sufficient. There is more then enough INF to go around, and learning when and where to sell things is something that you either learn or don't. That is on the player not the game.


    • Like 1
  15. Can someone explain to me what the need to only run content that is purple con is? I understand the want for a challenge, but that shouldn't be at the expense of normal difficulty settings or current game design. There is no need to "force" a harder time on people. I enjoy a challenge as much as the next person, I however do not enjoy multiple team wipes when I'm on a lvl 25 team that the leader insists on running at +4! That's just a terrible idea and slows progress for those that want to advance. 

    If anything research should be done to potentially add +5 through +7, and for the love of all things, limit the terror of it's mass wiping potential to 50+'s! And leave the current incarnate system alone!

    • Thanks 1
  16. Explain to me what it means to be an incarnate then if you aren't effectively more powerful then the ordinary folk. OP suggestion could be done, but it defeats the game lore it is designed for.


    If the OP doesn't want to be level shifted then they can craft and equip a T2 power. If at that point you want to complain that you aren't getting full benefit from said incarnate power then you are missing the point of the incarnate power all together. You are either more powerful, or you are not.


    Gunna go with: leave incarnate level shifts alone. Using the extra power after 50 is a choice.

    • Like 4
  17. I mean when you really look at it, since all stalkers get it at lvl 1, and it is effectively the exact same power in every set.... It already is inherent!


    The best part you aren't getting something worthless as a T1 secondary forced on you, infact it is arguably the most useful T1 secondary there is. And since you cant choose what power comes first in a secondary I would much rather have it be something fantastic like hide!


    Can someone explain to me what the OP's issue is? Stalker's situation seems ideal compared to countless others, why are they complaining? I tried to re-read the OP's post, but it failed to make any sense to me this time since I've had time to think about how perfect the stalker's situation is.

  18. Nice chart, pretty much confirms things I already assumed, buy the outlier cases are actually interesting. But lets not forget even in the outlier cases Panacea has the +endurance component as well so total value, it's pretty much best in slot for health. If you had to pick just one.

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