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Posts posted by Snowdaze

  1. On 1/26/2020 at 9:49 PM, calcooper4 said:

    I still plan to go back and do it solo for the "Knows No Fear" badge DR_Mechano mentioned! I did get the Incarnate Rival and Buddy Cop badges. 

    You don't have to do it solo, you just have to tell the NPC's that you don't want help. You can bring a team or a friend. And unless you are 50+3 I do suggest you bring a friend, those missions aren't exactly trivial.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 3 hours ago, Outrider_01 said:

    Challenge accepted! *runs off to make eleventybillion costumes with all characters and use minimal graphics*


    But really, I pretty much use the default costume and maybe a second on a few.  4 was good back in the day, now its way to much.

    Heresy, we need more costume slots! Don't you ever change your clothes? I heard if you don't switch your costume around enough you get a "stink lines" aura!

  3. 9 hours ago, Monos King said:

    Ah, I see you went with the crying emoji. You have quite the advanced palette sir! We see precious few of those in the trashcan. Why if you scavenge hard enough, you might find some common sense as well. Or maybe some actual worth.


    Assuming people that are making suggestions for improvement of quality of life are just incompetent. Alright. Hey, why don't you address anything anyone has said? About how it harms no one, or that simply because it exists for a while doesnt make it good. Maybe that XP lock doesn't help if you're already past the level, and now want to do missions on a character you've superficially outgrown. I know plenty that do, you're saying F those losers right? Everytime, you state the change is unnecessary because XP Disable exists, we explain in detail why it would be helpful and harmless, how that doesn't actually address all of the issues that are had and barely even addresses one, and then you say it's unnecessary because XP Disable exists. Oh, but now thats followed by "maybe your dumb".  No you silly fool, it's just stupid to rely on that, see the last few pages. It's been pretty funny, but it's cramping the thread now, and you don't appear to be joking. That's been your only argument without evidence, so how about it. If you have something to say you should be able to explain. Why should we be content with XP lock? You think it works? Cool. Various people disagree. We think it's an archaic solution to a heckling matter. If all you've got to say is "it works" all you deserve is "it doesn't". 


    You and Switch, very curiously, spin the same tired statement every time. It's not even an argument. This won't work, and XP lock is good enough. You're not one of the developers. None of you can speak to their interests, so don't speak for them. You're also not the community representative, and even they don't get to decide what is "good enough" and "acceptable a solution". Get over yourself. Did you seriously tell anyone to go look at the code and come back with a solution? I'm cackling, I'm genuinely convinced you're a mockery. What do you think the forums are for? Scrutinizing the code, making a server, and returning here? Come back and comment that on every thread on the forum, I'll be mourning your absence. 


    Until you have something to contribute, I'm definitely not replying to ya though mate. I'm trying to get a few things noticed, can't be spending time in a circle. Oh but if you want to work your magic and bash on my newest MM threads, that'd be fantastic. Apparently the controversy really helps their traction. Thanks best budy.

    I won't mock you Monos. You've been here (a CoH player) for a while, you are more eloquent then most with words, and you show a level of higher thinking. I won't comment on all your MM posts aside from they seem very researched, but honestly the length of them turned me off from reading them. I'm glad you find me amusing if nothing else. And while I agree with this that both side of this have approached the point of circular argument, I feel that I did point out that "Ouro should be expanded" somewhere in one of my posts. What this really comes down to is many of the "changes" that have been made to the game are very much just database changes. Expanding Ouro most likely falls into that category. Effectively changing how a contacts work likely is not, which in an effort to change could have wide spread effects on the game code and introduce all manor of bugs. This is the nature of programming. 

    Because other options currently exist to accomplish the intended goal of completing Contact's content, many of which have been outlined in this thread, this is a prime example of "Is the juice worth the squeeze?" And although there is apparently an extremely vocal minority (and I choose this word only because in the 15 years of time that I have played CoH, this is the first time I have ever seen this suggestion, and I've seen all manor, and even make some now and again) that wish this change to happen, I ask you as much of a QoL this seems, Why are there all these other options to accomplish the same goal? May it be because what you are suggesting is impractical?

    Now I posted in this thread because I felt there needed to be a "con" to the proposed "pro." Now I strive to keep at least a certain level of civility, professionalism, and decorum in my posts, but the amount of hostility I have received was very much unwarranted, and although I may have crossed my personal line for etiquette I did my best not to direct any hostility back at anyone who did not deserve any in turn. 

    I really don't see a need to keep repeating myself over and over that this is an unnecessary suggestion. So this will be my last time. Feel free to continue blindly changing after this effort to turn lead into gold, but I'm prone to believe you will not see this change.

    I would like to take this last line to commend @Emperor Cole for staying on topic more then anyone else. And apologize for the implied tone of the "disable xp" picture, but the phrase "agree to disagree" never got anyone anywhere, and it's basically akin to "sticking ones fingers in their ears and singing 'I'm not listening'."

    • Thanks 1
  4. 20 hours ago, Parko said:

    I'm sitting in the exact same spot as the picture with six spawns marching in place. My heal shows  +857 for all that it hits, but my total in the badges window isn't moving at all. What's wrong?

    You may have the wrong incarnate power, you have to use either the T3 or T4 Core Rebirth branch.

  5. 38 minutes ago, SurfD said:

    Sort of.

    4/5ths of the reason Ouro exists is because the way the devs designed contacts made it really easy to completely miss entire story chains or important missions.   There are a fair number of 1 off missions from contacts that reward badges, some of which are required for important Accolades, and the only way to get them once you outlevel their contact starter is through Ouro.


    Outside of the intro to Incarnate stuff as well as a small amount of "personal" story attached to it, Ouro basically exists almost entirely as a means to access content you were artificially gated out of by the mechanic of outleveling contacts.

    False, most of those badge missions from contacts are given BEFORE they give you a story arc! And the few others are in story arcs.  Also Ouro isn't the ONLY way to get the badge if you outlevel a contact, you could try to organically find someone who can take the mission from the contact and join their team. But apparently you are incapable of seeing anything outside of your narrow view of what you think SHOULD be.

    You really just cant stand that things aren't your way, and they they are TOO HARD for you to figure out. 😭

  6. I love how the game has a mechanic that was designed the better part of 2 decades ago, and has since given players every way under the sun to work within the system, but yet it's frankly still "not good enough" because it's simply "not ideal". The code is on the Ouro Wiki, go find it, figure out a sure fire way to do this, then come back. I will be more receptive to the concept if you are providing an actual solution rather then trying to get others to do it for you. I would much rather time and effort be spent elsewhere, like on smoothing over powersets that need love, or designing new missions.

    I've done pretty much every arc over the years (I honestly still haven't got around to the entirety "Who will Die?" and "Pandora's Box"), and even have a character that set out to "do all the arcs in every range, organically," so I do understand the "want" for this. But it's most likely an impractical request.


    Also the very FIRST experience curve in the game easily let you finish all the content in a level range and then left you to "figure the rest out." It took me over 6 months of 40 hour a week play to get to my first lvl 50. The last ten level at that time were brutal, you would drain all the contacts, have no "radio missions" because they didn't exist at the time. And you would be stuck either doing TF's or hoping on someone else's AV arc or even a Freak-farm. Only to walk away with a few bubs a night, and that was from hard grinding. We didn't have incarnate powers to mow things down, or IO sets to help us with those bonus'. 

    So what I call the "original leveling curve" I should clarify as being the "intended leveling curve." As the original was changed to be more friendly and not force everyone to do everything, or do the same thing over and over.


    With all the advances in the game, this small thing that you think you are asking for is likely NOT a small thing. It probably very much breaks things. That's why I can not overstate that trying to work "within the system" is likely simply put the best course of action. But a small handful of people would rather throw caution to the wind, because it's simply "Not good enough." 


    I'm done trying to suggest alternatives, continue your musings. But it's really very unlikely to happen, this request of yours. However if on by some chance it does, be prepared for people to raise hell and complain the other way against the change. You may at that time give me a hard "told you so" that it's possible. I can take being wrong, and I can take criticism. I however do not think that you are justified in calling my argument "bullshit" as I have presented a sound case against the proposed idea, even though you may not agree with my comments. Many of us have come up with many fresh ideas but that does not automatically make then all justified and right.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Monos King said:

    Right, but that's an extreme inconvenience and it would be far funner if you didn't have to carefully plan just to enjoy storylines. Just because the means exist doesn't make them ideal or even good. Thats why we suggest qol ideas. Investing time? Definitely, that's a sacrifice inherent to them because you have to complete missions and unlock the contacts. But to find an imposed obstacle to that embedded within the act of doing the missions themselves is pretty silly. But again, if adding every mission to ouro turns out to just be a vastly better option, despite what that would do for contact progression, I'd be content.

    Please don't give me that, I have never had an issue navigating the flow of contacts, it's even much easier now then it used to be, with the "find a contact" and safeguard/mayhem missions. I have never had an issue except in the very very low low ranges from out-leveling content or multiple contacts. Don't use the xp buff from the P2W vendor, don't run on +2/x5 (example), experience the original leveling curve and there is plenty of time to get all the things you want to do in. And frankly running any content with more then 2 people you are probably going to pick up extra xp too.

    There are a ton of options currently available to everyone. And yet it's still not good enough, and frankly you all just don't want to be told "NO". 
    This suggestion is STILL an unnecessary suggestion. <insert having cake and eating it too idiom>

  8. 1 minute ago, Emperor Cole said:

    You can finish a mini-arc, but once you're outside of the range, the contact is gone and you can't complete the arc.

    That is the original reason why Ouro was put in. I hear you, and I understand what you are saying. But it is a problem of your own making. It is entirely possible to do every mission from almost every contact (I think there might be mutually exclusive contacts in Praetoria) on a single character, if one is inclined to use the tools they currently have.

    Plus ultimately almost all of us make more then one character, it's really just an opportunity for you to do something different on a new character.


    I still think this is an unnecessary Suggestion.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Monos King said:

    That's been discussed earlier in the thread, the ouro stuff. Particularly on avoiding assumptions of what would be easier being the main argument, and just looking at what would be ideal. Pretty much, what to actually do is dev domain anyway, so let's brainstorm just see what would be most beneficial for the matter. 


    The gap between "all of them" and what we have now, pretty big for ouro. And frankly, it just isn't the same as someone else had noted. It would be way easier for players to just not out-level contacts, while not nullifying the value of contact progression like adding every arc to ouro would. 

    I feel that this would not be the "easier" choice. The way Ouro logically works is to exemp you and reactive a contact for you. Now It would be very "easy" to expand on this system, once the part of the code for it is identified and analysed. To the Point that they could add an Ouro category and just activate the WHOLE contact for you, and not just the single story arc. Modifying how the normal conacts work would probably be much more difficult, as there is way more things to "change".


    New function is easy, Changing old function is hard. 

  10. I think honestly, Ouro was the original attempt and being the remedy to the problem you want to solve. And I am willing to admit that Ouro doesn't have every arc. It does have most of them. The easiest thing from a programming stand point would to be expand Ouro to contain things that it is missing. 


    And to the OP Emperor Cole, according to the details of your original post, you "abandoned one"... you could have left it active and finished the arc.


    The rest is buried under 10 tons of "I want to play the game this way" vs "That doesn't thematically fit the game." Which often boils down to "I've been playing this long" vs "I've been playing this much longer."

  11. 1 hour ago, CodeJunkie said:

    Which is still the same people.  There is no way anyone currently folding that is below them will surpass them without spinning up more hardware.  We're all basically locked in to where we are at.


    EDIT:  For example, to get into the 10th position you would currently have to earn more than 30 million points in one month...I'm only getting ~10 million a month and that won't change and I just got bumped out of the top 30.  I've been folding since this started.


    EDIT 2: A different means of determining rank needs to used.  Even just dividing points by WUs reduces the gaps.  It actually shuffles the positions around quite a bit.

    Hey CodeJunkie, I understand it's frustrating that top 10 is out of your hardware's capability. This is exactly why I asked on March 22 before the first round of "winners" was decided, for them to ADD random winners from the rest of the folders. You are focused on the prize, not the goal! I can stop folding right now, so could any of us in the top 10 and give up these spots, but we are also the ones that carry the weight of the team. We are the ones that spend lots of money running our computers at full power all month long, pay to cool our houses from all the heat we generate, and give up our time playing games because it takes twice as long to finish a WU if we are playing.


    Now Let me reiterate. This is about fighting a virus! Now if you would like to donate more of your time and money into folding proteins, I'm sure the community will aptly reward you.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Outrider_01 said:

    Medicine and Presence are not exactly a useful option outside theme and you only really need 1 travel power really.

    Says who? Medicine and Presence do great things and fill holes! And I have builds that have Super Speed, Super Jump, AND Fly on them! If anything you should get all basic travel powers inherent so you can choose which one(s) to use and not be tied to their Pools!

  13. 2 hours ago, Solvernia said:

    Literally everybody uses this power (except for a few people who refuse to out of spite/protest) because they're pretty much obligated to in order to be viable or compete with other players who do have it. This means not only one less power that everyone could be taking but also one less power pool everyone can choose from. Kind of a steep price for something so ubiquitous.


    The last time something like this happened, it was with the Fitness power pool, and they eventually reworked that entire pool to be automatically granted to all players.


    There's no reason to not make Hasten an inherent power. No need to change anything else about it, just automatically give it to everyone at level 2 and keep everything else as is.

    Please show me Hasten on my character, this is my main, also ask anyone who has teamed with me, I more often then not outclass them! I do NOT need hasten to make myself "viable or compete" with other players.

    The biggest difference that you are completely missing is that Health and Stamina were AUTO POWERS! Hasten is a "turbo" button, it's a pain in the butt to try and make perma, and if you do manage it on MOST builds a perma hasten means you had to take a hit somewhere else. Speed/recharge is great, but it simply is not the end all be all of character building.


    Lastly a lot of people take hasten and don't run it all the time! The worst offenders are the people who take hasten and can't support the end cost of using their powers more frequently and aren't prepared for the 15 point end drop at the end of the hasten cycle. So I can say too many (not "literally everybody") don't know how to manage or use hasten!


    • Like 2
  14. 15 minutes ago, Luminara said:


    When you live with a constant fear of failure which makes penalties of that nature hover over you like the persistent memory of that day when you walked into work still wearing your chicken feet bedroom slippers without realizing it, haunting you like derisive laughter, sly glances and barely hushed whispering behind your back, a source of humiliation and self-loathing which gnaws at you for the rest of your life and leaves you with an ashen, bitter feeling that drives you to burn...



    You are trying too hard... no rep for you!

  15. I had no problem lazily saving up 3000 Merits over the year, and I dropped 1500 on those badges like a sick Dubstep track! Now to all of you who are complaining... I could have got all the badges last year when the game relaunched if I had known you could buy them! I am a hardcore badge hunter, and thats really where it's at! Badge hunting is grindy! There is the fact! Deal with it! And if you arent a badge hunter then you really shouldn't care enough to complain. And if you are too cheep to put in the the work that OTHER PLAYERS already have, well then thats on you.


    I do however support an effort to have Luna sell the badges year round. So there won't be as much pressure on the people that are currently complaining, that wont ever buy them at their current price tag, just because they are cheep.

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