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Everything posted by BronzeKnight

  1. Exploration Badges Now grant 1 bar of Patrol XP (instead of a scaling amount of XP based on your level Please no, don't do this. I and other people I've met in game use the XP from badges to get that last bit of XP to level up sometimes. and Giving XP can be an incentive to collect badges for some people.
  2. Wow, never thought I’d see this happen… Thankyou Homecoming Team!
  3. Aww I missed it.
  4. Can we also get Nemesis rifle 2 from the assault rifle weapons for beam rifle? It's got no magazine it could totally be a beam rifle.
  5. Ah fair enough. My personal observation has been that there are plenty of L50s doing the WST but all good either way. Thankyou for the response!
  6. Why not the other way around? Sounds silly but give 2 Aether to non 50's so they can sell it and 1 to 50's if they really want it. This gets more low lvl characters in the WSF and playing the game rather than the hoard of op L50s. You can always mail them to yourself anyhow if you need them on a particular character.
  7. This sounds good. I'd want to test it for a bit see how it plays though. Were you thinking it still be interruptible or faster casting?
  8. Speaking of stuff already in game that needs to be proliferated can the Nemesis rifles from the Assault rifle sets be an option for Beam rifle? At least Nemesis Rifle 2 it has no magazine could absolutely be a beam rifle.
  9. As always when this topic comes up to fix the KB in energy blast it has hardliners on both sides. Many feel that the KB and scattering of mobs around the map is not fun and needlessly makes missions longer and removes mobs from other players AOE powers. Other players like the KB and ragdoll effects and use it to tank or soft control mobs. Usually what this comes down to is very simple. If you remove the KB outright players are mad that their powerset changed to make others happy. If you add anything that makes KB to KD then you get players that demand you use it or don't play Power Blast in their team. Now I have yet to see that kind of sentiment on HC but I know its out there. The issue I see with the OP's idea is that if aim was changed to that (aside from the DPS loss) then you would basically have to use it with Nova, every time. and then you'll get people that complain if you forget to use it with Nova or if it was on cool down. I'd rather see Power Push changed to what the OP proposes but even that is unnecessary. (tho power push could use something, so could the snipe tbh) On HC with the player base it has Power Blast only needs 2 KB to KD IO's at most. Explosive Blast and Nova. They are the only problematic powers, and they are only problematic because you want to use one then the other but nova will send them flying. So you either put a KB to KD IO in Explosive Blast and use it first then Nova or you put it in Nova and then use Explosive blast. Most teams in 50+ content will have the mob groups dead by the time you have cast both of those powers. everything below 50 is also fine because there are so many ways to lvl up your character you can avoid those that KB is problematic in. and with SBB always aviable now getting a KB to KD IO early is easy.
  10. I like the idea of more trip mines per cast. For both solo farming and team play that seems to be the best way to modify the power. If this was done the only thing that would change is that you couldn't do what i call "toe bomb" where you stack a bunch of trip mines on top one one another. But that is just a work around for Detonator being a bad power. Looking at the MM version of traps in particular Detonator should be your nuke, trip mine should provide you more utility. As things are now Detonator seems to exist just to be skipped, I know there are a few die hard fans of it but that's true for every power. Personally I like the idea of a minefield power for MM traps. It implies a level of prior planning for the character (I.E, they already had mines laid out and are just activating them) which seems very "on brand" for MMs. It would make the power more useful in teams and make it more distinct from Detonator. But the above is all major changes. On a smaller scale I would like to see the interrupt time removed from every version of Trip Mine and improvements made to it triggering (or rather not triggering) when mobs are standing on top of it.
  11. Why not? It seems to happen quite often in a lot of in game stories. Fair, I just meant as a first step towards the idea a simple "reskin" of the character would be easiest but I don't know how the game is set up and if such a swap would be easy or not.
  12. I always thought the way to do this was via things in game already. E.G. for Mercs you can pick from Malta, Nemesis, longbow, Arachnos, PPD, RIP; any number of other groups. And they don't have to use those groups weapons, it would be nice but even just the character model swap would be good. For bots you again have options like clockwork, new clockwork, malta bots, Nemesis bots... Basically any enemy group with minion LT, boss that remotely fits a given theme could be setup as a power customization you pick just like bright/dark color ways.
  13. Doubt any one remembers me @KnightofBronze. I use to run ITrials and chat in raido freedom a lot. So glad this game is back!
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