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Owl Girl

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About Owl Girl

  • Birthday 01/01/1875

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  1. i for one wouldn't be upset if travel powers weren't suppressed in combat tho the stat boosts from, say, stealth or evasive maneuvers might be a bit powerful.
  2. even being able to slot move speed enhancements would be really nice. i love this set, but i'd like the cell to more reliably follow my mobile play style
  3. local and global f-list have different functions. g-Friends are your droogs. l-Friends are actually for your rivals because it's one way and they don't have to grant permission. basically, You know when i am trying to add You to global but You have no idea if i am tracking your movement with local. this is a good thing!
  4. talk to a trainer and create an alternate build for RP, then only select theme powers and avoid any that might have annoying effects.
  5. well, then their suggestions will get shot down for obvious reasons and they will feel like they are getting picked on, when in reality they are just ignorant and naive 😛
  6. so that is your first problem! You are a Stranger in a Strange land and You need to learn what's up before You will be likely to come up with popular or actionable suggestions ❤️
  7. tbh it's laughably easy to justify this kind of change with any powerset. the real issue with broad suggestions to changing powers like this is that people have been using these powers and refining their tactics for like, twenty years. if You are a newer player then You may want to consider adopting the practices of the locals before attempting to suggest alterations to the game in ways that would have sweeping changes to the way people engage mobs. You can absolutely disregard arguments about theme or flavour tho: other people's lack of flexibility or imagination holds zero merit in discussions like this imo.
  8. imo the only way to do justice to a power armour set would be to lean in heavily towards a tech theme, which is great for that specific power but bad for overall design philosophy.
  9. jousting is the strat for working around awkward animation rooting imo. stay mobile, stay behind cover in between shots, stay alive ❤️
  10. well, You did explicitly say that people should direct their frustration at unpaid volunteers and strongly implied that they deserve the blame for players mad at themselves for failing to utilize the resources placed for this exact problem... B.E.T.E.E prolly is intended to also apply to our treatment of the people running this whole show, yes??
  11. i have a different philosophy regarding dev responsibilities. it's the duty of players to use resources available to them and develop positive cultures. the devs shouldn't waste time finding ways to make annoying parts of character set up easier unless it pleases them to do so. they should instead spend their time on labours of love like The Labyrinth and new power sets, since they are unpaid volunteers and the players are just opinionated freeloaders. iirc this server used to be invite only. since its now open to all sorts of loathsome and vile characters (like me <3), i am happy to do my part to promote a harmonious community by visiting Null so i don't get annoyed at a MM Who just wants their mercs to stay out of melee. if i forget? well... i'm not so important as to impose myself over a mistake i really am fully accountable for.
  12. Elastic Melee should have some kinda gimmick where multiple successful attacks immobilize targets.
  13. ngl Pain Affinity has a nice ring to it...
  14. in relative terms, gravity is an extremely weak interaction but it is very persistent. think about it: You defy gravity every time You stand up! I myself can easily pull You about with much, much more force than the gravitational pull of the earth, which isn't even strong enough to hold down a single flea (bionic or otherwise).
  15. social media is not icky!! it's an effective method of influencing society. do You have any idea how many political actors have sock accounts on twitter that You can easily find and engage with?? what kinda person turns their back on an opportunity to whisper in the ears of power?!
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