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Everything posted by Zeraphia

  1. This is honestly so badly cherry-picked and warped that it's kind of funny. Slotting a power like this isn't feasible. Especially multiple powers like this. Recharge time on blast times has a relationship with procs where the more proc'd out a power of those sets are, the less value you'll get out of it. That's why on a typical blast power, you'll only see 2 procs. You want to diversity (have 2 procs on longer recharge blast powers) with a mix of a 5 set-bonus that also grants something valuable like +10% recharge, which this setup is not giving you. Also, you included a purple one-time unique IO proc IO in this, along with another purple one-time IO with the Apoc +dmg. Yes, very rare enhancement sets that are for the end game and can only be used once in your character build should do impressive things. Why are we using that as an example for "every power of this build." A more realistic example is more like: Apoc 5-piece + Sudden Acceleration -> Apoc 5-piece + Explosive Strikes. Which is currently the meta and how most people are slotting Seismic Blast blasters (Apoc 5 piece + Explosive Strikes.) This whole fear-mongering about how "op" EB would be if it was KD instead is just laughable. You already have Seismic Blast available, which has almost entirely identical numerical properties to EB in the animation times, damage numbers, and DPAs.
  2. IMO, that would be acceptable. Taking away proc opportunities and forcing 6 slots onto almost every damaging power is too high of a cost overall to a build. Giving up one set bonuses would be a lot less opportunity and a lot more DPS gained. I'd support the suggestion as an alternative.
  3. Characters I moved to Torchbearer (basically my form of deleted): Energy/Fire Blaster... no synergy. Just don't roll it. It's not playable. You just KB everything away constantly. Fire/Kin Controller... I know this isn't the "worst" combination ever, but I must say... it's just well, dated compared to what it was on Live. Didn't care for it. Fire/Fire Dominator... This is a surprising one, but I just thought it was overall a bit "meh." Good damage, but mediocre utility overall at least for my taste. Archery/TA... Oh I know this is another fan-favorite. I despised it. It hit like a wet noodle and the AoE was just... so mediocre compared to what I thought it would be. All AR/ blasters I've ever made. Enuff said. SS/ Brutes... Some aren't bad gameplay-wise but honestly just roll anything SS on a Tank especially post-Tanker changes. Fire/Fire Stalker... Just don't do it. Fiery Aura on a Stalker sucks hard balls. Empathy/Energy Defender... I don't know why I bothered with making EB work especially after blaster fiasco, but this definitely wasn't the one to try it again with. Empathy sucked to me. I know that some people love Empathy to death and defend it, I'm not here to advocate for changes to it, just in my opinion Nature is just what Empathy wanted to be but never was. Night Widow... It's just a worse version to me of Claws Stalker. Fortunata is way better to me. Bane Spider... Oh god no. Just no. I think out of all the VEATs/HEATs this might be the most bottom-tier one I've ever dealt with. The NW version is a lot better and I still prefer Claws Stalker. Dark Control/Storm Summoning Controller... Just too chaotic. This is a pylon noob trapper classic. The damage just gets too spread and the actual damage to enemies once the damage is spread is mediocre. Creatively what are some of the worst possible AT sets I can come up with? AR/TA Blaster Mind/Sonic Controller Sonic/AR Defender Kinetic Melee/Dark Armor Scrapper Willpower/Kinetic Melee Tanker AR/Dark Armor Sentinel KM/WP Brute Savage Melee/Fiery Aura Stalker Ninjas/TA MM Ice Control/Savage Dominator Archery or AR/Sonic Corruptor
  4. My imagination of it would be that since AE is not an event, the LFG would not be able to list it as such. Therefore, not used to find farms.
  5. I'd love to see a more robust team up LFG system. A system that actually gathers up people formally and transports you to events that are in progress and about to fill. The current implementation of that system is just a shell of what it honestly could've been. I login and try to see if there's a fun teaming event forming and all I see are "hitter looking for farm" in LFG and it just makes me not want to play. I'd really love a system for LFG where you open it and it's like "forming events" and looks like this for an example: Event Leader Players Level Required Special Notes Imperius Task Force PlayerNameX 7 35+ 4* Master (level 50+1 needed)
  6. This argument is a bit hmm... pretentious? Sorry, but if one is playing in a way that is obviously such a problem that someone else has to tell them "please turn that off it's preventing the group from doing x, y, z," why is it honestly seen as a bad thing for that player to have to actually do something beneficial for a group via not doing something disruptive? It's honestly a bit immature to expect people to cater to their wants and desires in fear of the "assholes taking over" and "not letting me have fun with my character when grouped with other people who don't want my character!" Simply put, if one wants to play these combinations so badly, why don't they just play by themselves if they refuse to actually be willing to accomplish goals and complete objectives in an efficient manner, or simply make another character that is also fun (CoH has endless AT combinations, after all)? Sorry, that argument never passed the smell test to me. I actually grant you, this section is true, but... it's honestly missing quite a lot of established context. Like the fact that similar sets and powers already do exist and are not significant overperformers and thus there's no expectation realistically that any of these sets would suffer or gain too greatly to overthrow the current meta by any means. Thunderspy also well quite frankly did this and it seems to be an overall net positive. Personally, not the biggest fan of Thunderspy but it's worth noting. There are workarounds for this issue, perhaps as the band-aid solution was to just give a bunch of the Sudden Acceleration KB->KD IO which neuters your character's endurance/damage/recovery/accuracy/etc. to make some powers function and not rampantly out of control chaotic... why doesn't the opposite persist? Why not make an IO that turns KD->KB if one so badly desires to pick and choose which powers they want to stay KB? Or other various methods to retain the desired KB effect through the KD toggle, or better yet... just understand that when choosing KD one may experience some performance loss and gain in some areas the same way they would with KB, or choosing any set in general? Also, we already have a similar KD powerset in the form of Seismic Blast, which comparing DPA/powers, is literally identical except one does KB and the other does KD. I don't see this "serious rebalancing" that the post is discussing needing. There's still many more scenarios where that's just too inconvenient on a consistent basis to actually work in practice. Way too often are mobs just gathered in a location that does not have easily adjacent walls, flying is already demonstrably slower than just running, you probably are not going to keep up with many groups to properly KB in that way very often, especially 50 and above content. What you said is true but it's pretty clear KB is not in the same general scope as other secondary effects in that its effect is far more controversial and less desirable, and also has lots of potential to grief other players. Golden rule on the Suggestions and Feedbacks forum is not to start the "developers just don't bother wasting your time with this other poster's suggestion." Let the developers decide for themselves. If it's a pretty clear hot topic and has been mentioned several times with pretty stern emotions on both sides, it's probably a topic worth addressing. This one is just a bit odd given what was said in #1. The advocacy for "don't let the assholes take over and let me play my way" and disallowing options for players to play the set in a way that is objectively better numerically without gimping their character to the point that their performance is so far down the drain that arguably one of the worst sets in the game typically will out-perform it. Maybe let people play how they want to play and understand their pros and cons going either way with KB or KD? The option would theoretically be there to play it however you choose, and if you cannot handle what other people think then I don't know what to tell you. Look, I got your arguments at one point in time and accepted them on another board. That was before Seismic Blast came out and decided to be the literal equivalent of what EB would be if it was just KB->KD without having to spend 8 KB->KD's to get there.
  7. This is why I have never said KB->KD isn't a sincere advantage. I've always argued on the opposite, that KB is actually just that disadvantageous, that it puts the set far behind others, and if one were to numerically look at the real time tests that would be the conclusion drawn, especially when once considered adding in Fire Manipulation as a secondary into that equation. One can argue that Fire Manipulation is just an outlier, which is a fair argument, but even with a set such as Electric Manipulation which would boost the set in many ways, still does not pair well with KB. As insane as this may be to some, I actually found that DPS-wise, even though initially it may not appear so, Energy Blast was so bad it was comparable or worse than Assault Rifle. Though people disagreed with that conclusion, and the reason was always because of the knockback stipulation on all of its powers.
  8. I think the argument you have is flawed only in the sense that immobilizing targets doesn't cause as much disruption and outright trolling nor is it available as opportunistically to go wrong as KB is. That's why people do not advocate for immobilizes to be "fixed" or view it as a minor problem that only happens occasionally. These effects either aim to reduce enemy movement or stop it entirely, fear is rather annoying but is considerably better to deal with when used improperly and well, frankly, a lot rarer and easier to manage than your entire powerset consisting of only fear secondary effects.
  9. I think you and I actually agree more on some points than maybe some of the other posters here, I just disagree on the conclusion of what to do. In my view, Energy Blast is sincerely that bad when you look at it objectively in a numbers perspective and even an anecdotal gameplay perspective. And yes, the reason for this being so is also in my view, too directly linked to it being tied to knockback. The reason is simply just a multitude of things including horrible synergy with the arguably "best" secondary powerset for blasters (Fire Manipulation) and even poor synergies with other sets that would've boosted ST and AoE performances of the set but can't because you're constantly KBing enemies out of your melee/aoe range, along with not great proc opportunities by being limited by kb->kd to solve the problem, which forces you almost into this "pray Nova oneshots or I'm SOL" perspective, along with typically being only able to sustain DPS via ranged attacks which hurts DPS heavily. Compare this to Radiation Blast who is essentially a complete copy but with a desirable proc opportunist in -def and the difference is night and day better but still not overpowered, just a lot better. Simply put, if you allowed the "freebie" kb->kd it honestly does solve the problems the set has. It allows for synergy between the melee ST attacks, allows people to group better, makes AoEing much easier, substantially boosts clear speed, boosts ST dps substantially, allows you to be even with Radiation Blast in terms of raw DPS excluding the -res proc, and makes it a balanced and worthwhile option even if outclassed slightly by some sets.
  10. I have to ask... so what? Even if he is asking for the benefit of it, Energy Blast isn't in a great place relative to other blast sets to begin with. This is especially true because of its KB "benefit" taxing the set's potential. Even if the suggestion was implemented and a free no energy KB->KD toggle was given out, Energy Blast still would not be a T1 blast set relatively. It would still be behind or even with Radiation Blast, lagging strongly behind Fire Blast, still behind Water Blast, etc. at their respective categories. I understand a reasonable degree of skepticism is warranted regarding powercreep, but I don't think this is a place where its truly merited.
  11. Both are true. Because of the lack of aggro control you cannot get mobs group up for AoEs (this is why almost every single speed running build for those record TF's is a fire/fire blaster with Fold Space as the #1 priority power pool pick.) This game passively rewards you in time progression for properly grouping mobs. This is highly reflective through objective measurement of speed clearing. It's simply going to take a significantly longer time to clear a scattered mob than a gathered one. This time then gets added up for almost every mob with someone on your team with substantial KB potential. People will say "oh just blast the other enemies" which is true, but these are the differences between efficiently clearing mobs and taking 20 minutes on a TF vs 30 minutes.
  12. OP, I hear you and I've said the same things about knockback relatively and its actual effectiveness vs mobs. There are a lot of very rude posters on here who will berate you and make outlandish statements just for stating you'd like something changed (and outright just optional) about a secondary effect which is highly controversial and not like other secondary effects in the sense that it is not objectively better for the player using it to have the effect attached to its powers. Honestly, I have to say it, I stridently disagree with what other posters commented earlier about "not being bothered by knockback." Yeah, that might be them and their experience. Those experiences cannot be stated for everyone else. Max slotting knockback IO's into knockback-based powers and taking FF to repel and make bosses/enemies/rikti pylons (hostaging MSRs) is a popular "trolling" strategy. I'm not claiming it's super common but I've had to deal with one of those on at least 10 or so different occasions. I'm not even going to go into all of the objectively bad uses I've had teammates use on knockbacks that have even caused an entire ITF to have to be restarted over the minions being stuck in walls. Yes, I do support a level one option that allows Energy Blast/FF/Gravity/other powersets notorious for their KB/trolling potential to be given the option to turn those effects to KD. I'll get several thumbs down for that opinion but I do not care.
  13. I'd honestly just appreciate having the option to at least transfer some of the incarnate mats I've earned on some of my fully fleshed out vet 200+ toons onto my brand new level 50 ones. Although some will disagree, I don't think the grind to get T3+ incarnates is that fun anymore, after the 50th time. I've already completed this content before and earned the rewards, I just can't transfer it which is the dilemma.
  14. Title. Basically, my situation is that influence for me essentially means nothing anymore. I can buy P2W whenever I want, I have way too many merits and too much influence to even use on my characters anymore, and none of the "influence sinks" feel useful to me. I'd like an option that reduces the amount of influence you earn from mobs, in exchange for getting more inspirations to feel better in combat.
  15. I was thinking about how improvements to the game could be made, and realizing the problem for why the game cannot receive large/significant updates is really the scale of the team HC is working with and how small their development division likely is. I've seen numerous posts of people who are willing to work with the game's designated game language, and would like the opportunity to actually create functioning work pieces or at least give a strong template for the devs to actually work with and get some work done. They could potentially upload such projects and VFX files onto a site for technical audit and general discretion for general use.
  16. The basic amount of damage you do starts at 100% as a baseline. So if you have 400% damage added, you're at 500%.
  17. First of all before I type this: no, not every set should be meta. Not every set is meant to be the absolute best of the best, and I'm also not advocating for the set to become a "meta set." However, I will go over details on why it isn't and why people do have problems with it. - As @nihilii mentions, the ST potential of this set is... one of the worst in the game, probably honestly in the bottom 3 of any set except pure defense or most control sets. There's a couple of reasons for this, as the poster mentions, the animation times are extremely slow compared to most blast sets. But this is further amplified by the fact that most of the damage is in lethal damage. Lethal damage is the most resisted damage type in the entire game, and especially found with early-level mobs. So, the set starts off in a bad spot, does being 50 and procing it out help it later? It does, but the value it adds is limited when the set is already at such bad animation time values and the fact lethal resistances don't tend to drop off that hard against mob groups doesn't help either. - Honestly, the ST of the set could be the natural "drawback" of the set in such the way of Spines if these AoE's (and I believe this is the way they were designed) kind of broken. Water Blast kind of "stole" this from AR, being a sort of "prettier" sister trading ST for incredible and almost incomparable AoE. AR's AoEs are extremely clunky. The Flamethrower ability is just too slow to activate all the immense damage it could potentially do and too easy to walk out of for most mobs. You can use this ability on "choke points" but that has only limited availability and application. Making it an "iffy" power that's supposed to define the set and be one of the strongest ones but ends up usually leaving you in disappointment. FA was also supposed to be extremely good as at the time there were not crashless nukes, however those times are long gone, sets are vastly improved and this set was designed well before they figured it out with Water Blast. So you have a situation where, do you want to make massive QoL improvements to the set and make it really good numerically, but a different set almost entirely with a major facelift even if it feels amazing and has the same gun and risk making segments of the AR fanbase angry. or do you keep these same clunky powers to appease the current AR users who like it the way it is? To that, I don't know the answer.
  18. So from what I gather, people do not like the direction of buffing their secondary component, the lackluster resistances and the caps unattainability, but would rather focus on bringing it in line with other damage dealers. Scrappers are supposed to be in the discussion of this equation. For every Tanker combination you can do, a Scrapper will out-DPS the exact same combination. Once you compare Brutes to Scrappers, you start to see more why they fell out of the general content meta. Brutes are given essentially Scrapper base defense levels, a much lower starting damage (even though it does ramp up to usually out-dps most Scrappers pre-50/incarnates), resistances caps they usually can't attain without heavily sacrificing their damage potential which is supposed to separate them from Tankers, although with the Tanker buffs, a lot of Tankers tend to out-damage them. If people want to go the damage route, I'd recommend improving the Brute base damage modifier slightly therefore you can get a higher max damage potential and a higher baseline for their damages. If Scrappers are supposed to be a 10/10 on damage, Tankers an 8/10, and Brutes a 9/10, then they should get enough base damage to not tread toes on Tanker damage (Brutes being firmly ahead), while also getting enough resistances and base stats to be distinctly different from Scrappers. People seem to just think of their Fiery Aura fire farm brutes and use those as general rule sticks when I don't believe those comparisons are applicable for this kind of thread. Fiery Aura easily caps Fire Resistance to 90% even on Brutes. For the vast majority of Armor sets, most do not get you close to the cap on their damage resistances. Therefore, they fall woefully behind the damage-buffed Tankers in that aspect who have a much easier time obtaining their resistances and don't have to sacrifice much in their builds at all to attain high levels of damage. Currently, they are only slightly tankier than Scrappers for most combinations, but do far less damage than them especially post-50. They also are significantly less tanky and out-damaged by Tanks.
  19. I'm honestly in the camp that in my opinion, Brutes' damage levels are fine/okay. What stops me from ever making a Brute is just simply the defense numbers on their secondary pool are just not there to justify ever making them over a Scrapper. Yes, I could give up several proc opportunities (and tons of damage/endurance management) to actually get them to the 90% cap, but the 90% cap is essentially useless if I can never actually reach it regardless. When I make Tankers, they just innately have enough Res for me to always merit making them because getting to their caps is just substantially easier. So I come back to the conclusion of: Why make a Brute when I can barely ever meet their Res cap, and if I'm not going to, why not just make a Scrapper and do more damage? I think the true answer to solving this lies far more in actually giving Brutes a substantial boost to their secondary pools and survivability, in my opinion it's just too whittled down numerically to ever merit choosing them over Tank/Scrapper/Stalker. EDIT: just a personal opinion, I don't really feel like making Brutes do more damage is a cure-all solution. Brutes, to me, should be an AT that functions well for casual gaming that is not reliant on teammates, and shines in solo mission play or an alternative Tank AT. With that said, for most AT combinations Brutes just barely edge out Tanks on some timed instances. Right now, there are several combinations of Tankers that just straight up out-class (just higher stats and easier build opportunities) Brutes in both damage and survivability, particularly among the Super Strength variety. Brutes are entirely out-classed in high-level play where people know what to do with inspirations and pop tons of reds/have kinetics on the team. They just don't have the resistance there to make use of their 90% cap is essentially the sum of all I wrote and it severely hurts their build paths once compared to Scrapper who can just build less, and Tanker who just gets substantially more for free.
  20. This is probably the worst suggestion I've seen in awhile.
  21. For me I could never fully devote myself entirely to just one character as I feel a lot of the sets gameplay-wise are just simply too fun to pass up on. However, I did decide on a "main" that I go to. That turned out to be my fire/fire blaster. Although I'm sure someone will accuse me of being a "meta slave" I genuinely did NOT make this character because I wanted a meta character, I just wanted to try out the gameplay as a "meme" of sorts in that I'd turn out to die a lot. I ended up loving the character so much I got every badge on her (at least all that were available ~2 years ago) and still use her to this day. The unique character creations I could do with Fire/Fire ranged from heroic angel, to demonic hellspawn, to just average everyday Karen with an angry face. I loved the versatility, gameplay, theme, and idea of Fire/Fire enough to permanently main her. I never once regretted it. I understand it's a popular choice, but I fully understand the commitment many have to this character combination.
  22. That's why you need both. I'd recommend increasing both the movement speed cap AND allowing for a specific power pool choice to boost the movement of henchmen.
  23. Right, but the jumping usually only happens IF they are forced into elevation of any particular space, it's not automatic that they travel with it. I'm looking for ANY way to increase the pets movement speed, NOT a recharge to their powers. I'm not searching for a strict combat buff in terms of damage, recharge rates, endurance, etc. I'm looking for ANY kind of solution to help the pets *actually* move faster to an objective besides speed boost from Kinetics. I do not care if this is an addition to the inherent with a new "super speed pet mode," a new APP that grants this ability, a new power pool, I'm literally asking for even crumbs of it at this point. They are slow as molasses. Right now as it stands the closest thing to this is Group Fly. I'm asking for anything that could grant a similar effect but for movement speed instead of Flight, because I personally dislike Flight powers (no offense to anybody that likes them) and for some characters it just outright makes no sense thematically for their minions to fly...
  24. My single biggest gripe with masterminds, and while I acknowledge a huge section of this community will disagree with this, is that the minions are just simply too slow in a lot of content. It's not their survivability, their damage, their crowd control, etc. that make me feel the AT is lackluster, I'd just very much appreciate some form of "speed up" for the mastermind pets outside of taking Kinetics' speed boost buff. It does not have to include any of the +end +recovery secondary effects, I just want some way to speed them up. I'd take them being in a secondary power pool, purchasable refillable temporary power, epic pool buff power, etc. literally any way to have this accessible to the AT. It doesn't matter how good in combat they are if they cannot even make it to most fights and do significant damage in a lot of teams and are constantly stuck lagging behind.
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