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Everything posted by Zeraphia

  1. I understand the rework so that procs don't go absolutely crazy in the power multiple times over, however I must say 25s->45s is an absolutely insane nerf. Yes, these changes are nice, but I think there's a huge segment of the community that would honestly rather just have burn patched with its normal recharge values than have these QoL features in exchange for a massive CD increase.
  2. Then this inherent change is not a nerf like most originally suggested, and is a considerable buff. Great work, it retains the feel of what many people wanted from the inherent, whilst also tackling on the aspects about the inherent people disliked (the possibility to miss, being tied to a power you may not want as a T1/T2, only usable on 1 enemy.)
  3. I'll be honest, I am a bit shocked that the developers considered this in their game review. I figured this would get all the "power creep" flags in the world if it were proposed in a suggestions forum, but... I am glad it is here. I truly believe that granting some specific AT combos access to that T8/T9 where at the level 20's an aoe could be well, needed, is an excellent way (with the limitation they can't slot it too well immediately) to allow them to feel more playable before hitting level 32 or 38. It's a huge improvement to the game overall and I'm glad the community seems largely accepting of the change.
  4. For reference, did the previous Vulnerability (opportunity) work against +0/+4 groups the same way?
  5. I honestly am for this change, however I still believe in most builds the AoE hold will end up being a skip or simply a set mule. To be quite truthful, I think it might be time to add special effects to enemies that are under the effects of Held status to make getting Hold powers more attractive rather than solely the powers themselves. There are an infinite number of ways to approach the above scenario. One may suggest "enemies under effects of Held status take bonus independent multiplier damage" to "enemies suffering under held status take additional debuff effects" blah blah blah, but someone on here will have an issue with whatever the approach to this is.
  6. I was ready to say that I don't believe EA is a set that would work for Tankers very well therefore isn't ported. However, I looked at the Brutes page and realized that Brutes have access to this defensive set. Therefore, I cannot come to another conclusion than EA should be ported over to Tankers and given the typical numerical defense adjustment scalars.
  7. As for my opinion on this topic... I genuinely think this is to put plainly, stupid. It creates more problems than solves. Barrier is effective initially to the new player who thinks the game revolves around having high defense and resistance to accomplish what they want in the game. This has created a falsehood to some people that being inherently higher in defensive stats makes you so much better. The reality is that higher offensive utilities tend to bring much more fruitful results. Defensive abilities like barrier allow safety in dealing that damage easier but the reality is that if the players were playing properly, barrier is just kind of mediocre in terms of what it does and is vastly overstated in comparison to other destiny powers. The destines people are going to ask for nerfbats to really don't solve any of the actual powercreep of the game. Barrier is extremely helpful to teams who refused to bring any supportive character to the team and the team is severely oversaturated in damage without any p2w buffs at all. Clarion, Incand, and Ageless are the real best destiny powers on any character that uses them, but for different purposes. Clarion is an instant break freeze and perma anti-mez (this is still not really that good because you can p2w your way with it, but I digress.) Clarion is absolutely essential against high CC content. Incand is probably the most broken incarnate power in the game in the spots its used, just people don't give it enough credit. Ageless is easily the runner-up, providing a huge amount of recharge and permanently solves all endurance issues. Destiny itself is overpowered but people will argue having mini blaster nukes for judgements is well simply put, better. I agree with that. I still don't think either incarnate power is in need of a nerf, rather people should create groups of individuals for selecting higher difficulty content (like no destiny iTrials) and enjoy that with their group, but not subject others to their own desires of gameplay. Before asking this change, is destiny the broken thing that made completing the trial so much easier, or is it the fact that your team compositions drafted absolutely no form of buffing at all, and that in the absence of such buffing, these buffs seemed better than they were?
  8. But he quite literally says how he wants people to play, and insults people not playing by his playstyle as "lazy."
  9. Dominators are control and assault. Support and assault does not exist. Assault works with support because it has a mix of melee and ranged tools allowing it to be used with control sets like it could be used with support sets. Assault sets are designed better for this concept than melee sets.
  10. The principle of this kind of AT does not work. You're essentially granting a defender who normally stays at range to survive, damage tools that force them into melee. While also knowing it would have to be reduced to .65 scaling from the Scrapper's 1.125 scaling. That's why the idea isn't really likely to be executed. You're asking for a very unsafe AT that deals little damage to have tools that don't synergize. Support + Assault would be a lot better.
  11. I'll get downvoted for saying this, but I'll just say it. The reason that person is solo-carrying a task force is because they know how it should be ran, they're taking optimal pathings, and they're actively trying to get the objectives. Look, if you wanna join "kill all" task forces, that's totally fine and I have no problem with those. The problem arises when people complain about someone doing the right things. Perhaps... maybe... some people should just learn how to play the game? I'm not addressing you specifically, but some of these people are still running the same task forces barely breaking beyond the 20 minute mark on a Tin Mage. Or 20-30 on ITF. There's nothing wrong with playing at your own pace, but complaining about people who are way ahead of the curve carrying task forces is NOT about anything to do with the content of the game or any PvE aspect. It's about player knowledge and their mentality. That will always exist so long as there is a player gap in mechanical strength or game knowledge. That said, and while I didn't connect this point earlier in my post, I don't think this change actually changes anything. The same people who will solo carry task forces are going to solo carry task forces. The same people who will +4/x8 like it's nothing will do it. You can run a fire/fire blaster just pop an occasional purple and take bonfire (kb->kd) and be able to +4/x8 most content. I don't think this raises any additional difficulty to the game. All I really believe this change does honestly is just force some players to change their build paths. This change genuinely brings more annoyance than anything else in my opinion.
  12. Repel in Kinetics. I know thankfully there are mods, but lord that is obnoxious.
  13. Here's the thing: There are few cases where you would roll Corruptor over Defender speaking from a pure mathematics perspective. HOWEVER, there are some very very notable and meta exceptions to the rule. Fire/Kinetics is always better rolled on Corruptor than Defender. Why? Because Corruptors have higher base damage, they have crits, and they have a higher damage cap to abuse Kinetics. Kinetics in most cases is better rolled on Corruptor than Defender. Cold Domination is another big one that's usually always better served rolling on a Corruptor than a defender.
  14. A few key points to address what you're saying: This may be, if we consider your argument, one of the reasons that new player retention is not doing well with homecoming. I doubt that this is the largest reason, nor the most easily addressed reason. I will admit, I don't hang around AP super often. However, when I do, I usually see people advertising for DFB pretty frequently, maybe times have really changed and AE farm advertisements have gone absolutely through the roof since I last spend a significant amount of time there, but I'd still guess that DFB is about equal to AE advertising. Citadel is a level 25 Task Force. A brand new player at level 5 or so would not be looking to join a Citadel Task Force. Further, there are in-game incentives to joining a Citadel Task Force that AE does not provide (accolades). If a new player does generously get PL'd by a veteran player so that they can enjoy the newbie's powersets, I'd honestly think that would incentivize them to keep playing. It creates a sense of belonging for the new player "wow this community is so nice." And they get to try out a bunch of different cool powers for their character they otherwise would have to wait longer to enjoy. It keeps the player interested/engaged. If you are PL'ing someone you don't know for free out of generosity, that is a very nice and commendable thing. Don't let people tell you otherwise. What you're doing is valued. It's not hard to figure out how to get to another zone. If this theoretical new player can figure out how to use the LFG chat tab/broadcast to find an AE farming group (they'll likely have no idea what it even is), I'm certain they could type in broadcast how to get to a designated zone or look the answer up on google. As to the player being taught that AE is the entirety of the game, that may be a fair point but I don't believe that is how most ultimately view it. Most will consider enjoying the content the game has to offer and try the new exciting missions the game has. Even with the previous point above, if they truly believe it's all about farming, and they enjoy farming and keep playing, is there really anything wrong with it? I find it tediously boring and can't stand farming for anything beyond power leveling, but there are several who make entire AE farm story arcs with intricate dialogues and thematics through the AE system to keep the farming fresh for themselves. In short, I don't see how any of these problems that you're pointing out have actual merit to trash power-leveling entirety. What you're describing is player-interactive behaviors which is more of a social thing than an actual game problem. The solution to this would be to have AE more properly established as the intended custom story arc missions and farming center, and that it is not the core essence of the game, just a popular feature of the game. And in fact, if you were to look for it, it says so many places.
  15. I've never seen such discontentment for people who powerlevel before on a thread. Look, the level 1-50 experience is great, and I've done it myself several times and had a blast doing so. However, I'm sorry but Twinshot arc just does not feel good doing for the 14th time. Many builds don't feel good at all until they are level 50 (a lot of super strength builds, illusion controllers). Maybe people should accept that AE power-leveling is here to stay and no, it's probably not the actual reason for the loss of players in the game. I find it extremely tedious to do as well as most people. Most people I know don't use AE for getting emp merits. They usually powerlevel up to 50 and then sometimes to unlock the Alpha slot, almost never do they go far beyond that and go for emp merits. Just personal belief, I don't get the sense that the playerbase loss is due to AE or anything honestly to do with it. I believe it's the fact that there isn't much new interesting zone/area content or large story arcs added to the game. And that's not me complaining or saying that the devs should get on their horses right now and create all of this and rush out a shoddy area, it's just me saying the truth. The game can get kind of boring to the average player who has gotten their 50s, gotten their badges, done what they wanted, and feels like there's not a ton else for them to really do.
  16. I busted a tear reading this one, I had someone ask me how to get to King's Row... level 50 character btw.
  17. Maybe... just maybe... A huge update for an entire archetype is a huge deal, with a lot of balancing going into it, and a huge amount of dev time? It has to take into essence what the point of the AT really was supposed to originally do without changing so many of the functions that make it unrecognizable to people who liked the previous version. Is it sad that MM's aren't getting the changes many of us could be desiring? Absolutely. Does that mean we should be demanding that they produce them and create a rushed product out of player expectations to "get it done?" Absolutely not. Not to mention, this is an absolutely free to play in every single literal sense game made possible by donations and volunteers. There's tons of changes I'd love to see too, but I would never get "mad" at the devs for not implementing a single one of them because it is after all, a FREE game made possible by VOLUNTEERS. Edit: I think there are much better avenues of getting to your goal (to see the MM buff) than starting this kind of thread in the suggestions board. You could politely message a staff member and ask them if the MM changes are shelved/postponed, you could ask people on other forums what changes they believe might help MM's so that the devs can take a look at that feedback and take it into consideration.
  18. I have a conspiracy theory that you're making this post in an effort to game the system via your market manipulation techniques. You cannot outrun your crimes.
  19. "Like ITF/mixed out builds" is what I said. You can't experience a huge amount of builds that are designed around being at level 50. Certain powers have recharge requirements that need to be met, therefore powers, therefore IO sets that they need, a lot of which don't come online until the 45+ range. You can of course build around being at level 35 or lower or whatever else and some do for exemping content, but most usually will craft one build at level 50 for a character and that's it. I think you're underestimating how large of a population the people who exclusively only play at level 50 actually is. A lot of people don't really want to AE farm the 80th time and use 2 (often more like 4 due to inefficiencies) hours of their time to do it. It's just tedious and not fun on a game that really relies on a player base running repeatable content. A fire/fire blaster at level 50 fully maxed out with softcapped S/L defense is a lot more fun and enjoyable for most people than a level 23 version of it without the snipe, inferno, or any strong defenses. I'd say honestly most people pick a character based around their endgame at 50. They will plan out what they'll do in the beginning, but most are usually considering what they'll feel like "in the end" once created.
  20. I honestly am not against the idea. There are a lot of people that just want to play at level 50 and enjoy endgame content like ITF/maxed out builds they made from Mids, etc. at this point, I've become against the "you should work for it by grinding it in AE the way all of us have" rite of passage-esque posts. It's honestly dreadfully boring and quite painful to level a new 50 over again. At the end of the day, if you want to skip from level 30 to 50, have at it. I think the system would be best based upon reward merits. Completing a specific number of in-game tasks that reward merits demonstrates consideration, as they are account bound and cannot be just "AE afk farm all 50s I want."
  21. I wish that there were more interesting multiple team threats on CoH than just Hami and MSRs. I like events that bring multiple people together and I think adding a significant rewarding multi-team experience besides the very over-done ones would spice up things for some variety.
  22. I love the idea, but I will have to tell you to keep your expectations regarding MM/pet sets mild. There's a reason the HC dev team has not touched MMs or pets with a 9000 foot pole or tried to revamp arguably the worst set (mercenaries) in the game. MM sets are both hard to create and balance. There are really good outlier sets like thugs, robotics, and demons, but the rest tend to be mediocre to weak. I do like the idea though, and I would wholeheartedly support the development of it.
  23. I personally nominate Santa Claus, because the snow effect needs to last longer!
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