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Everything posted by WindDemon21

  1. Nothing on MM even stands out as remotely overpowered to me, that said, it's not a surprise to ANYONE that MMs could use some buff/fixes. Starting with the number 1 biggest issue: not just MM pets, but really all pets in general should be even level. The purple patch just hurts too much for really no reason. It's just an extra hurt that absolutely zero pet in the game would be OP by being even level versus -1 or -2. They'd just be a little more accurate with a little more damage, but VERY far from anything in the OP range by doing so. 2: Across the board really, ever since pets stopped being affected by recharge, pet attacks were never adjusted to account for this. Non-MM pets depending on the pet this doesn't affect as much, but this does REALLY affect imps, and gremlins still too who only have 1 and 2 attacks, but MM pets especially get really affected by this. Especially for those with powers that are anything over 30 seconds. Especially the long and weak powers like Wild charge on beasts, a 90s rech that can't be affected for just a 33% damage boost and some slow/immob resist? Really anything over 30s should be around 30s of course dependent on power, some are super specialized and could perhaps be a little longer depending on duration, or shorter even based on power etc, but generally you get the point. Many pet powers need to be on shorter recharges since that change occurred. (pretty much any pet aoe especially, single target while some should be looked at is less of an issue as at least for MMs most get a few ST attacks which leaves less gaps). The self heal on ninja pets for one on a 60s timer is a glaring example as well, it's a nice addition, but 60s is really bad. 3: Demons/beasts/thugs should have their pet resist/defenses in the upgrade powers to be slottable. Bots should also have the protector bot defense shield moved to the upgrade power as well IMO. 4: For pet IO's slotability also, would still be good to get a way to slot those def/res uniques into the upgrade powers as well. Otherwise always thought that those sets without a 4th pet power, should get a 4th pet power, by having only the final upgrade power, and just have pets have the powers from the first upgrade already on the pets. This gets complicated now by having the armor powers in the upgrades to slot. I imagine spaghetti code is an obstacle to both allow the pets to already have their armors, but still be slottable in that final upgrade power (perhaps this could be done by replacing their armor when an upgrade is cast on them?) This it would make sense to homogenize the pets all having a 4th pet for those uniques and slotting alleviation, and then in the extra power on those classes that already have a 4th pet, they'd get a unique power that the other sets have like fortify pack, serum, etc. Then all pet classes would have one final upgrade power, 4th pet, and a unique buff/control type power. This is a more extensive fix but would greatly help out all pet sets. Or as mentioned at the very least, find a way to allow those unique IO's into the upgrade power. For the upgrades, they really should be automatic anyway, but in regards to that i know the devs considered it (and may again in the future) but at the very least, the upgrade powers should be pbaoe cast, so you don't have to target a pet first to cast it. This becomes a huge annoyance if casting pets in battle, and waiting for them to even be targettable before you can upgrade them. At least a pbaoe cast, means you could cast it as soon as the animation is done for summoning the pets and they'd get the buff faster, and less annoyance targetting them (or the specific one as the pets may be spread around too far in battle to try to target a not-dead pet to cast the upgrade on.) 5: not that it also couldn't even take the number 2 slot even, or shouldn't have a number, cause it just plain shouldn't exist in the first place, but all MM powers, should have a normal end cost compared to controller/corruptor support powers, or their attacks, etc. 6: They also need to make MM debuffs from the support sets the same value as controller/corruptors. There is no justification for them doing less, especially when buffs/heals are the same values. It just unnecessarily hurts the debfuff sets.
  2. Not that I've seen/heard, though they are GLARING issues with the set, so it'd be astounding if they didn't review these main points. I'd say we should at least see if it's in the next beta fixes perhaps but they've been really behind on any between-patch fixes lately. I'm holding off cause after several storm blasters it just gets REALLY annoying dealing with these issues. You can pair it with something that has insanely good endurance to help that part but you'll not get past the performance issue of chain lightning and the terrible proc rates on storm cell/c5 with the powers. This also makes the set REALLY bad until you basically have direct strike, cloudburst, and chain fully slotted and a full build of recharges to even have any decent proccing out of the powers. It's really a big issue, and it's REALLY apparently earlier on (hence why the proc rates should be 100% for all powers, cell/c5 rely on those, there is no reason, when it already forces you to constantly use ONLY storm powers to proc, that they shouldn't guarantee it, especially for how low the proc rates are as is too, especially also with both powers having lockouts. Which also on c5, should have the lockout duration shortened even if the damage per proc is lowered to compensate). This also comes at an added cost/detriment, where when you're not using your storm blast powers, you're not getting those procs and cell/c5 are thereby doing even less. Guaranteed procs would mean/allow that you can actually use other attacks during those lockout periods, ie like every other attack, and not hinder your benefit for cell and c5. Don't forget as well, on big mobs that the procc'ing is only hitting 5 targets on c5, and only 1-4 besides high winds for actual damage too. So it's already going to be less efficient until the mob is literally down to about 3 targets left. (and that's at 100% proc rate as well, so it's obviously MUCH less now with the stupid low proc rates). You'll also notice since cell moves too slowly (c5 should move too), that early game you're dealing with both, it not being up enough for every mob, yet pretty much required for a mob, but also 15end to cast every mob also makes a huge impact on your endurance too since it does nothing really without you attacking. The proc rates currently on attacks make this even worse too because for one, cloudburst is important for that but comes fairly late in the set, so your earlier attacks won't proc much, but also that you can't "save end" by attacking and getting a proc when you do, but attacking less to save end. Which means your cell does even less then due to the proc chances. Gust, is so insanely stupidly poor at proccing as well which is dumb. Cause late game, it'd at least be a tradeoff if all attacks were 100%, cause you could proc more by using gust more often, or by skipping/not using it to trade off the procs, for more damage on the actual stronger (and longer animating) attacks, but currently they have this set so backwards with low/tiered proc rates that it is just extra terrible early on. Edit: Not to forget also how cell/c5 still suffer from the base accuracy issue, which is still just extra bad against anything higher than +2s requiring more acc slotting than most powers to hit, and even then still missing more against +3s/+4s. This also still really needs fixed.
  3. Right, i was just pointing out that your whole basis of that post was seeing those numbers after oil slick, which isn't storm-specific. That said, Ta is a really nice paring with it for the slows and debuffs, but then just ugh on the end cost/performance of storm blast, which the main 2 fixes I listed just above would correct most of (proc rate of attacks being 100% and halving chain's end/rech stats which would match it's aoe damage, lower it's EPA, and account for whole/half mob misses due to it's chain nature)
  4. 1: yup standard 2: yup standard 3: yup, though you get better proc rate from it in direct strike. 4: any build can do that sure 5: looking at 3 as well, doing so causes one of the main issues which is the proc rates of the powers to proc cell and c5. Doing this means you're going to be getting less procs out of them using the cheap end powers ie like gust/hailstones/jetstream really ending in a lose-lose with the set. This is why it's pretty imperative to have all the attacks just guarantee 100% procs (which would also help fix the myriad of issues with the procs on cell/c5 themselves. C5 less so but could still use the help, but mainly storm cell which procs so inconsistently, and often not on advantageous targets that it also becomes very inefficient) This is one of the main issues with the storm blast set that hopefully should get fixed for next patch *praying like hell* In addition to earlier comments, another huge issue on end cost is chain lightning, costing more end than regular aoes, while ALSO doing LESS damage (far less if it chains the wrong way or misses the initial/chain targets) Meaning you have to attack more and longer to kill a mob, which also means its going to cost a lot more endurance. Where it should have about a 10s rech, and 8 end cost as it also doesn't proc at all. Fixing those stats would also greatly help fix the sets end and aoe issues. Needing to cast cell every mob as well, while doing nothing unless spending your own attacks as well, would make insane sense for that power to have it's end cost reduced as well.
  5. "This is a common experience whenever a set goes through a DPA increase. The design formula directly adjusts damage and endurance based on recharge, so you will find all attacks that follow the formula to have a similar Damage per Endurance ratio. So when a power gets a DPA increase, it will also be accompanied with an EPA increase." Just pointing out @Booper This was your response way back but the power still isn't fixed. Normally yes, but this power was never adjusted properly. It simply had it's damage reduced, but did not have the end/rech values fixed to compensate. So now it does much less damage, but still has an abhorrid 15s recharge and 14.35 end cost. Given that it's damage still only hits 5 targets, like it did before, like slice, and flashing steel do, for it's 2s cast time like slice it only does 9.45% more damage than slice, which is available at tier 3 no less. Flashing steel does less, but its also much faster and has a noticeably higher DPA too, and even recharges shorter in 6 seconds too. Given the closest, slice, which also has the 2s cast time, it's rech/end cost should be then 8.75s rech/8.5end per the damage formula. NOT 15s and 14.35end! Given how it works with axe cyclone, the synergy can factor a bit, putting the recharge/end to around 10 for each, but 15 is horridly terrible and needs fixed asap! But per the damage formula, it really should be about 8.75 and needs fixed!
  6. Can we please for the love of god get this fixed for next patch...
  7. It's REALLLLY not. Not with it's cast time, and CERTAINLY not with it's end/rech values. That's the whole issue right there. For it's newly nerfed damage, it's just barely more damage than broadsword's slice, but it also has less dpa than katana's golden dragonfly. Factoring these in, don't forget it still only hits 5 targets. It's previous cone had no problems hitting those, it only now kinda has to be the mini-aoe so it works with, and not AGAINST the pull-in with axe cyclone. 15 end and 15 rech are WAYYYY too much for this power now. Granting it's damage it SHOULD have about an 8.5s recharge and about 8 endurance. If you factor the set having it work with cyclone, it could then maybe have about a 10 second recharge, but 15 is WAYYYY freaking horrible for this power and really ruins the set. Fyi, slice is a tier THREE for almost the same damage, and it's -defense also means it helps you hit, but also that it takes an achilles proc to provide even more damage. Like I said factoring the set as a whole a 10s rech 9ish end would be reasonable, but 15 for both is just WAYY too terrible, and needs fixed ASAP. Again, it still only hits 5 targets don't forget, and it's KD chance is only 50%, so only knocking down 2 maybe 3 targets with it isn't anything to brag home about at ALL. So thinking the power is anywhere near NOT vastly underpowered right now is just foolish.
  8. It is, but can also be done with any primary not storm specifically. If you really wanna see those dot's do ice/ta corrupter, or at least fire/ta where the rain will automatically light the slick for you.
  9. The scourge is one thing with it yeah. Still wishing they have this front-lined to fix at least the chain lightning rech/end values to 10ish (and fix it to at least proc on the single target and used ranged IO's like other chains do SO it's more like ST and aoe rather than the just piss poor aoe that it is now), and proc rate of attacks to 100%, and thus changing intensify as well to perma just to hit and minor damage boost something like 90rech/60 duration for the next patch. REALLY want to do another stormy proper but ughhh is it just so poor on these issues! Lockout on c5 should be lowered to like 3s too IMO even if the damage of the strikes is lowered a bit to compensate.
  10. Ah right i see was when i was configuring the defense ones. that one on minnions should be on the bruiser among the rag's too. Here I updated it: Thugs Traps - Mastermind (Thugs).mbd
  11. Really? I'll double check but shouldn't mids doesn't like that occurance lol. Not a big deal if so the build wouldn't change besides that enhancement I'll check this afternoon when work is slower.
  12. It's probably easily the best combo for a MM, plus also the easiest to make good quickly too with all the stacking lt leadership, your leaderships, and farsight especially boosted, Plus chrono shift helping perma gang war, and how powerboosting farsight can time perfectly with casting the gang wars. Plus, you can temp selection the boss tank, and the arsonist so they take the main aggro and don't die hardly ever as well. Pretty sure that's my most updated build but let me know if power/slot choice is missing. Thugs Time - Mastermind (Thugs).mxd
  13. Also when spamming the tier 1 blasts, don't forget to put that theft of the essence +end proc in life drain, helps a lot. I'd probably slot it 3 theft of the essence, the proc, acc/heal, and acc/end/heal boosted, and 3 purples the damage and damage/end, and damage proc.
  14. Or heck even updated to now would be super swell 😛
  15. Penumbral: Sucks, but most all secondaries have this standard tier 1 immobilize, Penumbral is actually one of the worst because it has one of the longest cast times at 1.67s. Also 5.25% - to hit, which scales down to 4.2% or 3.41% to only a single target at that huge cast time, is really not worth the tradeoff and certainly not worth fitting in your attack chain. ToB: as stated is one of the biggest issues with the set. The fact that you HAVE to cast it just to get the sustain is a big point of contention when it's only doing the same sustain that almost every other set has as a toggle on and forget - doesn't impact blasting time power. And the other click ones, are able to be done out of battle and not hinder anything. What you say is good, is actually just the same thing other sets get, but better. Soul Drain: This is arguably pretty much the only reason to go /dark. Even for what it does, it also still has its drawbacks versus just a standard aim or power like shinobi/targetting drone/reach for the limit. But at that, even in a perfect scenario where you're perma-ing it on full mobs, it still has the melee-risk, and means you can't use it prior to nuking/alpha volleying from safety. It's fairly balanced around all regards, though QoL wise I'd still call for a 90s rech versus a 120s one. But again in all regards that this is about the sole reason to go /dark, it doesn't make up for all the drawbacks of the set. /dark needs fixed, that's the end of the contention there. All things the same, for the VERY few who think it's fine, there are MANY who think it needs fixed, and regardless, fixing the set, would not hinder those few who think it's "ok" as is.
  16. Yeah i figured that's why not, but still could have sworn it used to actually proc well before at some point on the chains. Either way it should code somehow so procs work on the chains, really makes me angry since i just drew up a whole build idea for rad/psy defender going to use the devastation hold proc in scramble thoughts to stack with choking cloud but i'm betting that won't do crap now :/. And regardless completely, they should have the end drain and -recovery hit the additional targets in the chain as well.
  17. I could have sworn that jolting chain used to proc well on the additional targets in the chain? It REALLY should elec control kinda needs it to. at the very least if it won't they should make the chain also do the -recovery/-end that the initial target gets, that's just dumb. But it really should accept the procs down the chain better.
  18. That's all being chocked up to dark blast though really, not /dark. Again, if you're saying you skip most of the powers, that really means that the set isn't up to par lol.
  19. Except then you're not slotting heal/end into it which is supposed to be it's main use. Bad. Again, IE make sustain it's own, separate the TOF type power. Truth be told I don't even like the damage auras being part of the sustain in dynamo/CA, but it definitely makes more sense and at least doesn't have an end cost though. But this type of power is just bad, as I'm pretty sure any current numbers would still show /dark at the absolute bottom of the blaster secondaries list. It was in 2020 besides /nin, I'm sure it still is, which again, this is the MAIN reason it is so.
  20. Right, not needing to compare it for much was just stating. But regarding the sustain, it definitely should do it's job on it's own and not be tied to a single target control power. If the power were aoe at least then it'd be something comparable to its usage type, similar to how drain psyche is ok because it's aoe and does so much more, but for this power, on a single target mez that is often not used/needed it goes against the nature of the sustains, and like i said, might as well just have its own separate single target control power in the set, and leave the sustain to do it's job on its own. Since there is already a precedence for the aoe damage aura to also be the sustain like in dynamo and cauterizing aura, there's really no reason they couldn't at least just merge the two and then have this single target mez power work on it's own, which also allows for actual mez slotting compared to this power which you need to slot for the regen/recovery factor so can't really resolve the power to itself anyway. Point being, that it can't be used when starting a mob without interrupting your chain and leaving you open versus using another power to kill/aoe/etc, but then using it after also means you're not getting the benefit of the sustain regen/recovery during the fight as well. It's just a bad design even if you don't have an issue with it, MANY others do. Just look at the current statistics on how few actually take /dark on blasters, this is the main reason why.
  21. Right, this self heal, in addition to all the aoe, is really the main reason when looking at water blast pairings IMO too. On blasters this works very well with secondaries that offer the absorb shield as opposed to regen, like water/ice, which is easily one of the all-time best pairings for water blast IMO. On defender/corruptors, it fits very well with those non-heal focused support sets as well. I did a FF/water defender and that was just nuts between dehydrate and the 2 defender heal/absorb procs. Even more-so now that water jet won't lock out as that's your main proccer. Likewise, also works well with sonic (though sonic res def needs some love), but also Cold, STORM is a big one, as is trick arrow as well. Poison though, well, it's still poison and REALLY badly need the TA treatment. For how awesome steam spray is, which is a cone, you really don't want to be in melee that much with water blast outside of maybe one main power to jump in, use, and jump back out with.
  22. Just pointing out, it's in the secondary, so you compare it to build up, not aim. But It is pretty much fine, I'd always say for a 90s rech vs 120s one though just for ease of use, can be flagged to not stack. Knowing how to use the sustain isn't the issue, as much as the requirement of needing to cast it on the enemy to benefit from it. At the very least it's a huge annoyance, and using the control part of it, can just as easily be served but that control aspects being it's own power, and merging the sustain with death shroud. Also, stating how you think it's fine yet are skipping a lot of the powers, doesn't really coincide that the set is ok lol. You may not mind it, but the set does clearly have these issues for most people.
  23. The problem is needing a target to cast on which means you can't cast before/out of battle and it eats up cast time at the beginning of fights that should be used to alpha strike and such. Regarding your issue with it, they can simply have a min-fx option and that problem is easily solved.
  24. Whirlpool does a good bit yeah, more overall than a normal aoe I wouldn't say but also depends on how you're encountering mobs though. IF you're fighting where it's timed that you're casting it at the start of every fight then it does a good bit. Rain powers in general ie rain of fire, whirlpool, and ice storm though even back on live i've always said they really should have a 30s base rech not 60 (and thus 60 for the epic ones) They're useful, but not so much that they are really ok at 60s IMO, but as they are the closest thing to storm cell per use they were the best things to judge around.
  25. Lol was trying to be as detailed/specific as i could haha
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