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Everything posted by WindDemon21

  1. I thought this too so upped the graphics and saw that it did move but it was SOOOOOOOOO slow that it pretty much doesn't move. Like it moves at slower than the rate of NPCs walking around in talos..
  2. It's worth noting if it helps you figure how to do it, based on my observations with the singularity, when enemies are in the duration of being knocked down or back, the pull in does not seem to work until they are standing on their feet again. So if you left the knock how it is, and just added the pull-in it would kind of do what you're trying to achieve on its own IIRC. Edit: and again once more the acc on Cell and c5 should be about 1.4x base per reasons above, end cost reduced on cell, and the set IO issue needs fixed on both even if that's just adding the 1% of the other procs for now. Those are the current main issues. Also the visibility issue on storm cell/c5. Maybe the "ring" around at least c5 could be floating debris like how singularity collects leaves.
  3. Ah right, I had bracketed storm cell to get it's unenhanced values and thought I was looking at that when took that screenshot. I thought that 1.68 sounded like an odd number but i think someone else said 1.64 probably with the same thing happening. The 1.1x sounds odd too cause.. you know, it's too low for a power that has to rely on itself to hit high level enemies due to the nature of how it works. Again 1.4x or 1.5x would be a much more reasonable number especially considering the slot exhaustiveness of the set, and ESPECIALLY considering if the whole set IO acc/dam issue isn't fixed. But even with that fixed, for all the reasons mentioned already it should be about 1.4x base accuracy so it can reliably hit +3s with normal slotting, and even then still can't 95% hit chance against +4s even if you cap out it's 95% accuracy slotting since the power can't really inherent any to hit buffs over the duration with most combos, and it's pretty unreasonable slot-wise for a power to NEED to have it's accuracy stat fully capped in order to hit +3s even.
  4. That was really my whole point. The base damage is what SHOULD be equal. it's the other effects that would vary. Instant mag 4 versus longer duration, or in fire's case less of both but more damage with the DOT. It's already balanced with it having the same damage, so there is no reason that it should have a lower damage scale.
  5. Can we still please get the chem ammo suppressive attack to the same damage. Especially when the ice one instantly holds a boss even if it doens't last as long, thats' usually the reason why you need to stack it anyway.
  6. Exactly, i mean, singularity had it first lol, but yeah, exactly, at least in cat5 but even if it's a very minor one in cell too. tornado/water spout should really have this too IMO.
  7. Can we get some clarity and update on this. I do see the power actually shows as 1.00 base acc which doens't matter as the "power" itself is the field, but the procs are boosted to 1.68base accuracy. Which GREAT! fantatsic. Only problem is, the accuracy slotted into the power is not boosting the accuracy OF those procs: What is slotted on mine was a quick slot and just afew curtailed speeds. But that is still 53% accuracy into the power. Now ignoring the COMPLETELY dumb issue of sets going only to the individual procs that take those sets (which again, at LEAST do the quick fix by adding 1% of the procs effects to the other one and vice versa), but even that curtailed speed's accuracy slotting isn't boosting the accuracy of the high winds, so something is definitely wrong there with the enhancements. Also, Category 5 seems to be not updated with the boosted accuracy either. it does say the "rain" main power was boosted to 2.00x accuracy, but the lightning power is not updated and still only has 1.1x accuracy. Fyi, i took out all enhancements and just fought level 50 cot to test this. I'm not sure what the "eye wall" is versus the main power, but the actual proc that matters is the lighting power, and that's base accuracy still needs boosted up. The -recovery on the lightning also is missing it's duration. And then of course, lower the end cost on storm cell (or remove it), and fix the janky way IO sets work in the powers, give a small but noticeable ring on the edge of storm cell (like arctic air/fog), and the set will be good to go! And still feel like cloudburst and hailstones should be swapped or more oomph added to cloudburst and make the cloud at least appear over the head of the target instantly and change out that whirlywater animation but that part is personal preference but i feel like others might share it, especially if the cloud instantly appears over their head. Edit: And remove the proc lockout even at lower proc chances to even them out. Also, another thing to help with storm cell, is if they could be "debuffed" by the storm cell for x amount of seconds like glue arrow does, but i'm not sure that would work with storm cell as it's "effect" is the pet being on them to proc right? Also I'm noticing that it seems like only the human forms (and i think those cot behemoths) are showing that "dripping" effect to let you know that they are in storm cell effects, but for example I wasn't seeing that on council robots or werewolves.
  8. Yeah im THRILLED for a reduced recharge on it but i said from the beginning that needs to come with reduced end cost. Like costing even just 2 end or nonr at all would make sense since it's only cast as a set up power and it costs end of your own attacks to make it actually do anything.
  9. Or how about... the singularity pull in to the center of it :)))))) (or this at past makes sense for cat5) (Though really still bringing up how tornado in storm summoning especially, and water spout should have this too) I really wish their was a way to do NEGATIVE knockback which would mean the knockback would go in the opposite direction (think bonfire but knocking in to the center instead of away from it)
  10. Also, I'm sure there has to be a way for the slotted sets to tansfer their stats to the pet itself, then have the individual skills used pull from those stats on the pet of what they use. (Ie basically what WE see. Though I'm not sure how this would work with procs unless maybe those can somehow flag differently, and even if not most pets/pseudos wouldnt be OP if say a damage proc of one set went to each power on the pet as a result, and if there was one where this causes an outlier, that could be addressed individually then. In relation to the concern of "but if we open it all up it may do unexpected things" well, slow and end mod sets have damage in them but the acc/dam/slow for example still boosts the accuracy and slow of shiver even though it doesn't do damage and it's fine. There HAS to be done solution to this.
  11. That's still REALLY bad and should be looked at. I've literally only missed about 4 months of coh since it started in 2004-sunset and since Homecoming and I didn't even know about this with sets. I knew obviously slotting hold in singularity wouldn't boost it's damage and obvious things but didn't know that SETS were specific to only the powers that take them within the pet. Slots and the 6 slot cap are already too limiting for powers like these, there shouldn't be another penalty with acc/damage of one set like ice mistrals, not buff the acc and damage of the other power in the set because it doesn't have a slow component. The stats should (and even do list on the powers accuracy/damage so extra confusing) go to the power as a whole and then transfer to those powers that take those stats. This honestly needs worked on asap after this patch drops down. For now just add the small 1% of the one proc to the other proc and vice versa so this isn't an issue with storm, and then work to fix this. If for some reason (which I can't imagine is IMpossible) the coding can't be fixed so that acc/dam/whatever from any slotted source in a pet/pseudo power goes to all powers on it that take that stat, then somehow each individual pet is going to need fixed to work around this. (By allowing each power on the pet to take a wider array of sets, or fo what were suggesting for those storm powers) Again this is extra confusing as is because say you slot a hold set into singularity, it SHOWS in the pet enhancement screen that it's boosting the pets accuracy, that's it. Nowhere does it (or ever has) say that that accuracy is ONLY boosting the sings gravity distortion, and NOT the accuracy of its crush or lift. With IO sets there are many other things this affects. Cloud senses acc for example: in dark servant not helping it's heal (or the -to hit not helping it's darkest night!) In the necro pets not helping the minions puke/brawl, Lts sword attacks etc. Just because its "always been that way" does NOT mean it's ok, or that most people know that's how it worked either as there is ZERO description of that anywhere. Please fix this!
  12. Ahright forgot about the slow snipe nm on that, but the other issues oof XD
  13. Also, with whatever changes was done for storm cell/cat5 to be easier to see, I still can't see hardly anything of them on my computer to see where they are actually at/affecting. Could we get something more pronounced like the ring around arctic fog? Because this is solo and still hard to see for my settings, let alone what it'll be like on a team with multiple other powers spamming. edit: the 1.66 mag knockback also seems a bit high, in lieu also of the major slotting issue that storm has, can it start out as knockdown only but enhanceable to knockback for those who prefer the kb (which especially in this set is bad anyway, cause it'll knock them out of the storm cell and cat5 effects, so it is actively working against itself. The more i play it, the more the wow factor is wearing off and the more it's problems are becoming ever-present.
  14. Also, not sure if it's a bug in the way that it displays, but direct strike is only showing a .10 end drain on the target, not 20%. It seems like it's taking more than that , but like, the 10% it's probably saying, not the 20%.
  15. This was exactly what I was going to suggest as a "quick fix" Just add like a 1% of every effect to each proc that doens't have that effect. So 1% slow/0.01mag kd/-1% THD chance to the lightning damage proc, and 1damage/1%-end to high winds. It's not that complicated to at least make this slotting issue work right off the bat. But i'd also be in the agree part where at least high winds could/should just be autohit and leave the enhancing to the actual damage. As it's just mitigation/debuff, lots of powers are autohit for those, but that still doesn't solve the issue unless the damage proc also gets that 1% slow/kd as well so sets you use for that in the power also still buff the accuracy/damage on the damage proc as well. Of course, this is REALLY just opening up the major issue that's prevalent that really should just be addressed as is. However in the back end it's possible, any set enhancement that boosts accuracy, or damage, or whatever, should go to the PET/PSEUDOPET, not to the individual attacks that that particular set takes. Like, I'm surprized this was even how it worked prior, but like Frost just said, it's usually in less important pet, they have tactics on, or the pseudopet has all of the sets in the one attack, such as acid mortar. taking ranged aoe and defense debuff sets, but it's all in the same attack so that doesn't matter. But here is a HUGE example where it does, and the whole coding should be fixed. Now I know this is weird game code so i don't know how feasable that is, but in the powers themselves there are solutions. For now, do this quick fix where both procs have a little stat of the other one, or tbh I'm not even sure why they're split into two procs to begin with and just just one proc that occurs more often (not locking out) and has lower values. So something you'd see more of and maybe stack the debuffs but less damage per hit. Additionally, I'll once again bring up the issue of the base accuracy in general, where it needs to be 1.4x normal accuracy, or this set is ONLY going to reliably work against +2s or lower, making it a clear worst blast set there is. Even with everything in this set being buffed up to top notch, then it's still facing the issue of what an EXHAUSTIVE set this is as far as powers and slots goes. It leaves hardly any left for whatever else your primary or secondary set is. So with that in mind, it really should be borderline too OP for how much you have to invest in it.
  16. Right, especially cause there is already the base accuracy issue too which PLEASE INCREASE to at least 1.4x base. Also, this is terrible behavior. There should be a way to code the power that ANY source of slotted accuracy/damage will enhance all procs within the power.
  17. It definitely would hah. On that subject based on what I mentioned above could we also get their base accuracy upped to 1.4 in that build too so those powers aren't pretty much capped out at only being able to hit +2s or lower? Edit: PLEASE as storm is already a slotting nightmare taking pretty much 7 fully slotted powers leaving hardly any slots for your other pri/sec/pool powers. Needing to slot capped 95% acc in two powers (including the "nuke") and still not even guarantee +4s is extremely harsh. I'm sure nobody is going to cry OP by 1.4 base accuracy having capped hit chance against +1s for uncontrollable procs.
  18. Ok that helps to simplify the issue for sure, at least as far as the "your attack has to hit" part, but granting the other things mentioned prior the power (and cells if not) should have about a 1.4 base accuracy so you can hit +3s with about 40%acc slotted into the power and would need 88% slotted into the power for +4s, since you're mostly reliant entirely on it's accuracy slotting and can't do much beyond that. This is only accounting for easy targets without any special defense boosts as well. For those you're completely SoL, so this is a pretty fair value for cell and cat 5 to have for their procs. Edit: honestly too, I feel that this should be for the damage proc from the storms, but mitigation wise could still see the knockdown proc be authohit.
  19. Well i know there is a thing with the math where when chance rolls occur that changes the chance per the next roll that has been too many years since (something like that 3 door problem, you choose one, another opens and isn't it, so you change your door and you get 2/3 of the odds to get it right the 2nd time or whatever). But outside of that which will work on both scenarios, the lockout still hurts. So lets do it this way which isn't the whole equation but gives you an idea. That 80%, let's say the proc damage is an even 100, so the "chance to" is essentially the average damage on that roll. For one, lets say it procs on that first hit, then that means the next 2 hits (going with your 3 hit scenario), are already floored at ZERO damage because of the dumb lockout. (which again, also fully nullifies most of the proc benefit of intensify) So you have when the proc fires: 1st try damage: 80+0+0/3 = 26.667 2nd try damage: 80+80+0/3 = 53.33 3rd try damage: 80+80+80/3 = 80 then average those out: 26.667+53.33+80/3 = 53.33 damage Now take the non-lockout scenario of 65% chance: 65+65+65/3 = 65 damage As you can see, the damage over time is a good bit more in favor of the no lockout scenario at 65% Now, this gets a lot more complicated when there are multiple foes in range as opposed to just one target, but you see how this works. In the scenario where there are more than the 5 targets which IIRC is the cap on the proc hitting (and if not, we can calculate that too), then on that first or second proc chance sure, the numbers on the lockout-scenario would put that closer, but the ONLY instance where the lockout scenario is preferable is pretty much with that first hit. Now factor in using intensify, which is by and large the main purpose of the power is to help deal more damage: That 65%, turns into 85%. Since there are no lockouts, that's the full chance EVERY hit, which is even better than the original chances, during the FULL duration of intensify too. As it is now, with the lockouts that means that you're only getting about 2/10 of the intensify procs, as for 5 seconds, the extra chance will do literally NOTHING, and it only lasts for 10 seconds, so you're only getting two hits with that 20% higher chance. That's it. Again, with a bigger mob, its a little better, but that same effect still works the way i just described it. This is why a lockout is TERRIBLE for the cat5 (and/or storm cell, any word on if that officially locks out too?), and also makes intensify just that much worse. cause after a target is hit, that extra chance does literally nothing for the next 5 seconds. Again, bigger mobs aren't hit as bad, but still far worse than if there were no lockouts. PLEASE remove the lockouts (and fix the base acc while you're at it, clearly it's an issue on 97% of the AT combos you can pair with storm.
  20. I already didn't need to finish reading the rest of your stuff (though I did) because this is WAYYYY too drastic of a drop. To counter the lockouts going away, granting over time and that it requires constant attacking I'd be thinking like a 10% or 15% drop. It certainly wouldn't drop 20% or more going past the benefit of intensify. I'm sure someone could do the math on where that actual percentage drop would be appropriate, but the point is, there IS a value where the loss of percent chance is still a net gain for removing the lockout, and a much bigger help when using intensify.
  21. Ok, that clarification helps, but still doesn't change what was said, that your chances upon the next consecutive attacks are less and less especially when using intensify until that lockout goes away. Hence why the lockout should be removed and the chances adjusted properly to compensate. We're not talking the chances going down DRAMATICALLY here, just enough to mathematically equal what they would be with the lockout, and then equalizing. So that way it's still the same procs over time, but then this also rewards more continual attacking with the storm powers, and also gives more benefit when using intensify.
  22. That's not true, re-read, i said to lower the proc chances TO AVERAGE the same. So you'd still get getting the same average procs over time. Edit: so generally, with your first aoe volley, you're getting the most proc chances, making that 2nd aoe less likely to proc or do anything essentially wasting the next aoe attack. Especially if you're ony using chain lightning (like for a melee toon blapper, traps, poison etc), and you're getting your recharge down under 5 seconds. In that case, your next aoe will do almost no bonus proccing, and you almost have to self-hinder your aoe to not use it until those 5 seconds are up.
  23. Just as a note too, lockouts are the worst possible thing to start applying. I'd rather there not be a lockout, and lower the proc chances to average what the difference would be. This would also actually help make intensify better too because that 20% more chance would mean more since the enemies would not be under the lockout effect. Lockouts in general just need to be removed from this game, it's a terrible mechanic. Especially blood stacks on any savage character (should only use up blood, not lockout), psy melee lockouts, even the phase shift lockout is dumb and serves no purpose. So please remove the lockouts on these and the cat5 procs (cell too if it locks out)
  24. I would think given the issues especially mez since it's primarily on squishie ATs that don't have mez protection a shorter recharge so you can alternate between that and cell every other mob wouldn't be out of the question, why I mentioned around the 150s mark. Also? If something like that buff definitely not when IN the storm since you want to be out of it at range to use the cone, but maybe a super wide secondary radius for something like that. Maybe similar to O2 boost, but "O3 boost" ie ozone generated from the storms granting mez protection so you can keep attacking to actually use the nuke.
  25. Targeting drone doesn't transfer over to cell/cat5. The closest we can get on a blaster is storm/dark with soul drain, but /dark has a SLEW of things wrong with it too though especially the dumb sustain that needs a target. At least that means you can pick/slot less, but that's another issue with storm is the sheer powers and slots that it takes up to be effective too. Another reason why its imperative to get a higher base acc doe cell/cat5. Considering what freezing rain/sleet do, it's surprising that they don't already do a decent -defense.
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