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Iron Alex

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Everything posted by Iron Alex

  1. oh yeah.. blasters for sure .. scrapper ninj was done right .. haven't seen the sentinel once yet.. but yeah the blaster one the stealth power concept is weird.. because its on a timer to go back into hide.. the regen power is weird because it can be made perma.. but doesnt stack on it self.. and blinding powder and the confuse thing is not worth taking since.. you cant do extra dmg till the stealth is off its timer.
  2. DANG NOW they need to buff something in the ninja set.. at least give us a change to crit.. or make the regen power stackable or something..
  3. does targeting drone eventually gives the 80% build up again after x amount of seconds like the ninjitsu set?
  4. i was spamming it on minons in pi lvl50 and i didnt see it go off once.. will test again once im home.
  5. since ive slotted it.. ive only seen it fire 4 times.. and i actively check my logs.. and that was 3 weeks ago.. also the numbers are all over the place when it did go off.. once it went off for 400hp.. got me real hype.. next it only healed for 70hp.. then another 70hp.. then another 400.. and i havent seen it since. i did a bug report.. and the moderator stated it was a known bug and currently they dont know how to fix. and on that not the VEAT.. DOMINION OF ARACHNOS .. CHANCE TO TERRORIZE.. DOESNT SEEM TO BE FIRING AS WELL
  6. The Dominion of Arachnos chance to terrorize proc doesnt seem like its firing .. just like the kheld proc.. anyone has gotten any use out of this proc?
  7. sucks.. cause i would love to just use the arachnos gun powers with the spider pets and have high resistance and a dull pain
  8. want to make a huntsman build using the crab tree.. is there still no way of getting rid of backpack
  9. can we get a fix to the kheld ato healing proc.. or just change it to a regen or maybe a dmg buff!!!
  10. this proc is totally weird.. have mine slotted in gleaming bolt.. did not fire in any other power till i used bolt.. and it fired for 400 hp.. im lvl 50+ sitting at 1600 hp (2200 with essence boost.. also this was in atlas park on a lvl 2 minions. then i went in the mission and it only fired for 70hp .. and every once in awhile it fired with the eye power.. now if it fired in the eye power all the time for 400 hp i would be a happy alien.. but i dont think its actually working as intended. Has anyone figured any new news on this? I sent in a ticket waiting for devs reply.
  11. hey regarding the Achilles heal.. Ive been searching the old forums, studying to learn from the past as well as the present. a player name john_printems was discussing about pb dps and that Achilles heal actually gimmped it more. Then microcasm answered after that about changing attack chain. http://web.archive.org/web/20120906205000/http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=291838&page=2 so what is the verdict on Achilles heal in the new PPM world..?
  12. hey microcasm.. yeah i was actually reading some of your old post the other day.. seeing how i can build back my toons up.. its good to see that your back as well..
  13. nice vid.. before live went down i was on test messing around with the water blast/ma .. and after all the years of not playing i didnt think about any of my other toons except that toon on test and my peacebringer... so when i came back to the came it was the first 2 toons i created.. now my water/ma is 50 and i never play it.. but from this vid i might do some respec-ing and fix up the build.
  14. THE Original poster is right though... prior to i13 doms and blaster were dangerous and can still kill tanks and other melee toons... but hit one with knockout blow.. Or even golden dragonfly... or when fire came to scraps it was over... most were scratching for life. Outside a dom/fortunata perma mezzing you to death... or old blaster defiance getting some luck shots in... Melee toons still were very, very viable. And didn’t need webs... after i13 all melee toons became tank bots... except, a few that max out hp and hit hard... i.e. kinetic melee on scraps for the first couple of weeks, and also stalkers... However DR did bring up a lot of builds that were not even thinkable before i13. The devs tried to fix this with travel power suppressant, but that just made game-play annoying... These new devs corrected that prob but still need to balance the game with either a boost to melee dmg except assassin strike. Or give all melee powers a chance to anchor. A player for a couple of secs... so yeah if you get caught that’s you... But balancing is definitely required... especially since avg blasters are now tanks with laser beams lol...
  15. what is the typical slotting for ss everyone is going with these days??.. got a lot of usain bolts in rv now.. jeesh!!!
  16. Hey family welcome back.. love to see all the old names that use to frequent the kheld forums back in the day.. i was actually reading some of my old post on the cox forum archive.. its actually funny learning from 2012 me. "like what should i slot for this, my old self would know" Anyway back on live EGAD sg was doing some all kheld work, we use to do tfs' regular missions and pvp.. was wondering if any of the old members came back and willing to start it back up.. im currently on indom with my all human pb which i pvp with (even though feels way weaker than what i had on live). Will love to have all khelds sg again
  17. I was in the old game till the end.. incarnates even the playing field for a lot of builds.. without them.. pvp was who could build the best dominator or stalker and then later brute and blasters.. incarnates brought all types of toons into the mix.. leave them be
  18. in the old game I had an all human pb.. built to be a blapper.. which I guess now is a sentinal. all the single target range attacks and incandescent strike and photon seakers for a finisher. all attacks were built for recharge/damage/and procs.. with certain procs with a pb you can get extra damage/debuff defense/resistance. and i had build up going off every min.. add that to the fact that light form only takes away half-life, and with the shields max out your defense to everything except psi and toxic. plus 2 normal pb heals and rebirth.. i was a beast.. you only have to walk with red insp for burst damage.. but long story short its absolutely viable.. we had a squad of pbs that roamed RV back in the day on freedom. Im currently rebuilding that toon.
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