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Everything posted by Grandfeatherex

  1. ya, i just searched for Halloween 2024 to find the list of bases and missed that this came up in a server specific one since this was the only one i found, but i'll be there lol
  2. i don't see much benefit from doing that (none to me since i keep solo bases for extra crafting room) but i can see negatives, like someone deciding to grief people by opening a craft window and going afk meaning nobody can use the salvage racks until someone with a high enough rank can kick them from the SG
  3. which server? (i was looking for the list like last year that had all the finalists) Edit now i see it's excel
  4. I'd also add that not seeing the window textures really takes away from the event, and seems to make it just another event to grind out, instead of something to look around and appreciate
  5. we are getting old, and someone "well known and respected" on one server, is totally unheard of on others (and if they are/were well known they were probably lv 50 with the known alts) reserving and locking names, and placing monuments (especially since that can't be just on one server) would quickly get out of hand I think
  6. Neither bright water only, nor dark water only removes the crystals from barrier reef, hopefully this will be fixed, but can we have a "water only : default colour" without having to set it as bright, or dark? I can't get the same water colour to match the set with the bright, or dark options, and I wouldn't want to change the colour of all the powers just so they match (this goes for other powers that have been changed too and now have to choose 'bright or dark' and can never really match the colour it should be, like Martial combat's "reaction time" where I want the original colour but also to "show floaters")
  7. i will switch only when there is absolutely no other option, i don't like the HC look or set up, and only use it now to check markets on a second account so i don't have to keep changing log in info, i'd rather wait even if it's 24hrs to not be forced to use that HC launcher which should say something
  8. did this just kill tequila support? it keeps saying to update before launching the game (which i keep doing) and wont load, the HC launcher works but i don't like that launcher
  9. I intentionally avoided reading a lot of the body of the posts since I haven't run the arc yet, but if we're forced to get a zone change, can we at least get a generic store/quartermaster that sells enhancements in the area? I'm not a fan of changing things in general, but the last time i went there i planed ahead and bought SO's for the slots i would unlock... to have them go red before I could slot them, meaning i had to buy them off the /ah
  10. I was in RWZ testing on the targeting dummies with bots fully upgraded, and after about 10 min of testing, which included resummoning bots, re-slotting bots etc i still hadn't seen the assault bot actually use conserve power and was ending out even at 80% end reduction
  11. where can i turn off the taunt message i get on every attack i make with my brute, and turn back on my white absorb numbers?
  12. not sure if the link i shared is enough before
  13. http://prntscr.com/v9ceb3
  14. I don't mean the "hey this thing is happening RIGHT NOW" message (and then killing time reading the forum post to figure out what's going on). i mean an actual pop up window when you get into the game like there was about the new issue in beta, or when the donation window opens. it doesn't share the same folder for me, since the only way i could ever find the screen shots was because on tequila there is a button you ca click that opens the screenshots directly, and when i took screen shots with the new launcher i had to go to tequila to open the screen shot folder and they weren't in it
  15. I wouldn't have made it in time anyway (it would have been nice if there was an in game pop up to let people know this was going to be a thing) but but I don't even know how to get the screen shot up here, took a minute just to read the rules and by then i was 4th 😕 but this does raise the question I was trying to find the answer for I guess, which is, where are screen shots saved on the new launcher? I had to go back to tequilla to take and find screen shots
  16. http://prntscr.com/v92xjs not sure how to link the normal shot
  17. I fell the same way that it feels like every set is being "brought into line with existing sets" (even if that means changing 2/3 sets to match 1/3 of them with the ST and AoE coming at the same levels, same with blaster versions of build up changing to all come at the same level, makes each set seem like a less interesting pallet swap I didn't do all the math and measure times down to the second on runs, but just for a 'feel' perspective it's lackluster and more boring than the TW's I already have chaining a powers time from 1 second activation to 1.1 etc might not be too noticeable, I really hate the dmg and end reduction with momentum though. I made a Dark/TW tank specifically because people QQ over end costs all the time and because I've never seen anyone in game use that combo, now it's just another that will fade into blandness. yes TW had high damage, but it also had high end costs and if you missed you had another slow heavy attack again and again until you got that hit (yes i understand real world physics that just swinging the TW hit or miss would add momentum, but I also understand that in the REAL world you wouldn't use a slab of concrete on an 8' poll in combat either) NEEDING to hit to build momentum, and the high end cost felt like a justification for that high damage, on top of it's naturally slot out of momentum attacks. if changes had to be made I'd rather see a slight changes to slow it down and keep that damage again a .1 activation time not that noticeable, keep momentum versions of attacks with the same damage, but same end cost, have taunt, rend armor, and crushing blow REMOVE momentum since the don't involve swinging the weapon seems like it would be justifiable and bring the over all DPS down but not break what made the set feel special I'm really not looking forward to the inevitable kinetic melee changes either, yes, it "under performs" mathematically but i rolled my kin melee character up because they are FUN and have a distinct look and feel about them, not because I want to be able to solo a pylon in record time or have an AoE farm machine. the fun and uniqueness of sets seem to be getting put to the side in order for them to all perform the same, great if you only have 1 character maybe, but makes alts much less fun and interesting
  18. I don't think any consideration has been put in to balancing around SO's for a while, or even +0/x0 settings, that seems to be what lead to the whole tank rework debacle in the first place, complaining that brutes can get to the same resist as tanks... ignoring that a tank could do it with SO's and a brute needs sets to get there this change again just furthers making tanks farm equipment, for low lvs and at +0/x0 tanks are going to suffer with longer cooldown on shadow maul since you aren't fighting enough mobs to need the increased area. at lower levels or without sets you aren't going to have the deffence to pull off +0/x8 where the damage really improves, especially how much longer it takes waiting for the attack to come up now. keeping the recharge time, area, and damage the same, but reducing the cast time would have seemed more ideal to me as it would have been a flat net gain both for aoe and ST attacks, now it's a hindrance to ST and AoE damage unless you artificially inflate the number of mobs you're fighting, and even then it's still increasing overall AoE output at the cost of ST dmg and anyone playing the game at default settings
  19. anyway the "ranged only" could be dropped and/or only apply to pets told to stay in a certain spot? it seems every change ignores that low levels also exist, when my mercs have burst and brawl i'd much rather them move in to brawl rather than stand there waiting until burst recharges, something walks to melee them and they attack with brawl, or me having to manually move my pets into melee range when their other attacks have not recharged yet
  20. just me? or does dark hela look an awful lot like the marvel character hela...
  21. a cor might get the same RA's but they don't get the same buffs for fort, heal, leadership bonuses, or debuffs from attacks, on a smaller team an emp can keep cycling fort or even stacking fort for a much higher deffence bonus than a cor, as well as healing more and debuffing more with attacks, so while some might count them as "just a healer" that's not an accurate assumption, nor is it fair to say cors are more "powerful" since a deffenders "power" comes more in the form of buffs/debuffs than a cor i would also like to see the 0 builds, as well as power pools, epic/patrons, and SoA bane/crab/soldier fortunata/night widow/widow breakdowns
  22. Scenario #4 soloing between lv 20-27 against an AV/EB and being saddled with an AoE attack instead of a heavy hitting ST attack, for all the tanks getting powers out of sequence to what they do now, to make them more AoE focused if the tanks get their t1 and 2 swapped and MA has three others swapped that's 5 out of 9 getting shuffled around just to focus on AoE's ------------------- it looks like everyone is focused on what they do at 50, and not how they get there can a brute hit 90% cap? sure, much harder for them to do it at lv 25 compared to a tank though or to do it with basic SO/IO's tanks always shined in getting, and holding aggro and dealing with it long enough to kill everything attacking them, i'm all for changes to accentuate that with more targets on taunt, but everything else seems to be to make them AoE killers instead
  23. i've never seen any other tank having end issues either when played smart even with SO's as for teaming this removes what is effectively a 20% team boost to damage in favour of the tank doing more damage themselves i don't see that as being helpful to a team neither is the taunt aoe if the aggro cap remains the same if the aggro cap was raised i could see that helping out with the increased taunt but again the changes seem to screw over solo tanks, to buff a tanks damage reducing the damage by their team mates without bruise makes most tanks (now tier 2) attack redundant unless it's just used to slot a set there is no reason to continue my rad/axe tank, i'll reroll it as a brute on homecoming and makes the tank version on rebirth
  24. ok, then the AoE's that have been reduced to have the buff expand them will have slightly better proc rates so that leaves solo tanks with an extra +20 end (which i've never had a build where end was an issue) and slightly better proc rates IF they slot procs in exchange they lose any reason to take what use to be their teir 1 increases their taunt (which does nothing solo) increases targets hit by aoe (which does nothing for solo if you aren't farming) forces them to exchange single target attacks in tier with AoE attacks (moving 4 of 9 attacks around from what they are now) this doesn't seem to be a "tank buff" it's a buff for farmers
  25. this looks like it robs single target focused tanks to buff aoe's for farmers as i'm soling battle axe now i know i would not want to wait to lv 28 for swoop and have to get whirling axe instead. removing bruising makes the tier 1 obsolete if they are getting damage buffed by ~20% solo and makes them less team oriented moving the tier 1 to tier 2 just makes the tier 2 obsolete, where as it stands now with bruising none of the attacks are obsolete since the tier one is effectively a 20% team damage boost again with the aoe's this just seems to cater to farmers running /x8 while a none farmer solo tank will suffer for having any procs in aoe/cones since the aoe is scaling up (unless you are also going to overhaul the PPM formula) increasing the taunt cap doesn't really do anything for solo tanks either the extra end is fine i guess but i don't have any end issues with my tanks. right now i can and enjoy soloing tanks just fine, but with all the changes to "buff them" what exactly do solo tanks that aren't farmers get out of this other than nerfing their proc rates?
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