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Everything posted by klokwerkaos

  1. Having many alts is crucial to game design and maintainence. Consider what happens to new player experience when newbie zones go barren like in other games. It's bad for game health.
  2. Marked Resolved. I'm an idiot. On my pass hitting every single plaque in the zones I of course, missed the one that I mistakenly didn't hit because I has the dumb. Cool beans.
  3. Not saying it didn't work for you. I'm saying it isn't working for me. I think maybe it only triggers the first time you touch it, and if there is a problem with the trigger, it won't work.
  4. YES.
  5. I went through to do Atlas Medallion for +5 End. Got everything but the pupil badge. Pupil badge is locked at 4/5. I've gone through and clicked every single plaque for it three times. The third time I clicked every plaque in the corresponding zones just to make sure I wasn't an idiot, and still nothing. This is clearly a glitch and one that breaks the game. I'm on Excelsior. I tried reaching out to Game Masters on the discord but got no response after 8 hours. If anyone has gotten the badge and there is some sort of "trick" to it that I'm unaware of other than simply clicking the plaques, please explain it. Not sure who to contact about the glitch, but it's seemingly impossible for me to get this. Everything else is done for the badge, and I already finished the other 3 stat enhancer badges, this one however, remains locked out.
  6. Yeah, it's tricky to make a definitive list because of that. I know certain items (glass for instance) tend to play havoc with nearby effects, which would be a whole other thing to test, lol. But at least this (hopefully) provides a baseline to start with. If people find out which materials/lights are affected in strange ways, I'd be more than happy to add that to the original post. :) And Kat, you're welcome! :D Glass is Satan. I want to love it for it's transparency, but I want to murder it's entire family while it watches for it's havoc on effects.
  7. Nice work, but in "top view from main keep" looks like you're missing a roof?
  8. I did answer your question. And I'll say it again here: You can select the floor as an object and click what layers appear with the object window. You can build whatever you want with the controls in the sticky notes. It was clear from your post you didn't read how the controls work, and without doing that basic bit of research there is very little anyone can do to help you. I pointed you to the answer, and since that question gets asked by every new person that comes it, there is a sticky that answers it. As far as how to do it, it's like legos man, you stick stuff together to build whatever you want. Use whatever pieces you like to make the thing look like how you want. If you see something specific you think is cool and you're not sure how to build it the way they did, you ask them and they will probably get you an answer in a reasonable amount of time. Outside of sitting at your computer and doing it for you while you watch, that's literally all there is to learn. I'm not sure if you didn't understand what I said, or will understand this, but literally anyone on the discord is happy to help, but if you don't take the time to learn the basic controls there is very little anyone can do to help you.
  9. When placing NPC's don't bother to try to line them up absolutely perfectly with their animations VS whatever you might have them interact with. Examples might be scanning or typing, etc. This is because each time they load, the load is randomized, and their height and gait will change as a result, so all that work you did is for nothing because now their fingers hover above the keyboard or are inside of it. Instead just get stuff close enough and expect sometimes it will be wonky.
  10. @Impishkat https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Music Might want to add that to the music section so people can find any in game music they want.
  11. Verified again too, all portals are working
  12. I'll say it again, there is already a volunteer thread for art assets. If you want to volunteer to make art assets, go there.
  13. Stealing the double turrets for part of my base (gonna mount them), also I'm curious about your sub port area, the construction around the main door, how did you manage to make the irregular shape? I would guess you just clipped some stuff, but it's too think to be anything I recognize.
  14. I'm not sure why... All the ports are tested and working. The first floor main base has one in the center of three doors and the ports in the depot and xcom are also arachnos doors. You need to get close to them, you will see a faint glow. Because they are hidden you cant activate from across the room. I have personally used the portals at least a dozen times each. There is also a port to where the underground base will go that is outside main compound I couldn't find a single working port anywhere. Would've liked to see the top but there's no apparent way to get there.
  15. So I was going to make a video, but then I realized it would take about an hour to show all the cool stuff I did, i know because I've done them before and this one is pretty decently sized, though I have a big expansion (underground bunker) coming and some tweaks to do with what's already there still. That said, I'd strongly suggest viewing in game as I've done a lot with sound and animations to help it feel more alive: Excelsior Server Key: AOO-3515 Album Link: https://imgur.com/a/2S8GY1y Even just the album is likely to take a while to get through if you examine each one.
  16. Just doing some math... if you consider that most people that are building bases as a skill set they have developed are already 50, and given how many hours go into a detailed base... I'm thinking lets say modestly 250 hours for a modest base... and maybe 2 million infamy an hour is fair since they can easily grab that much if they bother to even try playing the game... that's about 500 million infamy for a modest base, not a great one that is amazing and unique that you built yourself for free with your own artistic vision, and double it if you want to make more than 3 changes beyond what you initially ask for, because any experienced designer knows after three changes the client wants to use you as their pencil without having the skills necessary to do it themselves and will generally be a PITA. I'm guessing that there is a good chance that if you're randomly asking rather than looking at existing base builders and making an offer, you don't have anywhere close to that saved up, nor should you reasonably because who needs that much inf? That's enough to just flat out buy several sets of whatever without thinking of cost. I mean maybe you do have that much set aside, but if you do, now you know how to go about finding a reasonable offer for a skilled artist and where to find them.
  17. Unless you aren't at all particular, you're usually better off making it yourself since everyone has different tastes and vision and any builder you find is likely going to want to build whatever they want to build, since they don't owe you anything and they don't need you to build stuff since they can make 1000 bases themselves per server. All you really need is 1 room with workshop items, necessary NPCs and storage. I used just that till 50 when I figured I'd take a break before farming to decorate my space so I'd be ready to recruit. After that it's more a question of what you want/like and what your creative vision is. You also don't need two bases, unless you want two bases. You can have a purple SG. You might find someone who wants just to have a really decent challenge to try to make something for someone else, but in generally you're going to have to pick two between fast, cheap and good for any artistic stuff and with only volunteers there's a good 50% or more chance just randomly grabbing whoever will just get bored/abandon whatever they start, which is why you should do it yourself, and if you intend to make something cool eventually anyway, you're going to need the experience to build anything worthwhile.
  18. Agents of Oblivion on Excelsior server key: AOO-3515 This is still a WIP but there's over 5k pieces and a ton of work done, though I haven't even started the underground bunker yet. basic concept is a shard realm super base, mega science division, club, foyer, arachnos military base plus eldritch horror garden, statue garden, VG XCOM, office building, parade grounds, depot, portal corp center, shooting range, modded rikti warship, base entrance security checkpoint, motorpool, and technomagic R&D are the main points so far, though I am pretty proud of the flight deck catapult and arrestor system even though it isn't as visually awesome as a lot of other stuff (basically I researched take off distance and how carriers work with take off/landings so I wouldn't need to use VTOL on the jets so they can carry increased payloads because I am that much of a nerd about my imaginary static jets that don't actually fly). Hope you all enjoy. added it to the spreadsheet as well. Once i'm "about done fiddling" and at the 99% satisfied spot I'll probably do a video tour. Some stuff is still in process which will be pretty apparent, though technically everything is in process forever I suppose. As a side note, if you're running a toaster expect framerate dips. I strongly recommend "/vis_scale #" where # is 6 or greater.
  19. I've seen a lot of people doing "warehouse" esque builds. This isn't something I'll use a lot of since this is my Magi-tech R&D center, so it has high value with a need to obscure, but for warehouse folks, consider using arachnos mesh instead of or in conjunction with widows. As you can see it works really well.
  20. use search bar, type arachnos
  21. There is already a section for volunteers for art assets
  22. Bases use cosmetic stuff. The arachnos dummies serve that prupose. As far as items, with targeting, the only stuff with health bars are likely to be friendly items and not targetable, like beacons and such.
  23. So... You want to skip the game part of the game. For free. Because you gave money to someone else that isn't affiliated with the game. Also once you skip the game part of the game, a countdown clock will also have to be started to create more and more content, for free, faster and faster, of better and better quality. The only thing I'm really coming to understand from your argument is all of the reasons it absolutely should not exist. If you want a level 50 toon, go to the dev server. Try to keep in mind, there isn't much point in farming stuff if the economy is ever growing and also there is no monetization. Additionally play vs reward in this game blows away most other games in the modern era because they make bigger and bigger farm and grind walls to suck your wallet dry. You can already double your xp in the game, mang... and play at level 50 on the dev server. If that's not enough, I'd like to throw out that your request is flat out a bad idea. At least not for a long long time until there is a huge gap between the playerbase as a whole and incoming players and such a vast and overwhelming amount of content, and even then, probably not because they can literally play for free, join any super group and level to 50 in a week or two, which is faster than they will learn the deeper mechanics of the game.
  24. That's true, but he had it long before incarnate system existed (even though his powers are from the well also). The reason sigs get special powers is because (from the devs in one of the AMA's): "Devs cheat".
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