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  • Birthday January 1

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  1. Unfortunately, the biggest problem with asking Devs to fix it is they kinda have to change it for everyone. When they did so with that one Trick Arrow power, that's not such a big deal, because a power effect for that power doesn't *have* to look like it used to. Helicopter blades though, they really look great the way they are, and turning them all off for everyone else doesn't feel like something that should be inflicted on others just because they're troublesome for me. Same with the lights in Pocket D & PDP (and that Skuls mission). They're pretty cool, they look appropriate. They're a viable graphic addition to the setting, and there's not really an alternative way to do them that would work better for me. A client side off switch feels like the only appropriate solution. Anyway, like I said, I don't have high expectations. Just hoping someone reads these (maybe even a dev) who has an idea how that might be done.
  2. Conceptually, this is pretty neat. Mechanically, I just don't see it being feasible in the foreseeable future.
  3. I'm in the camp of preferring less powerful, less punishing, faster activating T9s. I'll occasionally take One with the Shield or Strength of Will. I won't even bother with the others. I don't have the coordination to cycle a variety of powers to counteract another power's drawbacks. I just need powers I can use when I need them that don't make me regret using them. Maybe the power level of those or the Sorc one (already forgot the name. Stroke brain sucks) isn't amazing, but they're good enough to usually make the difference I need when things get hairy. I wish the high tier buffs in the other pool sets would be rebuilt to more closely match Sorcery. I'd use those pools more often. And the T9s in armor sets feel the same but more. I hate skipping powers, but not as much as I hate taking powers that I'll never use because they're bad for me.
  4. Force of Will feels like it's tailor made for making "Jedi" types. Unfortunately, the animation time on the basic blast is so freakin long it ruins any sense of usefulness, at least for me. I would love to see a sword based "Assault" set for Dominators though. Mind or Gravity feel wonderful for throwing things or people with "The Force" Even with the shortcomings of power selection, A 'Star Warsy' character made on CoH feels better than a character made in a Star Wars MMO (now if we could just get some starfighters to costume change into 😜 )
  5. Theoretically, if they managed to code in a second hair slot to do this, they could then use the technique to add a 2nd(1st) hair slot to the Hats category and add a variety of hair styles that don't interfere with the hat (or maybe look like they could fit anyway, such as sticking a mohawk on top of the hat, as if it's part of the hat itself) Obviously that list would be heavily truncated, but even then a few such new options would be wonderful.
  6. Love this idea. I've requested it as well. I don't care so much about the email part, or tells, because there's other ways as mentioned. But in the heat of combat, I'd love to be able to just click someone's name in chat when they ask for help with whatever, like a port or a wakie, rather than trying to find their name in the wall of text of the League Window, if they're even in the League... or scan Next Friend over and over and Hope I'm looking the right direction and find them withing a minute or three. This would be a massive QoL improvement during raids and events. And I'm not talking about a click menu option, but simply automatically targeting them when I click their name (presuming they're in range of course), then the normal click menu can open as it already is.
  7. Sorry if I missed something relevant, I just started scrolling faster when posts devolved into snark and condescension... Anyway, How I would like to see such a thing done is you get a variant respec mission (lets make it on a 50+ version of the respec trial. Let's call it a 'reincarnation' trial), then you can rebuild your existing character as a level 1, any AT, and powersets. You can even change Origin if you want, or start in Praetoria instead... The only thing you keep from the previous build are badges earned, along with influence, salvage, merits, stuff like that you could theoretically email to yourself anyway. You start over as if starting a new character (choice of whether or not to do the tutorial or go to starting zone directly), and you have "patrol XP" all the way to level 50. When you reach level 50, you can switch between old & new version as different builds. Personally, I like the idea for when a character might have numerous viable ATs for a theme, like say Iron Man could be a Blaster, a Tank, a Sentinel, and switching between them is reasonable without having to alt to Lron Man, or making Lron Man earn all those badges all over from scratch. Also helps Tony Snark fight his altoholism.
  8. Not related to a new powerset, but I'd love to see an option for Super Strength's [Hurl] that pulls from random objects like forklifts and pool tables the way Gravity does instead of a big rock.
  9. I just wish all the stealth powers (including Hide) had a true "No FX" option that would prevent any translucency (without turning it off). I want to weaponize my stealth against enmemies so they can't see me coming, but I still want the players to appreciate how great my costume is 😜 Also, I'd love if escorts would ignore stealth...
  10. While it was never on the menu to begin with, I'd have loved to see a "Transverse" Incarnate slot, giving you another chance at various travel powers and improvements to travel powers you may or may not have taken previously.
  11. I'm always in favor of more weapon options. There isn't a weapon set in the game that can't justify an 'invisible' weapon (it's a bit harder on AR/BR because of the shooting animation, but not impossible to justify with magic/psionic themes). I remember a dev video from near the end on Live when they showed a WIP clip regarding Pistols where the character didn't actually have pistols in his hands and it looked great as "gun hands." There's certainly a few gloves that would work well with this too. Dual Blades would make an interesting looking "martial arts" attack set. Pairing it's PBAOE with a Jump Kick would make for a snazzy Capoeira combo. On a related note, I suppose I wouldn't include any invisible weapon costume pieces in the 'Sheathed" lists...
  12. I'd also love to see a CoT Crossbow added to SoA as a gun option (the big crossbow specifically, but the little ones are fine also). Recently made a fantasy "Paladin" built primarily on Bane mace (Smite Club). I'd love to add in the grenade attacks from Wolf, but don't want a "gun" because of theme. (Yes, I'm aware of the web grenade attacks in Bane secondary and Patron. I'm using them, but I really like the venom grenade, and also, I'd just rather use the earlier level grenades so they're available in lower level TFs and the like). And while on the subject of SoA guns, could we get their MP5 wannabe added to pistols, and their shotgun added to AR/BR/ASS please?
  13. So obviously a lot of folks use some lovely sound mods to give their laser blades and pistols a space battle sound effect. Without infringing on any copyrites (certainly no more than Shield powers infringe on Major Patriot type characters), I'd like to see some powersets built that lean into this. A "Starblade" set would be sort of yet another melee blade set (I don't want to say just swords, because axes fit too, and frankly, I'd love to see maces included also. Some of them are pretty sharp. Might even be able to make some claws fit). Do a bit of a mix and match of other set attacks so it's not an exact copy of any one set. Definitely include a 40foot cone "Throw Blade" style attack similar to the one in Axe. Make damage some mix of Energy plus fire and/or lethal so we're a bit different there from other sets. No KB, but maybe some -def and a smidge of fire DOT. Where others have a "Parry" or equivalent, give this one a "Deflection" type ability that gives Ranged Defense... I'd favor a mechanic like how most Blaster attacks add a bit to damage for a short time, but in this case, they add Range Def instead of just tying it to a specific power. Obviously we don't want to use a certain set of sound effects, but some sort of energy attack sfx and let the modder community "fix" it client side. And there's no reason the full selection of sword/axe costume pieces shouldn't be usable. Via magic or technology, a blade doing "energy" damage shouldn't have to be a VKL-99 or whatever. Optimally, there should be a variant of the set to use as a Blaster secondary as well. The "Starbolter" would be a single energy based pistol. We even already have some in game, Resistance uses them. So art/fx shouldn't require too much. But a bit of a mix of Pistol & Beam Rifle attacks with something unique thrown in. A "Set for Stun" attack would be nice (though in spite of the name, I'm thinking more of a sleep attack, to mimic various space fantasies). Again, we should already have sufficient in game sound fx for this, though it would be cool if they had something unique to this set that wasn't just a copy/paste of the same powers in other sets or on NPCs. I'm sure there's other sounds to draw from, and again, if the modding community wanted something more specific, I'm sure they could manage it. In addition to the various pistol costume pieces, I'd like to see something that doesn't look like a traditional gun... maybe the Aid Other pool power device. Maybe a magic wand? Heck, a magic wand (or a small selection of them) would open this set to a whole lot of additional character concepts that aren't gun based. Finally, for Dominators, a "Star Assault" set that's a mix of the two, using a pistol in one hand and a blade in the other (Doesn't one of the guys in W.I.S.D.O.M. do that?) Optimally, all these sets would come out at the same time, in an update including a space station zone or some other extraplanetary excursion. We can dream, right?
  14. There are so many costume options I want to see proliferated (don't even need new art for many, like the alternate IDF gloves worn by the trainer in First Ward, and many IDF troopers), but something I'd really like to see more of is various weapons being proliferated to other sets... Blaster */Ninja needs more blades (especially short blades), Dual Blades could really use a couple more axe options. Frankly, I'd love to see every melee weapon (not counting full size titan weapons, but maybe if you shrink some down...) proliferated among every melee weapon set. I really don't care if the name of the set is sword/mace/axe, sometimes I like the power effects and/or animations but would prefer to see weapons of another descriptor. For instance, a pair of unbladed batons as Escrima sticks would be lovely in Dual Blades. A Sledge Hammer for a Blaster Ninja secondary might not be very ninja-like in theme, but opens up other themes that would be fun too. Ultimately, I just want more visual thematic options that aren't limited by the name of a set. (Also, we need Tsoo Kama in our weapon choices. Running the event for a temp power doesn't cut it).
  15. Making Giant Monsters and the like immune to hostile intangibility seems like it should just be a given. Instanced Hami raids would also be wonderful. Yet, personally I'd love to just see all player powers that cause intangibility on others to be done away with and replaced with something useful. Not only are they too easy to use for griefing (and rarely actually useful for anything else), they're essentially a tax on certain powersets because if you take that set you have one less usable power option. Note that I have no problem with powers that a character can use to make themselves intangible.
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