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Captain Powerhouse

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Everything posted by Captain Powerhouse

  1. It's just a bonus to fury gain when teamed, and should not be noticeable by a brute that is main tank. The goal is a secondary brute, or brute that is not main tank, does not underperform. It also makes slow attacks generate a bit more fury. PLEASE, dont just smile and node when that patch hit. Test it and report any concerns.
  2. I meant the introduction of procs in i13. When they became more consistent, a lot more should had been considered, especially cross-at balance. On some of your other points: there is also issues with how they interact with epic pool attacks that are meant to have 2x recharge rate as a penalty, not as a bonus for PPM (this later is more of a PvP issue.) Edit: as to what will be looked at there, I don’t know yet. It’s a thing of concern that is on a huge bucket list of things that need looking at.
  3. Food for thought: Tank Foot Stomp 16 * 1.42 * 0.90 * (1.95 + .8) = 56.232 Fire Ball 16 * 1.1928 * 0.80 * (1.95 + .8) = 41.986 Total 98.21 Brute Foot Stomp 10 * 1.42 * 0.75 * (1.95 + .8 + 2 * .75) = 45.26 Fire Ball 16 * 1.1928 * 0.75 * (1.95 + .8 + 2 * .75) = 60.83 Total 106.1 Same with double stacked Rage: Tank Foot Stomp 16 * 1.42 * 0.90 * (1.95 + .8 * 2) = 72.59 Fire Ball 16 * 1.1928 * 0.80 * (1.95 + .8 * 2) = 54.2 Total 126.79 Brute Foot Stomp 10 * 1.42 * 0.75 * (1.95 + .8 * 2 + 2 * .75) = 53.78 Fire Ball 16 * 1.1928 * 0.75 * (1.95 + .8 * 2 + 2 * .75) = 72.28 Total 126.07 *Keep in mind: epic pools for tankers are still at a modifier of 0.8. The more epic AoEs you manage to add (patron epics have multiple) the more brute takes over per volley. This is one of the reasons why i been noting from the start that actual in-game testing is required to accurately get a perspective of how these changes impact balance.
  4. So far, in my own testing and data-mining, the only places I found tankers beat brute all involve having enemies literally rain on top of the tanker (in a kill 100 test.) Killing waves (with minions dying before higher rank enemies and intermittently lowering target saturation) the brute takes a clear advantage. There are some scenarios of slight concern: Super Strength and procs, and Rage being fleeting on teams if the Brute is not tanking. Fury gain on teams is being tweaked on next patch (whenever that hits, sorry got no ETA on that yet.) SS can have a marginal advantage over the brute equivalent IF the builds don't both have Epic Pools. This also happens to cut two ways, though. SS relies so much on self +dmg, that as soon as a Kin or damage buffer joins the party (or tons of reds are popped,) ANY other set becomes superior to SS. This all will be looked at in the not so faraway future, hopefully. Procs are an issue, in great part because they ignore AT modifiers. I know this is not going to be popular but they will be looked at sooner or later. When they were introduced and made to ignore AT mods, it was also expected they would be ridiculously rare and have very low flat chances to trigger. But that's an IO issue, not an AT or set issue.
  5. Clarification: the entire set of Rage changes has been postponed for further review. The set will come back up in the future, likely not with the same change. I'm going to lock this thread for the time being, since there aren't any changes for the set to discuss at the time. Anyone wanting to talk more about the set can continue to do so in the old suggestion thread. Like usual, if anyone has any questions my forum inbox is a click away.
  6. Although blasters have a low melee damage modifier, most of the manipulation sets attack have increased recharge and damage that make them a lot harder hitting than their melee counterparts (even scrapper versions.) There should, for the most part, not be any "equal one to one" power between Melee ATs and blasters outside power pools. There are some exceptions, though.
  7. The way we work not single person holds the keys to the kingdom. Multiple people need to be involved on every patch, at least at the moment. This also means that RL issues can delay things, and honestly, it’s been an on and off eventful month for some of us, me included.
  8. I understand, i just forgot to clarify that ahead of time, usually when I say something like the above some threads end up taking life of their own that I'm already working on whatever I casually spoke about. That said: if done, an incarnate "setting" could be implemented the same way flashback challenges work. However, if done as a buff to critters above level 50, it would just be how 51+ critters work.
  9. To clarify: I am not saying any changes are being worked on, and my "department" is only powers and balance. Also, implementation of any new difficulty settings are outside my scope, my thoughts here are mostly just brainstorming and tossing things to the wind. That said, main reason I posted above is because the OP suggestion does not do much if anything for difficulty. One of the first things people did when AE started was make farms that had nothing but bosses, because rank alone does not mean the enemies are deadly, but removing minions and lts drastically boosts reward acquisition. If anyone wants harder content, you start by making deadlier minions that don't die when sneezed at, not by removing them.
  10. Honestly, the game is meant to be balanced against even enemies with SOs, and the level cap is level 50. I think enemies starting at level 51 should be considerably deadlier and sturdier than they are right now, as it stand, they progress in stats much similar to how they do from 1 to 50.
  11. OR making those minions (and everything else) sturdier and deadlier on incarnate difficultly.
  12. Even if it was possible, all it would do is make a second tank at even more meaningless in any team. If the goal of a team is just to rush rooms full of multiple spawns, that team should bring at least a secondary tank at, be it a brute, tanker or kheldian. Alternatively, some crowd control or enough buffing for free range aggro to not be an issue, since this game tends to be flexible like that.
  13. The Praetorian AV class (Marauder's internal class) has a minimum jump height value of 8. As far back as I can see, this change has been so since before shutdown. I cant tell if this was a change that was only on the beta server, but it's not an accidental one. The live devs seemingly, at some point, decided he [nor any other praetorian AV] were not meant to be grounded, ever.
  14. Healing and Regen are independent stats, no Power Boost increases Regen.
  15. There will be at least two more patches. Before any patch actually going live, there should be a "live candidate" with a consolidated list of patch notes. The next patch is not it.
  16. It's 13.6 seconds. The source quoted above is likely an outdated version of red tomax.
  17. I don’t have any plans to change any existing scrapper auras, but that goes both ways: none will get more taunting, and any new armor won’t get taunt in the scrapper auras.
  18. One of many reasons why any tanking improvement will be locked exclusively to having the dwarf form (and it being active.)
  19. That is the reason some of the auras have them, although it’s arguable they ever need the full benefit of a saturated empowering aura. And this is the reason they should not have them. In a “fair” world, the scrapper should not have that easy of a time herding foes and optimizing AoE on their own. And they are not meant to hold aggro from multiple foes.
  20. Thaaaat is not true, but its an understandable confusion given one of the AT names. Class = Archetype (the game internally calls it both in here and there.) Tanker = AT/Class Tank = Role
  21. To be fair, although tankers are the main focus of the changes, there are many reasons why the thread is called "Tank Updates" and not "Tanker Updates", these changes, from the start, have touched two of the 3 tanking capable archetypes. Alas: Kheldians will be looked at later, there is only so much testing that can be done at once and keep things somewhat focused. I could do 1000 changes tomorrow, but that would result in an incredibly chaotic feedback cycle.
  22. Kheldian pass will be way later and way different. A Kheldian does not have to have its tank form balanced around the idea that there is already a main tank in the team, because it is part of the AT design that they can shift roles on the fly. There is not currently a path, but ideally, the tank form would be more effective at holding aggro and tanking, while multi-form building be a bit more easy to achieve.
  23. There is no good one-size-fits-all fixes for stalkers. Doing this to placate would just give more AoE to every stalker, and some of the later sets didn't lose any AoE on their stalker transition. This could make some Stalker AoE too good even when compared to other ATs, and it would still keep MA and EM relatively under-performing. Any fix to those two sets needs to be tailor made for them and not meddle with Assassination, Placate or Build Up, powers that are shared among all Stalker Melee sets.
  24. If I have time later i'll split off this thread, but it seems that until the next patch the discussion on the tanker changes has pretty much reached it's end. That said: as much as I would like to address Stalker issues for EM and MA, due to the removal of their only AoE powers, it's highly unlikely that these sets will ever get their AoEs inserted back in. It would require some drastic game changes or breaking the cottage rule.
  25. I must have missed those when they came through, thought that stuff happened WAY earlier (same time as the storm kick chun-li animation removal,) but then again, I didnt really play MA until the tanker version (I never got over the removal of that awesomely slow-but-cool storm kick... might also be why my timeline for the set stops there.)
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