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Ingenuity (Defense/Armor)

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On 10/18/2019 at 8:28 AM, Steampunkette said:

Whether devices of your own design or gadgets provided by a team of engineers or even the work of a lonely wizard, the inventions you put to use in the field protect you from harm. Ranging from simple body armor to complex gizmos and doodads, the assortment of tools at your disposal creates a toolbox that you happily delve into.


Tier 1: Body Armor. Simple, effective at slowing down bullets, and like sweaters in winter it works best in layers!

Click +Res S/L/E with a 10 minute duration and a 10 minute cooldown. Provides 22.5% Resistance to Smashing/Lethal and 15% to Energy due to it's natural insulation. (Easily Double-Stacked with 3 Recharge SOs, this power is the basis of the set, providing 67.5% S/L Resistance and 45% Nrg Resistance when stacked and 3 slotted for Resistance Bonus) Give it a 2.67 second activation time, so players need to try to be out of combat when putting on their second layer.


Tier 2: Adrenal Harness. Worn close to the skin, the Adrenal Harness provides an edge in combat by ramping up the release of adrenaline and other performance modifying hormones into your system. 

Auto +Regen +Recovery Special. Adrenal Harness provides a flat 2% bonus to Recovery and 20% bonus to Regen. In addition, it has a scaling Regen, Recovery, and Recharge bonus based on your current Hit Point total, capping out at +200% Regen, +50% Recovery, and +25% Recharge when you are at 20% HP or Less.


Tier 3: Defensive Drone. This small drone flies near your left shoulder and provides a defensive boost to yourself. While active, you can set the Defensive Drone to assist a nearby teammate, but you lose the bonus it would provide to you.

Toggled +13.88% Ranged and AoE Defense. The power comes with a second Click Power which suppresses the Defensive Drone buff on you for 20 seconds and applies a +10% Ranged and AoE Defense Buff to a targeted ally within 20ft for 20 seconds.


Tier 4: Performance Serum. By swiftly ingesting a carefully blended cocktail of chemicals you can temporarily boost your resilience and speed in combat, giving you a further edge over your opposition.

Click +Regen, +Speed, +Mez Protection. 4 minute duration, 3 minute cooldown, ignores Recharge Rate changes. Provides +200% Regen, +20mph Run, Jump, and Fly speed.  Mag 8 protection to Hold/Stun/Sleep. Mag 4 Protection to KB, Terrorize, and Immobilize. (Designed to stack for up to 1 full minute out of the box.) Performance Serum Ignores Recharge Rate changes. 


Tier 5: RoboPet. You gain a selection of Mechanical Allies that you can have with you in battle!

3 Mutually Exclusive Toggles that each summon a pet which follows standard Pet AI rather than MM Pet AI. While active, the Toggle provides you with an additional personal buff.

1: SpiderBot. Toggled Pet which provides Melee ST and TAoE Web Blasts for Single Target Hold and AoE Immobilize. Has no damaging attacks. While toggled, you gain a 35ft Stealth Bonus. (The SpiderBot also has 35ft Stealth inherent)

2: ShockBot. Toggled Pet which provides Moderate ST Electric Ranged Damage and Ranged ST Electric Holds. While toggled, you gain a +35% Recovery Bonus.

3: HealBot. Toggled Pet which provides Minor PBAoE Healing and Moderate ST Healing. While toggled, you gain a +15% MaxHP Bonus.


Tier 6: Ablative Armor. An Improvement over basic body armor, you now gain the benefit of armor which is particularly thick and designed to crumple under heavy impacts with easily replaceable and interchangeable armor plates.

Toggle +Absorb. That's all. Just an absorb toggle designed to get chewed up. +15% Absorb that recovers every few seconds.


Tier 7: Defibrilator Pack Planning ahead for your untimely end, you've chosen to incorporate a small wearable device designed to normalize your heartbeat, should you fall, and give yourself a painful jolt to get you back on your feet. That you hooked it up with an adrenal pack didn't hurt, either...

Click Self-Rez and PBAoE Electrical Damage with a Stun. 3 Minute Cooldown, ignores recharge rate changes. Restores you to live with 25% HP and full Endurance, immune to attacks for 5 seconds after the rez itself. The PBAoE deals Moderate Electrical Damage and has a 50% chance per target of a Mag 5 Stun.


Tier 8: Power Pack. You have on your person a device which rarely works, but when it works, it improves a variety of functions.

Auto Power, Proc. Every time you attack you have a chance to trigger your Power Pack. This provides a 50% increase to defense buff, tohit buff, absorption, healing, and control durations. You also gain a +35% Damage Bonus and a +40% Accuracy Bonus. These benefits last for 15 seconds each time the Power Pack Procs and it has a proc rate of 1.5 per minute on average.


Tier 9: DISTRACTION! You knew this could happen, and you prepared for the worst. You throw down an incendiary device which bursts in a largely harmless but spectacular display of light and sound. 

Click PBAoE +300ft Stealth, Placate, and Mag 20 Stun for 5 seconds (Cannot be enhanced for duration). Cooldown 10 minutes.


This powerset is meant to play with the idea of Clicks, Recharge, and Low-Endurance Cost abilities under the identity of being useful for Natural heroes who use a little tech or some magic items. The most basic and Signature ability being Body Armor itself.


Designed to be stackable pretty much immediately, with a generous duration, it provides decent Resistance on it's own, but quickly ramps up to providing very high S/L/E Resistances even without IO Slotting or Set Bonus Juggling. Due to it's nature, it would actually be less beneficial to slot it with full resistance sets as they rarely have as much recharge slotting as this power would actually benefit from, shaking up that dynamic, as well, and encouraging at least a bit of Frankenslotting.


The only other "Standard" Defensive power the set provides is in the Defensive Drone power. Most attacks the player is likely to run into keying off of Elemental, Exotic, or Energy damage are Ranged or AoE attacks. There are obvious exceptions in the Circle of Thorns using Dark, Fire, and Ice attacks, or the Hellions and Skulls flinging Fire Melee and Dark Melee attacks, but that was my logic for making a single defense based toggle the only source of defense for Non-Physical attacks.


Ablative Armor was just me hopping onto the Absorb Train. Toot toot. It's a nice and simple effect which affects gameplay in interesting ways.


The rest of the powerset is designed largely around the idea of Utility. Stealth/Team Healing/Damage in the Pet Powers. Speed Boosts and Recharge Rate changes in the Mez Protection and Regen powers. A Self Rez with a stun component, and a Tier 9 power meant to let your whole team run away from a bad encounter rather than faceplanting. Even the Power Pack ability is meant to largely be a quirky and interesting power which alters the Utility of your character. Did Power Pack pop? Might be a good time to use the Buff/Debuff powers from your Epic Pool, or try to burn down a boss while you have extra damage and defenses, or use a Temp Power or Epic Pool Power that lays down a Control effect.


I don't sincerely think this powerset is likely to be made. But it's an interesting thought experiment at the very least!

Edited by Steampunkette
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Oh boy, easy to soft cap Ranged/AoE defense with easy to cap Smash/Lethal Resistance and half the regen strength of the Regeneration set. It sounds like it will be super easy to make this thing OP with IO sets. Especially OP for a Sentinel that never even needs to get into melee range. Sure, it's extremely weak to all other damage types, but it wont matter between the ranged defense/regen/heal bot.

The Tier 9 ability could use some work though. Cooldown is to long and survivability is to solid that it wouldn't be much use in taking. I suggest an 8min cooldown, shorten the stun to 3secs and add a blind that lasts 10-15secs to work in tandem with the stealth.

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36 minutes ago, Cooltastic said:

Oh boy, easy to soft cap Ranged/AoE defense with easy to cap Smash/Lethal Resistance and half the regen strength of the Regeneration set. It sounds like it will be super easy to make this thing OP with IO sets. Especially OP for a Sentinel that never even needs to get into melee range. Sure, it's extremely weak to all other damage types, but it wont matter between the ranged defense/regen/heal bot.

The Tier 9 ability could use some work though. Cooldown is to long and survivability is to solid that it wouldn't be much use in taking. I suggest an 8min cooldown, shorten the stun to 3secs and add a blind that lasts 10-15secs to work in tandem with the stealth.

Easy to cap Resistance to S/L I'll give you. Ranged/AoE being easy is a -touch- of a stretch since there's few Defense/Resistance powers in the set to try and stack set bonuses. But half the Regen of Regeneration?


What're you smoking and can I have some?


It gets a maximum of 400% regen if it's at 20% or lower HP. Though if it were slotted I could see how it'd hit 600% regen with full slotting... It's still closer to 1/3 than 1/2. And still requires you to be really low on health to get that big of a benefit.


Though you're at least somewhat right. I think I'll make the Regen Portion of both Performance and Adrenal only half-enhanceable.


Also bear in mind: Either you're auto-firing Hasten -or- Body Armor -or- Performance Serum. Not two, and certainly not three. Even though this is a powerset which would -heartily- benefit from the Hasten power being on autofire.

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25 minutes ago, Steampunkette said:

But half the Regen of Regeneration?


What're you smoking and can I have some?


It gets a maximum of 400% regen if it's at 20% or lower HP. Though if it were slotted I could see how it'd hit 600% regen with full slotting... It's still closer to 1/3 than 1/2. And still requires you to be really low on health to get that big of a benefit.

You made PERFORMANCE SERUM a click that can stack easily. So I read it as 200% Regen per stack. You'd be able to get 400% perma I would assume from that alone. Then another 200% Max from ADRENAL HARNESS. Was this not how I was ment to take it?

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9 hours ago, Cooltastic said:

You made PERFORMANCE SERUM a click that can stack easily. So I read it as 200% Regen per stack. You'd be able to get 400% perma I would assume from that alone. Then another 200% Max from ADRENAL HARNESS. Was this not how I was ment to take it?

Performance Serum ignores recharge rate changes.


You can get 1 minute of overlap 'cause the Cooldown is 3 and uptime is 4. But that is mostly there as an "Oh, oops." cover.


Adrenal Harness only gives you 20% at full health. To get 200% you need to be at 20% of your maximum HP, with a sliding scale between those two points. Like the Scaling Resistance in Super Reflexes.

Edited by Steampunkette
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9 minutes ago, Haijinx said:

Im not sure about the T1, seems crazy good.  

It's meant to be! Because between it and Ranged/AoE defense, the set has no real defensive abilities.


Until 22, it's a good solid defensive power, basically. Then it becomes powerful. And with enough Recharge Rate Boost from enhancements, it'll become great! But it's still -only- S/L/E. And thanks to it's setup it basically precludes Hasten since you can only autofire one power and you're gonna wanna 2-3 stack the Tier 1 as much as possible and keep the Mez Protection up.


It'll be a set that could benefit really well from Hasten... but makes it hard to -use- Hasten. And I think that's a good idea.

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That's what we call a non-penalty. It looks like a penalty on the surface, but really, it isn't. You still have 100% uptime after that first stack, and you don't have to start a mission until those 5 minutes have gone by. If you are being invited to team content, hit it while the team is forming and by the time it starts, you'll have it.

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20 minutes ago, Crysta Clear said:

That's what we call a non-penalty. It looks like a penalty on the surface, but really, it isn't. You still have 100% uptime after that first stack, and you don't have to start a mission until those 5 minutes have gone by. If you are being invited to team content, hit it while the team is forming and by the time it starts, you'll have it.



But faceplant once and you're back down to 0% S/L Resistance until it recharges, then 33% for 5 minutes after that.


Of course, in team content there's usually someone buffing survivability, so even 1 stack of Body Armor can be more than enough to keep you going just fine, letting you hold onto the recharged Body Armor for 5 minutes 'til it runs out instead of stacking it, creating 'danger leap-frog' where going down within a 5 minute window is crippling and a different 5 minute window is no big deal.


But it's that, a modicum of regen, some absorb, and 13% Ranged and AoE Defense. So even with that power being comparatively strong, the rest of the set is only going to augment it, not protect you from everything.

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13% to two defenses is on par with Danger Sense in Ninjutsu, you just trade Danger Sense's perception radius and defense debuff resistance, for the ability to pass the defense off to a party member for a little while. With pool defenses and a primary that has a Parry-type power (broadsword, katana, titan weapon, etc.), it will be ridiculously easy to positionally softcap this set. Equally easy to Ninjutsu, but with massive resists in more common types.


Any halfway significant amount of global recharge at all will make Body Armour triple-stackable, and then that single power alone will cap a Tanker/Brute on S/L, as well as providing 2/3 of the cap for Energy, albeit with the third stack only having ~33% uptime (assuming you can take the 5 minutes down to 3. If you can bring it lower, like with Hasten and LotG's, it can be higher uptime).


You also have space for two Performance Shifter procs in-set with this -- one in Adrenal Harness and one in ShockBot. Ablative Armour and Performance Serum can easily hold your Numina and your Miracle, leaving only Panacea to be slotted in Health, with global recharge to very easily take Performance Serum's recharge down below the 2-minute duration of Numina / Miracle procs. These combine to ensure you get a total of three Performance Shifter procs, one Panacea proc, and both Numina and Miracle, without spending a single slot on any recovery or healing powers.

What you have created here is a set that is slightly less powerful than Ninjutsu for positional defenses, but still amazingly easy to softcap. But it also has ridiculous resists to common types, crazy regen for a set with both defense and resists, and effortless, free endurance that far outstrips the passive endurance generation of any other secondary, and also does not require you to spend any precious slots.

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1 minute ago, Crysta Clear said:

13% to two defenses is on par with Danger Sense in Ninjutsu, you just trade Danger Sense's perception radius and defense debuff resistance, for the ability to pass the defense off to a party member for a little while. With pool defenses and a primary that has a Parry-type power (broadsword, katana, titan weapon, etc.), it will be ridiculously easy to positionally softcap this set. Equally easy to Ninjutsu, but with massive resists in more common types.


Any halfway significant amount of global recharge at all will make Body Armour triple-stackable, and then that single power alone will cap a Tanker/Brute on S/L, as well as providing 2/3 of the cap for Energy, albeit with the third stack only having ~33% uptime (assuming you can take the 5 minutes down to 3. If you can bring it lower, like with Hasten and LotG's, it can be higher uptime).


You also have space for two Performance Shifter procs in-set with this -- one in Adrenal Harness and one in ShockBot. Ablative Armour and Performance Serum can easily hold your Numina and your Miracle, leaving only Panacea to be slotted in Health, with global recharge to very easily take Performance Serum's recharge down below the 2-minute duration of Numina / Miracle procs. These combine to ensure you get a total of three Performance Shifter procs, one Panacea proc, and both Numina and Miracle, without spending a single slot on any recovery or healing powers.

What you have created here is a set that is slightly less powerful than Ninjutsu for positional defenses, but still amazingly easy to softcap. But it also has ridiculous resists to common types, crazy regen for a set with both defense and resists, and effortless, free endurance that does not require you to spend any precious slots.

Performance Serum Ignores Recharge Rate changes. 


I feel like I need to put that above the powerset in big red letters with the number of people who are like "You can easily double or triple stack it!" And yes. I did put it in Comic Sans to make it uglier and harder to ignore.


The answer to Performance Shifter is simply "Don't let it take Endurance Sets". Bam. Problem solved. Though the intention of the Pet Toggles was to not allow them -any- enhancements, similar to Bio Armor's three toggles, rather than re-enact Peacebringer Style Slot Starvation. No end cost. No slotting. Just present, providing some team utility.


And, again. Powersets are designed based on SOs, not IOs.

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The SO's that nobody uses. That's not really a valid statement these days, no matter how much certain people seem to want it to be. Powersets need to be at least balanced around plain, Lv. 50 IOs, though the vast majority of characters get enough merits while levelling up to grab their essential procs while levelling.


Performance Serum ignoring recharge rate changes still means you only need to spend one slot on Panacea/Numina/Miracle instead of two, because Ablative Armour's default slot still takes one.


As for Shock Bot not having any slots, then you still have to question why the second recovery power in an armour set provides 5% more team-wide recovery than the base for Chrono Shift, a power in a support archetype, and as a toggle, does so with 100% uptime compared to Chrono Shift's recovery portion having less than 50% uptime when kitted to the nines for recharge.


You're stepping on other archetypes' toes with this set. Why should a Scrapper be able to hand out team-wide recovery on par with one of Corruptors' and Defenders' most overtuned outlier sets?

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12 minutes ago, Crysta Clear said:

The SO's that nobody uses. That's not really a valid statement these days, no matter how much certain people seem to want it to be. Powersets need to be at least balanced around plain, Lv. 50 IOs, though the vast majority of characters get enough merits while levelling up to grab their essential procs while levelling.


Performance Serum ignoring recharge rate changes still means you only need to spend one slot on Panacea/Numina/Miracle instead of two, because Ablative Armour's default slot still takes one.


As for Shock Bot not having any slots, then you still have to question why the second recovery power in an armour set provides 5% more team-wide recovery than the base for Chrono Shift, a power in a support archetype, and as a toggle, does so with 100% uptime compared to Chrono Shift's recovery portion having less than 50% uptime when kitted to the nines for recharge.


You're stepping on other archetypes' toes with this set. Why should a Scrapper be able to hand out team-wide recovery on par with one of Corruptors' and Defenders' most overtuned outlier sets?

"You gain" is not "Your Team Gains". The RoboPet powers provide a buff to you while toggled on. Not your team. Where are you even getting that from?


As to "Nobody Uses" I beg to differ. I certainly use SOs for most of my character's career. Only those who hit 32 get generic IOs and only those who hit 50 and I'm deeply invested into playing get IO Sets.


Until we get a Datamining Check on what portion of the playerbase uses IOs, and what level ranges they're more common at, that's entirely conjecture on your part.

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Because you said 'team utility.' And the only pet in that list that will be worth using is the ShockBot, so I assumed you meant that one. The spider can't have a good magnitude on its web without being OP, probably will be Mag 2. And the HealBot being "minor" healing seems like a thing that will never be used.


But you still have yet to give me a reason why an armour set deserves two recovery powers, when only the most outlier of outliers (Bio, etc.) have any at all.


As for IOs, my characters get new basic IO layouts at 22 and 32. From 1 to 22, they are slotless save for the five prestige enhancements, and I typically have no trouble playing through low-level content this way while solo.

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6 minutes ago, Crysta Clear said:

Because you said 'team utility.' And the only pet in that list that will be worth using is the ShockBot, so I assumed you meant that one. The spider can't have a good magnitude on its web without being OP, probably will be Mag 2. And the HealBot being "minor" healing seems like a thing that will never be used.


But you still have yet to give me a reason why an armour set deserves two recovery powers, when only the most outlier of outliers (Bio, etc.) have any at all.


As for IOs, my characters get new basic IO layouts at 22 and 32. From 1 to 22, they are slotless save for the five prestige enhancements, and I typically have no trouble playing through low-level content this way while solo.

Ehhh... I think it'll depend on the team and the character.


The healbot on a mid-size or large team that doesn't have much healing seems more useful than a little more damage. And if you've taken the time to grab the Control Hybrid power, the Spider suddenly becomes -really- powerful, stacking control mags of holds and immobs alongside extra damage.


Of course, I honestly expect most players to skip the power because having a pet as a melee type character means it's probably going to get destroyed by AoE, regardless of which one you choose.


The set does have two recovery powers, though! One in a toggle that provides 10% more than Stamina does as an inherent autopower... and one that provides... 2%. Oh, sure. It scales up as your HP Drops, and eventually gets to be twice as strong as stamina. But it's mostly there for flavor. Honestly, both of them are mostly there for flavor.


Bio Armor gets it for flavor, too, mostly... but it has 5 powers that deal with Endurance. FIVE. Hardened Carapace reduces the end cost of all powers, Inexhaustible gives you regen and recovery and then gives you more, Evolving Armor gives you regen and recovery, and then DNA Siphon and Parasitic Aura both give you biiiiig recovery and end-refill for DNA Siphon.


If you have Efficient Adaptation online. 30% End Discount from Hardened Carapace, 35% Recovery from Inexhaustible, 18% recovery from Evolving Armor, up to 125% Recovery from DNA Siphon, and up to 142% Recovery from Parasitic Aura.


Compare to 35% if you're using Shockbot and between 2% and 50% based on current HP from Adrenal Harness. 320% Recovery with a 30% end discount... compared to 37-85%.

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But because many of those powers in Bio don't have endurance components by default, none of them can take a Performance Shifter except for Inexhaustible and Parasitic Aura. And if you're running Efficient Adaptation you're not running a different adaptation.


My point isn't where your set's recovery sits in relation to Bio, because nothing should be as strong as Bio is. Not even Bio should be.


My point is that you've taken a positional defense set, taken the melee portion out of it, and then given it ridiculous resists to common types and also plenty of room to slot procs without slot investment.


Hard pass. No thank you.

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I earnestly feel like it is disingenuous to ignore the weaknesses of the powerset and exclusively discuss it's strengths, particularly when one repeatedly conflates the strengths of the set as being bigger than they actually are. (As regards stacking Performance or slotting the Pets or viewing Adrenal Harness as though players will exist exclusively at 20% HP)


Yeah. The set has two Positional defenses at 13.88%. With SOs, Weave, and Maneuvers they'll be able to get that up to 31%. A far cry from softcap and well within range of easy Cascade Failure. (Particularly against Warriors and Freaks who do -def with melee attacks, against a 9.4% defense). It's also their only defense against everything but S/L/E. So CoT and Tsoo and Crey are gonna mess 'em up real good. In PvP they'd be -super- vulnerable to Fire/Ice/Psi Melee.


Fully kitting the set out with IOs would probably put it essentially on-par with fully slotted Willpower, in the end. Only Willpower doesn't need to wait 3-5 minutes to get it's defenses online and wouldn't need to either juggle Autofire Keybinds across 3 powers or devote attention to 3 separate "Has to fire on cooldown" abilities.


Willpower also wouldn't need to protect a pet from AoE attacks in order to retain their end recovery benefits.

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The fact is, it doesn't matter whether it's 2 recovery or 50. If it can take a Performance Shifter, that is all that matters about that power. A proc is worth more than a Lv. 50 EndMod IO in Stamina.


The five minute 'start time' to reach full resistance is a non-penalty. And with the right primary, there is no longer a melee hole unless you are literally a Sentinel and cannot get a primary with a Parry.


By the way? Here is what I can do with just 13.88% Ranged and AoE defense in-secondary, at Lv. 22 with very minimal set IO usage.



So like I said, that is very easy to softcap, and softcap early, no less. That is only a single stack of Defensive Sweep, and a total set IO cost of less than 30m. You will easily have that much if you level in the overworld with arcs, from 1 to 22, without XP boost, and spend all your merits selling converters and boosters.


Keep in mind, the other set that can softcap positionals at 25th level is Super Reflexes, a set with no resists or recovery at all, and whose only non-defensive benefit is +20% global recharge.

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13 minutes ago, Crysta Clear said:

The fact is, it doesn't matter whether it's 2 recovery or 50. If it can take a Performance Shifter, that is all that matters about that power. A proc is worth more than a Lv. 50 EndMod IO in Stamina.

True. And the easy answer is to just not let it take End Sets. *shrugs!* It's not that hard to do.


I've also been thinking of reducing both the bonus and the cooldown on Body Armor to 18.75% and 7 minutes. That way with SOs it caps out at 28% and stacked with SOs it caps out at 56%. It'd be a little squishier, but it'd also take slightly less time to recharge, bringing the opportunity cost down slightly.

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2 minutes ago, Crysta Clear said:

If you start going all in with powers not being allowed to take enhancements of a category that they mechanically have an aspect of, then you have rules inconsistencies.

It'd be one power and one aspect of it. I'd still let it take heals, obviously, because it's designed to be a regen power out of the gate that helps keep you alive as you get low. But the Recharge and Recover aspects are kind of meant to be thematic of someone with adrenaline spiking.


Though it'd be worth noting that RoboPet and Powerpack would both take no enhancements whatsoever. Sort of like Bio Armor's Adaptive Toggles and Martial Combat's Reach for the Limit.


Fairly forgiving in that aspect as regards slotting, fairly unforgiving in that the basic power pretty much needs Recharge/Resistance with little to no room for endurance reduction.

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Just, check my screenshot a few posts up, in Mid's. If you can softcap positionals so easily with plain 25 IO's at 22nd level, you need to be wary of giving that set anything more than Ninjutsu already has. Ninjutsu already completely invalidates and obsoletes Super Reflexes, on archetypes with access to both powersets (Scrapper, Sentinel, Stalker).

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