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Most fun non-perma solo Dom


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I think I'd like to try a Dominator. Have a real good go at it, hold some peeps, laugh as they suffer and die, the usual.

This thread doesn't have to get overly mathematical because....uh....I'm 35 and I don't care anymore. I teach English. Screw numbers. I just want people to give me some of their opinions on the various choices available to a Dominator. The caveat is that firstly, I play solo. I work and live in China, my internet is basically "50 mb/s for practically zero cost per month until you route to anything out of China and have to wait five minutes to submit a reply to a kid on the Homecoming forum that you had his mom and she was crap". So I am FOREVER ALONE.

The second is that I don't have an inf farmer and can't be arsed with all of that at least for now. Not that I'd really have enough time in the day when my internet works well enough to even get that done. So perma-Dom? That ain't happening. We're gonna be lucky if I start throwing together some Frankenslotting for this thing. This is full hobo-Dom.

The third thing....obviously I'm gonna be doing 'regular play' with it all the way through. I could PL it up to maybe 18 in an AE farm before I get bored and just go make a new Brute woman with white skin and white bikini bottoms so it all blends in and looks like she's naked. Hehehe. Uh....that's a joke. Haha! We're all friends here!

On the plus side, however, I also cannot be arsed with constantly pushing the notoriety envelope as hard as I can until I'm facerolling x4/x8 and consider anything less to be not worth it. I'm just gonna play the game. Obviously I'd like to hear what sets you think are fun AND functional, of course, but I'm not trying to get my e-peen as erect as possible here.


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The idiot formerly known as Lord Khorak

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My dude, you need to go outside and talk to human beings. It’s for your own good.


Elec and Darkness Control are probably my favorite primary sets for Doms. Elec is low-damage, but it plays very well due to its abundance of control and fun powers (and Dominators have an entire secondary dedicated to damage, so who cares if the primary is low-DPS?). Dark likewise has great control, but it’s a little more chaotic and has much more in terms of offense-oriented pets. Fire Control is a better Dom Primary than it seems on paper thanks to its bonus damage, especially if you stay at range.


Electric and Energy Assault are two of my big faves for Dominators secondaries for their overall good damage. Both perform best in melee, but can stay at range easily enough. Dark Assault gets an honorable mention for giving an attack with a small heal at lv 28, and Fiery Assault gets mention for being the best choice for pure range.


If I played solo, I would make it a Dominator either a Dark/Fire or an Elec/Elec. Dark/Fire would be ranged, with good control, and be able to now enemies down swiftly as long as you have enough blue inspirations. Elec/Elec would be more methodical, with extra time spent in melee, but overall extremely safe for a Dom so long as you play to its strengths.

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44 minutes ago, Mercurias said:

My dude, you need to go outside and talk to human beings. It’s for your own good.

What do you think Branwen?

Mm hmm. Uh huh.

Corgi dog says no.



Yeah. Ok. Yeah.

Cat says no.


That's two out of three already, so I'm not going to bother asking the Plush Collective.

The idiot formerly known as Lord Khorak

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My favorite non-perma dom in live was an ice/thorns/ice. Played a little like a scrapper with liberal inspiration use.


(But inf is so easy to come by, and the prices so much more reasonable, perma-dom is not some unattainable super-expensive end. It’s more planning than anything else. Purples NOT needed!)

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8 hours ago, oedipus_tex said:

I recommend a ranged control set combined with /Fiery Assault. 


Plant/Fire or Earth/Fire are both strong options that will do well even without IOs. 

Earth/Fire looks very interesting, it's at least some sort of thematic. I guess the pet being your own personal tank is a lot more useful than most other options.

The idiot formerly known as Lord Khorak

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  • 5 weeks later

I recently got a Dark/Elec to 42 .... . at this point I have three pets!


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