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best afk fire farm?


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So i am looking to farm while afk. Yeah real life gets in the way of me sitting in front of my gaming rig all day like I want to, dang wife and kids 🙂.  I am looking for the best fire farm to farm while away from keyboard.  Can i make a farm with portals that will continuously spawn demons or something.  I am thinking like the inferno mish but without infernal just a portal spitting out mobs all day long.  I have seen the meteor fire farms with roaming mobs but they all don't patrol so eventually standing in one place doesn't work.

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i generally do 2915 - the level 49 comic con meteor. I head into the middle, avoiding releasing the "helper" who actually is more of a griefer for afk'ing, pull lore pets, click hybrid and tab out (auto-burn, of course). Generally if i come back in 10-15 the map is either clear or has one mob left trying to walk through the rocks somewhere, occasionally there'll be two. So it only works well as afk for doing other things while you're around to restart. Great for house chores or playing other games or watching something but not a start and forget like you're wanting. I've tried various versions of the cave map but i find that many of the mobs don't get around to you or get behind you when you move up. As far as something you could leave going all day, doubt there are any options, as AE was specifically set up on live to avoid that sort of thing.

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Funny how none of the big shot players ever divulged this info... but anyways.. if you can get mobs to spawn forever, PST.. other than that    this guy above me pretty much has it down.. cept he is not broad enough IMHO... google  'tighty' or 'tighty whities' in the search farms  console...    select the roaming farm...  run to the group of drummer mobs as they have the Eb.....    but 1st.. make a rad/fire brute and spend 200 million,  use no purps..  go all cap fire res and %44.5 fire D.. you can do it  NO purps.  google it some. start lower on the levels   like +2? till you slots the incarnates, etc.. then full max..... then run in to mid.. idle for 10 mid... run out, reset    etc..... billions of inf...   so wrong... all the while these same guys are saying on the forums... 'You are creating problems that don't exist'. While they blow out the market bidding 60 million each for 5 junk whatevers so they can combine them into one for like a 3% bonus  cause who cares at this point... Meanwhile you get nothing.  "You are naive and I'm going to do my best to keep it that way by watering down anything anyone says publicly/troll.. etc.."  so anyways.. ya.. YOU are getting dupped and they have all the money.. and worse they are downplaying it. This is free inf... billions.     Am I doing the same thing? You bet your aSSss.. because this is how it IS. I like it... whatever...  but when this mob/douchers prevent/hide what they are doing.. well whatever.... as I said before... inf is now pointless... and for the lazy/can not figure it out.

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8 hours ago, CreepyMaxx said:

Funny how none of the big shot players ever divulged this info... but anyways.. if you can get mobs to spawn forever, PST.. other than that    this guy above me pretty much has it down.. cept he is not broad enough IMHO... google  'tighty' or 'tighty whities' in the search farms  console...    select the roaming farm...  run to the group of drummer mobs as they have the Eb.....    but 1st.. make a rad/fire brute and spend 200 million,  use no purps..  go all cap fire res and %44.5 fire D.. you can do it  NO purps.  google it some. start lower on the levels   like +2? till you slots the incarnates, etc.. then full max..... then run in to mid.. idle for 10 mid... run out, reset    etc..... billions of inf...   so wrong... all the while these same guys are saying on the forums... 'You are creating problems that don't exist'. While they blow out the market bidding 60 million each for 5 junk whatevers so they can combine them into one for like a 3% bonus  cause who cares at this point... Meanwhile you get nothing.  "You are naive and I'm going to do my best to keep it that way by watering down anything anyone says publicly/troll.. etc.."  so anyways.. ya.. YOU are getting dupped and they have all the money.. and worse they are downplaying it. This is free inf... billions.     Am I doing the same thing? You bet your aSSss.. because this is how it IS. I like it... whatever...  but when this mob/douchers prevent/hide what they are doing.. well whatever.... as I said before... inf is now pointless... and for the lazy/can not figure it out.

What is going on here? Can you parse this out a little more for us? 

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Sounds like someone is off their meds.

How can anybody "Have all the money"? This isn't a closed economy, influence just pops into existence.

I decided to check out the aforementioned "Tighty" AE. The description is an equally psychotic rant about being kicked from an SG.

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I don't think there is a solution to permanently AFK farm within the AE. At least not as far as I'm aware of. What you could do is AFK in Cimerora, on top of the walls where all those Romans are lined up. Just make sure you are in a TF (start a L50 arc in AE or even talk to Imperius) so you don't get disconnected for being AFK.

Warning: This post may contain an opinion.

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Yes these 'douchers' are hiding all the info unless you search for 'farm' or just scan the new post feed or ask the help channel. As to the dropping 60 mil for things to combine....are you talking about the couple of Hami-Os that people actually slot? Cuz those aren't 60 million because of farmers, they're 60 million because they're the only thing in the game that's both actually rare and sought after and they can't be made with merits. Piles of farm influence can't inflate the market in general because merits effectively hardcap everything else.  So yeah, farmers have billions, but they're either just sitting on it or giving it away.

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7 hours ago, ThrillMill said:

What is going on here? Can you parse this out a little more for us? 

Lemme get out my gibberish-to-English dictionary and try.


1) Make a Rad/Fire farmer.  Spines/Fire works just as well I've found, but he specified 200MM no purple Rad/Fire farmer.

2) Go look up fire farm 17748 (I think), it's a 49 exemp fire farm.  Run in, trip up the group with the drummers and the EB, then jump to middle of map.  Leave Burn on auto.  Pop your Hybrid and your Lore Pet then alt-tab out of that screen and go do whatever you want.  Your farmer will AFK burn the roving spawns away.

3) Come back in 10-15 mins.  Most, if not all, the spawns are gone.  I generally find at least one group immobile over on the rocks somewhere.  Cleanup and finish mission.

4) Go out, rinse, repeat.

5) Earn billions.  Dupe rares if you wanna.  Spend your billions on hookers and blow.  Or your alts.  Same thing for me as I have an alt named "Hookers and Blow."


That particular firefarm has some grudge against a few players, which will be obvious when you speak to AE contact and enter the map.  Since you are AFK farming, you won't notice it after the first time.




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11 hours ago, Veelectric Boogaloo said:

Yes these 'douchers' are hiding all the info unless you search for 'farm' or just scan the new post feed or ask the help channel. As to the dropping 60 mil for things to combine....are you talking about the couple of Hami-Os that people actually slot? Cuz those aren't 60 million because of farmers, they're 60 million because they're the only thing in the game that's both actually rare and sought after and they can't be made with merits. Piles of farm influence can't inflate the market in general because merits effectively hardcap everything else.  So yeah, farmers have billions, but they're either just sitting on it or giving it away.

First off, I should have proofread that statement before just blurting it out. Forgive me. Moving on... your reply here is case in point. You are clearly just watering down/sidetracking the topic to protect and feel good about your ill gotten gains. I never said people who have mastered this game are hiding anything about farming or searching 'farm'. This is about away from keyboard(AFK) farming. Furthermore, you saying those Hami io's are 60 milly because they are rare... that's you pushing your opinion so you feel good about yourself.. again. You don't know that. In fact you 100% do not know that. You are telling us that anything selling for 60 million is only because it's rare and players having FREE AFK billions to bid insane amounts in no way has pushed the price higher than if we all had to manually farm? Sit down pal. How bout that one purp set every farmer wants...  sup frozen blast I think? Funny how it's 30 million with zero for sale and all the others are around 20 to 22 milly. What I am saying here is being able to not even have to play and gain billions is bad for the game IMO. It was interesting to me why it took till now to have people bring it up.


As for the spiteful humor with the farm... it's our farm, like all our members the guy who created it has his own sense of humor. The farm rocks... the drum circle is an extra mob with an EB in place of a glowy.

Edited by CreepyMaxx
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don't worry, no chance of me feeling good about myself, i have standards after all.


I didn't say anything selling for 60 mil, i said those Hami-Os (cyto and microfilament - i.e. the ones that give you 2 so's value for one slot in tactics and travel powers, respectively), which are rare. As to the superior frozen blast for 30 mil - welp 100 merits @ 270k + 3 million inf for a catalyst - seems about right to me.

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I'm not worried pal, again you fall back on sidetracking to try and come off as above the subject matter. Then you spout some fact about what some enhancement costs. You never address the real topic... that AFK farming is 'blowing out' the pricing, or that the entire subject matter of AFK farming has been kept private. But whatever.. it's clear how you work. Keep patting yourself on the back.    tool

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Winter Sets two ways to get those IOs: reward merit vendor or the Winter Super Packs @ 25M. From those packs, sometimes you get two, sometimes you only get one and other times no IO. Those packs are the source of most of the 22M Winter IO's on the auction house. The other super pack that contains the ATOs is 10M and ATOs are 8M. I see cause and effect. And it ought to be no surprise Hami-Os are 60M they are hassle to obtain, some servers don't even bother raiding. I'd never make a build that uses one.


AFK farming does not equate to billions of Inf - pretty much the opposite. May be I'm doing it all wrong but never seen a billion from farming (let alone billions) and that's not AFK that's actively running around the farm map, pressing buttons, getting on the auction house etc. I see a lot of activity on the auction house that is "buy low and sell high" i.e. buy a recipe for cheap, manufacture it, sell high. A smart player can work around this overhead and save themselves a lot of inf.


I like Wenie's farm maps they're obviously brand new and quite hilarious.

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6 hours ago, Veelectric Boogaloo said:

don't worry, no chance of me feeling good about myself, i have standards after all.


I didn't say anything selling for 60 mil, i said those Hami-Os (cyto and microfilament - i.e. the ones that give you 2 so's value for one slot in tactics and travel powers, respectively), which are rare. As to the superior frozen blast for 30 mil - welp 100 merits @ 270k + 3 million inf for a catalyst - seems about right to me.

The price for Frozen blast, and most of the LoW sets for that matter, are set by two things.


First is that you can buy a WInter Pack for 25MM.  They come in those (or a high chance to get one at any rate).  So minimum price will be pretty much hardcapped at what people have to pay to get one.  25MM.


Second is as you’ve stated.  Merits truly are the “gold standard” for the market pricing since its the alternative to spending influence.  You’ll see this across the marketplace.  50 merits for a purple @ 270K = 13,500,000 influence which is about the lower limit for purples.  Since any purple can be converted to any other purple via Converters, and free upgrade to Attuned.....there’s your rationale for purple prices on the marketplace.


Which is why I don’t really understand the whole conversation about a 200MM, no purple Rad/Fire AFK farmer.  Yes, if its AFK oriented, you don’t need min/max to do that.  You want top tier builds if you are manning it yourself because every smidge of benefit = less time running the map.  For AFK, you are leaving the toon unattended for 10-15 minutes at a time.  For me it’s usually closer to 15-20 mins as I don’t seem to luck out with the wandering spawns and always come back to more left than I thought should be there.  But regardless, if you are doing this even just when you are playing your main account (like I do), you’ll be earning 200-250MM a night of doing basically nothing while you play normally elsewhere.  The average mission time is under 20 mins normally, so when I exit mission main, I’m usually resetting my AFK farmer for another round as well.


At that kind of “free influence gain” why bother with even 200MM on another Rad/Fire farmer?  Just use your ubiquitous, everyone has one, Spines/Fire and let it accomplish the same goal.  Spend the 200MM on an alt.  I make about a new alt every few days, PL them to 32 in 25-30 mins, and then hand them 200MM to start their slotting.  Better served there than on another farming toon that will likely be deleted once they update Tankers.

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4 hours ago, Digirium said:

Winter Sets two ways to get those IOs: reward merit vendor or the Winter Super Packs @ 25M. From those packs, sometimes you get two, sometimes you only get one and other times no IO. Those packs are the source of most of the 22M Winter IO's on the auction house. The other super pack that contains the ATOs is 10M and ATOs are 8M. I see cause and effect. And it ought to be no surprise Hami-Os are 60M they are hassle to obtain, some servers don't even bother raiding. I'd never make a build that uses one.


AFK farming does not equate to billions of Inf - pretty much the opposite. May be I'm doing it all wrong but never seen a billion from farming (let alone billions) and that's not AFK that's actively running around the farm map, pressing buttons, getting on the auction house etc. I see a lot of activity on the auction house that is "buy low and sell high" i.e. buy a recipe for cheap, manufacture it, sell high. A smart player can work around this overhead and save themselves a lot of inf.


I like Wenie's farm maps they're obviously brand new and quite hilarious.

AFK farming does equate to billions of inf.  I can earn billionS actively farming for a day.  But an AFK farmer, using the same maps and just background tasking while working on other things, doing chores or whatever, will easily be able to earn a billion a day.


Why do you think there’s been so much interest in mobile app control of COH?  I use my phone all the time to just move my toon in/out of the farm.  Can’t really play the game, but all I need to be able to do is reset mission and move it back to center every half hour or so while I’m away at work, between flights, or whatever.

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2 hours ago, Crysis said:

AFK farming does equate to billions of inf.  I can earn billionS actively farming for a day.  But an AFK farmer, using the same maps and just background tasking while working on other things, doing chores or whatever, will easily be able to earn a billion a day.

Sane people know where to draw the line: in reality, probably looking at 100M may be 200M at the most for the casual player spending an hour or two. And that gets tedious after a while, playing the game with other people is much more fun and rewarding. If I set out to try to make a billion or more in one day two things would happen: I would never want to repeat it again falling very short of the billions being claimed and I'd end up on the psych ward at a hospital.

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2 hours ago, Digirium said:

Sane people know where to draw the line: in reality, probably looking at 100M may be 200M at the most for the casual player spending an hour or two. And that gets tedious after a while, playing the game with other people is much more fun and rewarding. If I set out to try to make a billion or more in one day two things would happen: I would never want to repeat it again falling very short of the billions being claimed and I'd end up on the psych ward at a hospital.

Perhaps, but some of us define entertainment in different ways.


I _do_ play the game.  Content and all.  I _do_ farm, often AFK farming.  No reason to not do both if that's what floats your boat.  One supports the other.



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On 11/1/2019 at 3:22 PM, Veelectric Boogaloo said:

i generally do 2915 - the level 49 comic con meteor. I head into the middle, avoiding releasing the "helper" who actually is more of a griefer for afk'ing, pull lore pets, click hybrid and tab out (auto-burn, of course). Generally if i come back in 10-15 the map is either clear or has one mob left trying to walk through the rocks somewhere, occasionally there'll be two. So it only works well as afk for doing other things while you're around to restart. Great for house chores or playing other games or watching something but not a start and forget like you're wanting. I've tried various versions of the cave map but i find that many of the mobs don't get around to you or get behind you when you move up. As far as something you could leave going all day, doubt there are any options, as AE was specifically set up on live to avoid that sort of thing.

This is what I have done except I use the S/L comic con farm with my Rad/Bio brute. I don't do it much anymore but I discovered during a wife aggro that I could leave it there and come back to a mostly clear map.


When I was really broke I would run the game in the background while working other things on the computer. Check back every 15mins or so and restart the map. Pretty boring but it's a good 3mil per map clear. Then sell all the other crap that drops. Probably equals 5mil or more per map clear. To ME...that's a lot...but I know a lot of you are pros. 

Edited by Ice_Warden

A bunch of toons. Global DocRanger

All on Excelsior. 

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I am sorry but I don't believe anyone makes "Billions" AFK Farming. A maxed out build being very active played could potentially net 138,006,431 (Per the Farm Fresh guide) influence an hour or ~3.3 billion if played 24 hours straight non stop. Trying to say that you can make billions standing there with Burn on autofire while standing on the middle of the map when many mob groups stay on the sided and never come to the center I find HIGHLY unlikely.

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I made billions off it, but it was over a good long time of having 2 guys going while i actually played my third account or did other things. I just started back after a long hiatus cuz i had more than enough to do whatever and give as much as i like away. My usual thing is giving away money when someone mentions being broke off hand and it happened to the tune of around 6 billion within a couple of days when it usually would be a few hundred million a week. Figured i should start back some to replenish the coffers. 😄

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