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QoL: Cimerora destination portal


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At risk at sounding ungrateful, I do recognize that Homecoming developers and staff has bent over backwards in giving us better and faster ways to get around, especially in between missions. Yet I do enjoy very much participating in ITFs, yet to get to Cimerora I have to go out of my way to a university campus (not nearby a tram), then zone in the midnight club, and then walk thru it, and zone in past the doors, then finally zone in to Cimerora. I get the colofulness of it and that during live there was a need to make it appear that content and maps were larger by using travel as a mechanism. I like to believe in Homecoming this practice is no longer observed, as made evident on the many ways to transport or be transported around.


With this in mind, why not qive us a Quality of Life improvement and give us a portal to Cimerora?


Would be nice if our bases could have the beacon to Cimerora, but it would be also good, and perhaps simpler, if the Orouboros portal would have Cimerora as a destination, since Orouboros is all about time and space manipulation it would make ample sense


Just a thought



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1 hour ago, Lost Ninja said:

PvP Zones (don't care for these myself but I know people have asked for them).


On live, I always thought there should have been a portal that takes you between PVP Zones, either by the entrance gates or inside the hospital.


The hospital one could be a either be a Paramedic NPC or a gurney labeled "Emergecy Transport" or "Medical Evac", and clicking it calls up a list of PVP Zones & drops you in the hospital there.

Edited by Shadowsleuth
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I am all for this, for all zones.  I play the game through a hotspot, not Wi-Fi, so I zone really slowly which can be problematic on teams.  All my other gameplay is speedy and lag free, just zoning to base then destination would be awesome if I have to go through more than 2 zones to get wherever I am supposed to be.

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Or two alternatives:

Ability to add an Aspect of the Whatever crystal thing to our bases that goes to Cim, like the one in the Midnighter club,

Add a Crystal to Night Ward.


The biggest pain in the butt is that however you get to Steel, Croatoa, or Founders Falls you have to travel quite a ways to the club.  In Night Ward the house is right there near the base TP landing zone and the "tunnel" transporter.  But for some reason that zone didn't get a crystal.

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