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Holiday Cheer: Orphans of Paragon

Marine X

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I would like to retart a Holiday Tradition that I had on Live ( Virtue Server ). We are now at the start of the 12 days of Christmas, December 13th-25th. Each day, I will go to Atlas Park, find a few Players under level 10 with no Super group Affiliation, and give them 1 Million Influence. These are Players that have either just started playing or just haven't found a home yet for their latest Toon. I am on Reunion ( Marine X ) and Everlasting ( Bubba Burns ) and would like to see if there are Folks, on the other Shards or on Reunion, who will help me spread some of that Legendary CoH Community Cheer around. Seasons Greetings from @Marine X.

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" When it's too tough for everyone else,

it's just right for me..."

( Unless it's Raining, or Cold, or Really Dirty

or there are Sappers, Man I hate those Guys...)

                                                      Marine X

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So my first and second nights of Christmas didn't go very well (Excelsior).  Apparently, everyone who was in AP while I was there was on an alt supported by a very wealthy main.  Sigh.  I did think I had one when someone asked in Help how to find low-level contacts.  Aha! I thought, finally someone new I can give a million inf to!  I zipped to AP and begged the person to take my Holiday Cheer.  S/He was content learning how contacts worked and assured me that they were "all right" in terms of infl.  Sigh.  On the bright side, I did help in that regard, so that's good.


I will try again tomorrow, but what approaches do you all use?  I'm having zero luck just letting people know I want to give them a million inf.  Who would have thunk it?

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I stand near Ms. Liberty and click trade on random lowbies.  Nobody has turned down 1 mil yet, although one person did give me 1 inf in exchange lol.  


I also put in broadcast "On the first (second) day of Christmas my true love gave to me...." And anyone who responds I emailed 1 mil to.  I didnt say anything about the inf but the email says holiday cheer.  (If they are truly new players they may not have found it yet...oops)


On Indom our population tends to be smallish and I am on at odd hours but I managed to find 10 people each day to spread it to.  Today may be tough because I have a family get together so I will be doing it this morning instead of evening and population is always lower in the mornings. 


Good luck!

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I gave out 2m to someone who was asking about changes and had just come back into the game on Reunion yesterday, and answered questions for a bit while they asked about Homecoming.


It was a break-even for me anyway since when I logged on I had a Red Fortune recipe sold on the market. So if it all someone else's money anyway. :)

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I Just passed 40 Million given out between Marine and Bubba, back to running Lady winter a few times on each to Earn more Cash ( still working on Bubba's Incarnates ). That mission is one I'm going to miss after the winter event. Only had a few declines and lots of Surprised Players, really enjoying this and thanks for the Help.

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" When it's too tough for everyone else,

it's just right for me..."

( Unless it's Raining, or Cold, or Really Dirty

or there are Sappers, Man I hate those Guys...)

                                                      Marine X

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Thanks @EmmySky!  It didn't even occur to me to just surprise people like that!  What a lovely gift and happy surprise for them!!  I'm doing that starting today and will make up for the fumblings I was trying before.


LOL, too, at someone giving you 1 influence in exchange.  I remember when I first started playing, someone in AP gave me a million on my very first roll, and I didn't have a thing to give them in exchange, so I gave them a small inspiration!  They must have laughed their butts off.  :D

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For the 5th day of Christmas, I passed out 5mil chunks instead of 1mil chunks.....hit about 10 baby heroes.  One of them didn't know how trades worked so I'm pretty sure they were a real new player (as opposed to just us old folks returned lol), or maybe they just pretended to be new, don't know don't care lol!   This is fun, @Marine X, thanks for the great idea!

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Okay, I am beginning to get a complex of some kind. I'm having a horrible time trying to give away free influence.  I did have some success with Emmy's blind trade idea, so cool and people are so happy!  But today was just bizarre.  I had four turn my trade down in a row (I'd already been successful with a few others, but the streak was weird), so I sent tells that I just wanted to spread holiday cheer.  Nothing.  So I decided to just Local that I was standing around giving out free influence to people.  I got three responses.  THREE.  And AP (I'm on Excelsior) was laggy full.  So the one guy was in a DFB and told me to email him the infl.  I did, but if you know enough that you can email infl, I'm guessing you don't need it.  LOL  But spreading holiday cheer is our message, and whose lowbie new roll doesn't need a million?


The second two were awesome, I just ended up giving them both $5 million and telling them I was on a mission from @Marine X.  I got my day done, but it was a squeaker.  :P

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I have had a few decline trade and a few cancel trade.  They usually send me a tell that they have plenty and to give it to someone who needs it.


I have also had a bit of luck putting Happy Holidays! In local or broadcast chat.  Once enough TY or Wow thanks! And I add a welkies,  lowbies start to kinda gather.  


Good luck with your quest!  Tomorrow is the 10th day so I think I will hand out 10m chunks.  Makes it exciting!

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Emmy, you so rock!  I'm glad I'm not the only one getting trade declines, it's kind of disheartening, but I think people are suspicious if they don't know how trades work.  That said, even on the trade declines, I would send the player a tells saying I just wanted to give them influence and expected nothing in return. When I didn't hear anything back, I went ahead and tried to trade again (thinking maybe they didn't know how to respond to tells; I didn't at first, who did?). But nothing.


I did get some success with the Local, so that is a great idea!  I seriously need to run an MSR or two, though, as I'm running out of Holiday Cheer to spread.  Hee!

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I have received a few gifts from contests and showing uo where a SG was being Santa


i sent 1 mill to someone who just found the game again. I try to do that just to say hi if i see the posts. It is what i email each of my starting alts and we all know that first chunk of change is important


Beyond that i am enjoying the company of our community of geeks this winter. Thank you all for being the network of superheroes and supervillians rogues and vigilantes. No i am not going to name each Goldside. You k ow what.  Thanks for being there. 

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  • 3 weeks later
On 12/21/2019 at 8:49 PM, Tahliah said:

So the one guy was in a DFB and told me to email him the infl.  I did, but if you know enough that you can email infl, I'm guessing you don't need it.  LOL  But spreading holiday cheer is our message, and whose lowbie new roll doesn't need a million?

Just a quick update on this one.  I have been super swamped at work lately and haven't been able to get on COH, so imagine my surprise when I finally logged on yesterday and found that this guy had sent me $100 million influence for my lousy $1 million.  I was utterly gob-smacked, and super grateful as my coffers were depleted.  (Not that I minded, I can always earn more, and giving is so fun!)


I almost felt bad taking it since I was the one who was on a Marine X mission to spread Holiday Cheer, but how rude would it have been to turn it down? Besides, I felt all warm and fuzzy seeing such kindness.  I'm guessing he must be a farmer or something to have so much to share with someone he doesn't even know!


I hope everyone had a marvelous Christmas and great New Year!  I'm all set now to get some holiday cheer spreading going this year, so I can't wait!! 

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