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Scrapper new primary


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If one could wish upon a star


The Mastermind through demon lore can have the use of the "Whip", would it not be cool if a Scrapper could use a whip to fight, and soon after we could see a bunch Indy Jones knock-offs (I would be among them), but is till would be so cool.


Another cool power set for them could be "Chain Saw" which would give us memories of Doom, lol


Lastly another cool power would be "Nunchaku" would make another cool  looking Martial Artist, think of a Nunchaku/SR build.


I have not figured what the powers in each set would be, perhaps you all would contribute. I can see the whip having holds, immobs, knockdown (never seen a whip knock back anybody), which could make the Scrapper a reasonably a one mob controller like build (No area effects for holds).

Edited by DrRocket
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The problem is that there's only 4 current whip animations at the minute; Corruption, Lash, Crack Whip and Hell on Earth. If we also add Build Up and Taunt/Placate that's 6 powers we can put together for a 'whip' powerset.


So, we would be missing 3 powers (4 if you count Assassin's Strike).


I'm not entirely sure if it's possible to reuse the whip FX with different animations to make up the rest of the powers, or if we need to look elsewhere for something that fits.

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40 minutes ago, Tyrannical said:

The problem is that there's only 4 current whip animations at the minute; Corruption, Lash, Crack Whip and Hell on Earth. If we also add Build Up and Taunt/Placate that's 6 powers we can put together for a 'whip' powerset.


So, we would be missing 3 powers (4 if you count Assassin's Strike).


I'm not entirely sure if it's possible to reuse the whip FX with different animations to make up the rest of the powers, or if we need to look elsewhere for something that fits.

Been playing Ice melee on Scrapper recently, and it has a few powers that look more like CC powers. (I can see why it was restricted to Tank in live) It's a ton of fun, maybe something like this could be done with the whip, if it had to be done that is.

Edited by Pbuckley818
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Well I was mostly referring to how some non-melle say fire animations could used to fill the remaining spots in the set. Im order to make a "Hellfire Melee" Set. That being said there is supposedly an Assault set using the whip already in development.

Edited by Pbuckley818
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It has been said that the whip powers are perhaps the most complicated animations in the game, with like four different things going on moving in parallel for them.  As far as I know, we are likely to see new/modifier animations for literally every other set prior to seeing them for whips.


An assault set on the other hand feels very achievable right now, with fire blast powers combining with whip powers.

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5 hours ago, aethereal said:

It has been said that the whip powers are perhaps the most complicated animations in the game, with like four different things going on moving in parallel for them.  As far as I know, we are likely to see new/modifier animations for literally every other set prior to seeing them for whips.


An assault set on the other hand feels very achievable right now, with fire blast powers combining with whip powers.

I need this.

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6 hours ago, aethereal said:

An assault set on the other hand feels very achievable right now, with fire blast powers combining with whip powers.

Like this?


Infernal Assault ( Whips and hell unleashed.

Archetype Concept Compilation -- Powerset Concept Compilations: Assault Melee


The Great Archetype Concept Battle: Final Round


Archetype Proposal Amalgamation

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