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On 2/16/2020 at 9:18 PM, RialVestro said:



Now to address some specific points in this post.


"The primalist seems interesting, but it's really just some epic/patron powers that you get at an earlier level"


You just described the Patron Master, that's a totally different Archetype. This is a Primalist.





You are correct - I tried both and they both started with P. I confused the two. My mistake, thanks for the correction. 

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On 2/15/2020 at 5:43 AM, RialVestro said:

Primalist should be one of the easiest Archetypes to implement on Homecoming because it's something the Developers on Live were already working on before the game shut down.

They weren't working on it when the game shut down. It was an idea that they'd been working on about a year before the game shut down, but they decided it wasn't working and abandoned it.  It's in the Wiki because someone did some client-diving and found the icons and power names.




"Primalist AT was for exploration only, decided to not go with it."

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10 hours ago, RialVestro said:

You just contradicted yourself there. 


I said it was something the developers were working on before the game shut down.


In the first sentence you deny they were ever working on the Primalist Archetype.


In the second sentence you confirm what I already said and just add more information which doesn't contradict what I had already said.


I never denied they had been working on it at one point. "They weren't working on it when the game shut down" doesn't mean "they were never ever ever working on anything called Primalist".   "When the game shut down" and "anytime before the game shut down" are not the same thing.


It means it wasn't still an active project (and hadn't been for a long time) when the boss came in and said "Okay, folks, pack 'er in, you're all fired" and the studio was closed.


"Two things didn't happen at the same time" does not contradict "Two things happened at different times".

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30 minutes ago, RialVestro said:


Regardless of how long ago they were working on it, that code would still exist, just because they scrapped the project doesn't mean they deleted everything. It just means they stopped working on it. So the Homecoming team would just need to start from where ever the original development team left off not start over from scratch.

Oh definitely, they could if and when they get THEIR other priorities done. Other servers doing that does not in any way make it a priority here.

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i just want to say that i tried this Primalist over there on cake and i had them level it up to 50 for me and did a couple AE missions for inf ...i couldnt even slot any enhancements in ANY of the powers.  i did enjoy some of the game play but even discounting any of the animations being glitchy, the fact that i couldnt even slot SO in them was something very weird going on. even if the devs were working on this even with assistance from cake, there is still a HUGE amount of work to be done.  it does seem like a cool idea for a third VEAT/HEAT but i want to say i personally would prefer other powersets to existing ATs rather than Primalist. 


on that note i did try out some of the other power pool sets and they are pretty freaking awesome and they felt more complete.

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