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like the new XP enhancements, but LIMITING XP

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I may be alone in this but I suspect not.


I'd actually like a thing which could limit the XP but then boost Inf.  I know you can do this somewhat (do not earn XP), but it seems like there is no increase in Inf when you do this (at least in my testing).


Would be nice to be able to do, say, earn only half XP but earn 150% Inf, etc.

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That's just gonna make it easier for level-capped farmers to generate more inf, and I think they want to avoid inflation on the market.


If that were true, they wouldn't've seeded the market with cheap salvage.


I'm anti-inflation, but let's not pretend that the easy xp and incarnate powers and merits and salvage don't contribute to that in spades already.

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That's just gonna make it easier for level-capped farmers to generate more inf, and I think they want to avoid inflation on the market.


If that were true, they wouldn't've seeded the market with cheap salvage.


I'm anti-inflation, but let's not pretend that the easy xp and incarnate powers and merits and salvage don't contribute to that in spades already.



Seeding the market keeps the maximum price of salvage down, thus reducing inflation. Easier and greater access to IO recipes outside the market means that the richest players can't monopolize market access to them with high prices, thus reducing inflation.

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That's just gonna make it easier for level-capped farmers to generate more inf, and I think they want to avoid inflation on the market.


If that were true, they wouldn't've seeded the market with cheap salvage.


I'm anti-inflation, but let's not pretend that the easy xp and incarnate powers and merits and salvage don't contribute to that in spades already.



Seeding the market keeps the maximum price of salvage down, thus reducing inflation. Easier and greater access to IO recipes outside the market means that the richest players can't monopolize market access to them with high prices, thus reducing inflation.


That doesn't make any sense at all. :P

The money's still there. Recipes will be more expensive in the long term, but salvage - which any low level can get their hands on - remains at a fixed rate. There is no conceivable way this could reduce inflation. =P


That said, I'm not here to argue. But I don't think anti-inflation has been a top priority movign forward. Level 50 farms are more productive than ever.

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That's just gonna make it easier for level-capped farmers to generate more inf, and I think they want to avoid inflation on the market.


If that were true, they wouldn't've seeded the market with cheap salvage.


I'm anti-inflation, but let's not pretend that the easy xp and incarnate powers and merits and salvage don't contribute to that in spades already.



Seeding the market keeps the maximum price of salvage down, thus reducing inflation. Easier and greater access to IO recipes outside the market means that the richest players can't monopolize market access to them with high prices, thus reducing inflation.


That doesn't make any sense at all. :P

The money's still there. Recipes will be more expensive in the long term, but salvage - which any low level can get their hands on - remains at a fixed rate. There is no conceivable way this could reduce inflation. =P


That said, I'm not here to argue. But I don't think anti-inflation has been a top priority movign forward. Level 50 farms are more productive than ever.

How does it make no sense? Inflation is when the price of the same good keeps increasing. Seeding the market with millions of salvage at set prices means the price literally cannot rise above a certain point. How does that not combat inflation?

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That's just gonna make it easier for level-capped farmers to generate more inf, and I think they want to avoid inflation on the market.

Don't characters at the level cap earn "double inf" anyway since they already aren't earning XP? This shouldn't affect them one way or the other.

Formerly of Virtue, now on Excelsior:

Ace of Spades Adamant Eve | Arch-Rival The BeBlackbelt Citizen Arcane Core | Ctrl Alt Defeat | Daddy Longlegs Diamant

Drop Dead Gorgeous Cyber-Security Freak Accident Galactrix Great White Shark Heavy Machinery Highway Star The Howl Inter-GalacticaIon Maiden

Knockout Artist Krakatoa Night's Templar The Pact Paroled McDonald Virtual Boy Volcaniac White Widow Yucatan

And my most recent 50, Doctor Roswell (Psychic Blast/Atomic Manipulation blaster, 16 August 2024)

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That's just gonna make it easier for level-capped farmers to generate more inf, and I think they want to avoid inflation on the market.

Don't characters at the level cap earn "double inf" anyway since they already aren't earning XP? This shouldn't affect them one way or the other.


No, they still earn XP towards veteran levels. The only double inf thing currently in the game is the option to earn double inf instead of XP when exemplared.

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That's just gonna make it easier for level-capped farmers to generate more inf, and I think they want to avoid inflation on the market.

Don't characters at the level cap earn "double inf" anyway since they already aren't earning XP? This shouldn't affect them one way or the other.


Yuppers, I've seen a few guys exploiting that system with lvl 49 characters. The recipe intake alone is super ridiculous. There's no doubt that the economy is going to become 100 million inamy recipes within a month or so.


To Mjolnerd: I already addressed your question about inflation. Let's not spam this up. I'm gonna stop now.

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That doesn't make any sense at all. :P

The money's still there. Recipes will be more expensive in the long term, but salvage - which any low level can get their hands on - remains at a fixed rate. There is no conceivable way this could reduce inflation. =P

Actually the salvage seeding is anti-inflationary. The thing is when someone buys seeded salvage the Inf used for that purchase is removed from the economy thereby reducing the overall quantity of Inf available.


Now as you noted there are two downsides to this. The first is that it makes selling salvage less profitable for low level players. The second is that by making salvage fixed cost there is more inf available for recipes. It remains to be seen how much impact this will have.

Defender Smash!

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I don't know what the answer would be to fix the runaway inflation. It is a problem that plagues nearly every MMO. There may not be an answer at all-- hyperinflation may simply be an inevitability in this kind of game. But I do know this: boosting influence drops would definitely make the inflation worse. Pumping more money into the system is what inflation is. The rising prices are merely the symptom of the rapidly expanding money supply.


Treating the symptom has its place though. And I don't necessarily disagree with what the Homecoming team has done in their efforts to stanch the bleeding, as it were, with these price controls on salvage. But prices of recipes and whatever else can be bought on the market will continue to spiral upward so long as an enormous imbalance exists between the inf entering the system (via drops, mission rewards, etc), and the inf leaving the system (via auction house fees, IO crafting fees, etc). Eventually I suspect we will see price controls on recipes as well, once prices are deemed to be "too high".

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I don't know what the answer would be to fix the runaway inflation. It is a problem that plagues nearly every MMO. There may not be an answer at all-- hyperinflation may simply be an inevitability in this kind of game. But I do know this: boosting influence drops would definitely make the inflation worse. Pumping more money into the system is what inflation is. The rising prices are merely the symptom of the rapidly expanding money supply.

The thing is back when CoH was live it didn't have that much inflation, in large part due to the auction fee. Since Wentworth's charges a 10% transaction fee that means that every inf earned through combat can only generate about 10 inf worth of market transactions. So to a large degree the market was self regulating and tended to converge at a relatively stable level where the amount of inf entering and exiting the economy was close to balanced.


Now there were periods of hyper inflation but those were mostly caused when a game change significantly impacted the supply or demand of something. For example the major AE Farming craze caused a significant jump in Inf earnings while simultaneously crashing the supply of purples which caused prices in general to increase and prices of purples to increase even more. But outside of events like that the overall market didn't seem to be very inflationary.


So overall the size of the economy was based on the earning rates of high level characters but it was relatively stable outside of that rate shifting.

Defender Smash!

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