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Respec midway through level-up of Second Build Fails, erases Enhancements


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So a couple of weeks ago I decided to activate the second (first?) alternate build of my En/En blaster, which left him at level 1.  I went offline to mess around with the alternate build in Mids, and came back this morning to start the build.  I got to about level 20 when I realized I needed to rearrange a selection, so I stopped clicking Train to a new level of power and used a /respec.  It let me slot and do things up through level 20, and I dragged my enhancements back into the inventory tray and clicked finish.  I got a "Respec Failed" message and thought not much of it, but then I noticed all my enhancements that I put in inventory were gone.  This did NOT affect my "main" build, which is great because I've got about 750M in that dude.  But, on the character as a whole, I lost a crappy HO, a couple of SOs, and an EndMod 50+5.  


I'm not looking for restoration or anything, just putting this out as a warning that you shouldn't use a /respec during the level-up of a secondary build, because you'll apparently lose stuff.

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  • 3 weeks later

Just got hit by this bug today. On a character with at least 5 purple IOs in the inventory. Ouch!! This could really use a big, bold warning somewhere.

It was on my first build, but I was level 40 untrained to level 50.

Edit: logging out and back in again, right away, gave me the IOs back in my inventory.

Edited by nihilii
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And it doesn’t always fail either.  I often PL an alt to their 20’s and level them up all at once.  Sometimes I’ll decide to stop the leveling process at 10 and run a respec so I can choose a different T1 power pick.  The respec goes fine and then I just continue leveling them from 11 on up.

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