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Fastest way to earn Influence?


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So I'm trying to get my final Influence badge and it's a slog and a half!


I know you need the inf from missions and enemy defeats, not through selling on the market.


What's the fastest way to earn inf normally? Am I looking at MSR and iTrials? Or will just playing the game normally work the same speed?


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It's going to depend on your build.   I mean, if you happen to be a spines/fire brute, then a fire farm is the obvious answer.  Outside of farming, I would suggest level 54x8 teams in PI or 54x8 teams in DA.  And 54x8 kill most ITFs.   And obviously, the better the team is, the faster it will go.


Also, badges like this just happen whether you're focused on them or not.  It's sort of a "watched pot never boils" thing.  You'll get it from just playing the game.   The influence badge comes WAY before the damage given, taken, and healed badges.

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Active on Excelsior:

Prismatic Monkey - Seismic / Martial Blaster, Shadow Dragon Monkey - Staff / Dark Brute, Murder Robot Monkey - Arachnos Night Widow


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47 minutes ago, Shred Monkey said:

spines/fire brute, then a fire farm is the obvious answer.



As you can see;

  • 1083/100,000 damage badge
  • 50% of 50,000 debt badge
  • 80% of 4 hours mentor badge

Damage badge total is from Outbreak tutorial, maybe a smidgen amount running past hellions

Debt badge would of easily paid it off unless exp is asininely low.  Fire farmer is SS/Fire, rage crash kills defense by half so face planting is expected

Mentoring badge, no brainer.  Mostly standing outside the farms, takes about 4 hours to get 1-50 for my alts inside.

Zero influence badges, at least 5 billion made as I am a lazy ass person.


Fire farms don't work, mission objective and maybe a few kill types work.  There are AE missions made by players that tick off a few badges; search badge.


Has to be outside of AE.  Best bet is to find an easy mission/TF your character can completely that isn't kill all, finish near objective and repeat.


Or ask them to revert the double influence option, it is "breaking the game" by slowing down the accumulation of wealth 🙄

"Farming is just more fun in my opinion, beating up hordes of angry cosplayers...."  - Coyotedancer

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Perhaps it is no surprise to the logarithmically minded, but the influence/debt/damage badges roll in as you reach the highest level of content. The Damage-received/dealt badges depend on you build and AT, but once you are a higher level it is 'easier' to take/deal a lot of damage (and accumulate debt). If you want to accelerate these badges, increase the number of spawns in a mission. You will have to find the balance point for your particular build.

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5 hours ago, Outrider_01 said:


Fire farms don't work, mission objective and maybe a few kill types work.  There are AE missions made by players that tick off a few badges; search badge.


Really?  I didn't know that.  Personally, I'm still shocked they ever made AE give rewards at all, but at least they got 1 thing right.

Active on Excelsior:

Prismatic Monkey - Seismic / Martial Blaster, Shadow Dragon Monkey - Staff / Dark Brute, Murder Robot Monkey - Arachnos Night Widow


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10 hours ago, Shred Monkey said:

It's going to depend on your build.   I mean, if you happen to be a spines/fire brute, then a fire farm is the obvious answer.  Outside of farming, I would suggest level 54x8 teams in PI or 54x8 teams in DA.  And 54x8 kill most ITFs.   And obviously, the better the team is, the faster it will go.



Sorry, should have said in the original post, not wanting to do farming, never enjoyed it at all 🙂 


Also, I have all the other grind badges, it's just the last Inf badge I need now.

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