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Oops! That likely hurt.

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To the Circle of Throne mages I knocked off the rooftops last night. Sorry about that. Mistakes were made. But hey, don't you spellcasters have the ability to mystically fly?


Don't worry, I kept your minions company. Well, for a couple of minutes anyways. They should be joining you at the hospital shortly. Or the morgue. Whichever place you're at.


Let's resolve to be more careful next time. I'll try to focus on finesse with my attacks instead of power, and you refrain from standing so close to the edge. Let's shake on it. Oh, uhm, after your bones heal, of course.

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For the scarifying misadventures of Mike Morbid, go to Twitter and look for @JMikeMorbid

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As the person who plays creepy Oranbegans, I think I can translate what that unhappy mage had to say about the experience...


*picks a moldy banana peel off of his armor*


"Dammit... I just GOT this new body, you jerk.

And now it's all bruised up.

And dusty.

AND I landed in the dumpster.



Gah! 'Undignified' doesn't even begin to cover it... 


And... now you've tossed my lashers into the dumpster, too.




They're going to sulk, you know.

They're going to sulk, and blame me, and probably complain to the Death Mages about 'abuse' and 'poor treatment' and 'workplace safety violations' and Ermeeth only knows what else.


You know what? The modern world STINKS.

I'm going home. Keep your stupid rooftops!" 


*stalks off towards the nearest cave door, grumbling something about cleaning rituals and 'never going to get the garbage-smell out of this armor'* 






Edited by Coyotedancer
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Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice

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See, now, if we could entice Derek to heroism, he could be in charge of catching the foes we knock off high stuff and eliminate the bad blood so rather than vengeance stacked on revenge stacked on vengeance we just fight the foes because they are baddies.  Derek could be the hero we need.

Edited by EmmySky
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Derek continued walking as mages crashed into the ground all around him. He looked not up or down, nor left or right, as these events were not of concern to him. There is likely a hero fighting Circle Of Thorn cultists above me, he thought casually before returning to his wonderings of what wacky adventures Homer might have on tv tonight.

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For the scarifying misadventures of Mike Morbid, go to Twitter and look for @JMikeMorbid

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8 hours ago, Mike Morbid said:

hey, don't you spellcasters have the ability to mystically fly?


A random hero deliberately positions himself a few hundred feet above a group of angry Skulls while floating 40 feet away from the nearest rooftop ledge.

"I am quite sure those cultists know how to fly. Everybody said so." 😈


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I saved a hostage from Circles, he just jumped off the rooftop while I'm busy blasting! Concerned, I float over and peeked over the edge, and saw that he's perfectly fine and ran off without saying a thank. I'd say that any Throne falling over is fine, don't worry about him.

Edited by Oginth
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Still trying in vain to get rid of that 'dumpster funk' smell that's now clinging to him like a bad reputation, the Circle mage says, "At worst? We find ourselves drifting off and in need of another body. So... add one to the number of kidnappings. body-snatchings and assorted rituals of questionable moral intent plaguing the city, would-be heroes."

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Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice

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Have you tried, instead, to maybe make some "Improve Your Life" style cults, you Circle jer- er . . . Circle mean-folks? 

Like, seriously.  Some good P.R., and you would have people lining up around the block to get a new life!  Market it as the new Wonder Drug Cure-All for all of life's ills.  I mean, sure . . . you'll have to contend with the Family and the Skulls getting uppity about you cutting into their markets, but I think you can handle 'em.  At worst, they're just volunteering themselves as extra hosts, no?

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