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Infinitum Build Collection


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Hey Infinitum, long time lurker here.

I just wanted to thank you for these builds, I used to play a fire/fire tanker in live and always loved being a tanker.

Now I have a Radianite copycat (except for taunt instead of afterburner) and he's amazing. Took part to an Hami raid and it's been awesome.

Now working on a toon with your shield/elec build, loving it for now.

Thanks again!




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4 hours ago, Doc.G said:

Hey Infinitum, long time lurker here.

I just wanted to thank you for these builds, I used to play a fire/fire tanker in live and always loved being a tanker.

Now I have a Radianite copycat (except for taunt instead of afterburner) and he's amazing. Took part to an Hami raid and it's been awesome.

Now working on a toon with your shield/elec build, loving it for now.

Thanks again!




My pleasure! Thanks for the kind words and glad you enjoy them!

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  • 2 months later
  • 2 weeks later

Hey man, your builds are awesome and super helpful for people like me who are not great at putting them together. I was starting to put together an Invuln/EM Tanker using your Nova Infinitium build, and noticed that since the recent changes to Pool Powers and EM, it doesn't line up with the server anymore. If you ever plan on updating any of those, could I request an up-to-date version of that Inv/EM tank?


Again, love the builds. Thanks!

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  • 3 months later
On 6/20/2020 at 3:34 AM, Infinitum said:

I have been a Main tanker since Live and have collected quite a few builds - I have shared them piece by piece here, so I thought i would just put them all in one place, if anyone ever needed them.


I rely on not getting killed more than damage output or number of attacks.  The damage I can output on each of them is still impressive though.


I even included my Brutes that can also tank as well as any of my tanks.


Tanker Armor Rankings IMO


1. Invulnerability

1.* Stone Armor (QoL reasons)

2. Shield Defense

3. Dark Armor

4. Willpower

5. Ice Armor

6. Super Reflexes

7. Radiation Armor

8. Electric Armor

9. Fiery Aura


**Note** If Energy Aura were a tanker set it would be solidly Number 2


Also 4, 5, 6, are all very very close.


Update 12/4/2020


All builds updated with New EM, New Dark Melee, and general tweaks.


I have now included my Scrappers, Stalkers and More Brutes because they can basically take point when a tanker isn't present and be totally fine doing so.


The most reliable and durable are Infinitum/ Nova Infinitum/ CaptainInfinitum/ CaptainStarburst/ Brikhouse.


The most devastating are UltraInfinitum/ Lodestarr/ Novaflux/ Novaforge/ Obsidian Paladin/ FYF-9x Stinger/ EtherealBlaze/ OmegaInfinitum/ JadePaladin.


The most fun IMO is Ultra Infinitum - However, Revamped Energy Melee has made any of the EM characters a contender in this category just from sheer play strategy (active target selection and power rotation) and free feel of flow.  But honestly everytime in play any of these builds I havent played in a while it's the most fun ever anyway. lol




Hope you enjoy these, and hope they help, if you have any questions feel free to ask.  @Infinitum - Excelsior Server


Infinitum - Tanker (Invulnerability - Super Strength).mxd ---- My first ever 50 Live and Homecoming.  Really solid. 

Invulnerability/Super Strength


Captain Infinitum - Tanker (Shield Defense - Street Justice).mxd ---- Ultra Reliable, not held back by not having a heal - cause you usually can work your way out of any situation by outlasting the bad guys.

Shield Defense/Street Justice


Ultra Infinitum - Tanker (Shield Defense - Electric Melee).mxd ---- Really fun AOE shred anything but a boss build - every 30 seconds you are like a battle ship firing a broadside.

Shield Defense/Electric Melee


Alpha Infinitum - Tanker (Super Reflexes - Claws).mxd ---- First foray into Tanker SR - Claws mixed with the recharge seems like a good pair.

Super Reflexes/Claws


Omega Infinitum - Tanker (Dark Armor - Dark Melee).mxd ---- really fun Dark Brawler esque build - very solid with ToF Buff, despite the shadow maul nerf - Dark IMO is the best Resistance Set.

Dark Armor/Dark Melee


Absolute Infinitum - Tanker (Ice Armor - Ice Melee).mxd ---- Ice Ice Baby - Very solid survivable Tanker build - that can debuff, slow and control enemies as well.  Very fun indeed!

Ice Armor/Ice Melee


Turbo Infinitum - Tanker (Fiery Aura - Fire Melee).mxd ---- Triple fire - burn baby burn - will be really good when/if fire gets buffed.

Fiery Aura/Fire Melee


Gadsden - Tanker (Willpower - Street Justice).mxd ---- Brawler Build - Very Survivable

Willpower/Street Justice


Radianite - Tanker (Radiation Armor - Radiation Melee).mxd ---- Solid - multi tiered mitigation - great damage

Radiation Armor/Radiation Melee


Novakick - Tanker (Shield Defense - Martial Arts).mxd ---- My youngest son's Main - he wanted an unkillable karate guy.

Shield Defense/Martial Arts


Shadowstryke - Brute (Radiation Melee - Electric Armor).mxd ---- My first OP homecoming build - can tank anything with no issues except for Hydra - and even then with incarnates and skill you can these.

Radiation Melee/Electric Armor


Brikhouse - Tanker (Invulnerability - Street Justice).mxd ---- My wife's Brawler Tank - Street Justice

Invulnerability/Street Justice


Nova Crucible - Tanker (Electric Armor - Dual Blades).mxd ---- Solid Build, Dual blades can be tricky but I think this Maximizes its effectiveness with the combo system.

Electric Armor/Dual Blades


Halenrock Tanker (Stone Armor - Stone Melee).mxd ---- My Van Halen Tribute, Still leveling this on HC live, but have tested this in Beta and its awesome - Sub TP foe for Combat TP

Stone Armor/Stone Melee


Magnus Obsidian - Tanker (Shield Defense - Dark Melee).mxd ---- Solid Dark Melee build with added AOE from Shield Charge.

Shield Defense/Dark Melee


Practitioner - Tanker (Super Reflexes - Titan Weapons).mxd ---- Concept that I haven't leveled yet but have put on Test and its pretty good.

Super Reflexes/Titan Weapons


Endri Lightstar - Scrapper (Katana - Ninjitsu).mxd ---- A Jedi Knight Concept that can take any alpha, and output swift slick retribution very smoothly.



Billy Lee - Scrapper (Street Justice - Ninjitsu).mxd ---- My double dragon late 80s early 90s tribute - similar to Endri but with Street Justice.

Street Justice/Ninjitsu


FYF9x Stinger - Scrapper (Claws - Energy Aura).mxd ---- Very efficient, repetitive and slicey dicey death machine - Can take alphas very well.

Claws/Energy Aura


Granjero 4.0 - Brute (Radiation Melee - Firey Aura).mxd ---- My farmer build - efficient as they should be

Radiation Melee/Fiery Aura


Mr Smith- Stalker (Street Justice - Super Reflexes).mxd ---- Street Justice stalker build based on an assassin that has a wife that's also an assassin.

Street Justice/Super Reflexes


Shadowflux - Stalker (Electrical Melee - Shield Defense).mxd ---- High Tech Cybernetic Assassin - nightmare death machine for the bad guys.

Electric Melee/Shield Defense


Twilight Warrior - Scrapper (Martial Arts - Ninjitsu).mxd ---- Just your traditional Martial Artist based loosely on Sub Zero with Liu Kang's style.

Martial Arts/Ninjitsu


Ethereal Blaze- Tanker (Fiery Aura - Psionic Melee).mxd ---- This one puts out crazy burst damage when paired with Musculature and Assault Radial - combined with Insight strike its pretty amazing.

Fiery Aura/Psionic Melee




EM Buff Characters


Nova Infinitum - Tanker (Invulnerability - Energy Melee).mxd ---- Same Reliability as Infinitum - but with Ultra lethal ST dmg output and decent AoE.

Invulnerability/Energy Melee


Lodestarr - Tanker (Fiery Aura - Energy Melee).mxd ---- Fiery Embrace + BU + Burn+WH+PC Lethal AOE  --  Fiery Embrace + BU + TF+ET Ultra Lethal ST damage.

Fiery Aura/Energy Melee


Energystar - Brute (Energy Melee - Invulnerability).mxd ---- Brute Version of Nova Infinitum - Less survivable but a good portion more Damage output.

Energy Melee/Invulnerability


Novaflux - Stalker (Energy Melee - Energy Aura).mxd ---- This IMO is the Premier EM build I have - its super effecient - can take alphas - can output Second to none ST dmg and decent AOE.

Energy Melee/Energy Aura


Novaforge - Scrapper (Energy Melee - Energy Aura).mxd ---- Close second to Novaflux - scrapper version is a slightly more durable.

Energy Melee/Energy Aura


Obsidian Paladin - Stalker (Energy Melee - Shield Defense).mxd ---- Outputs more damage than Novaflux and Novaforge but is less survivable due to no heal - thats why you have to kill it first and fast.

Energy Melee/Shield Defense


Arclyte - Brute (Energy Melee - Energy Aura).mxd ---- Brute version of the other 3 EA builds - more survivable - Insane ST dmg output but less AOE.

Energy Melee/Energy Aura


Captain Starburst - Tanker (Shield Defense - Energy Melee).mxd ---- My oldest son's Main - As sturdy as Capn Infi but lots more burst damage.

Shield Defense/Energy Melee


Space Marshal Pratt - Scrapper (Energy Melee - Ninjitsu).mxd ---- Similar to Novaforge but with more stable defenses by using vectored rather than typed through Ninjitsu.

Energy Melee/Ninjitsu



My Take on Controllers that can also Tank  heh


Absolute Surge - Controller (Electric Control - Storm Summoning).mxd ---- Yeah you Lock them down, drain them, layer your pets and pseudopets, nothing touches you and you kill anything that gets near you.

Electric Control/Storm Summoning


Flarestorm - Controller (Fire Control - Storm Summoning).mxd ---- Similar to Absolute - but without the drain is a little more dangerous.

Fire Control/Storm Summoning


Geo Surge - Controller (Earth Control - Cold Domination).mxd ---- Similar to Flarestorm

Earth Control/Cold Domination


Positron Surge - Controller (Fire Control - Radiation Emission).mxd ---- Similar to Geosurge - these were my take on making Avatar last airbender types - if only we had water control.

Fire Control/Radiation Emission


Chronoshift - Controller (Gravity Control - Time Manipulation).mxd ---- Can lock down any Group - slower to kill than the rest of these.

Gravity Control/Time Manipulation


Phantomic - Controller (Illusion Control - Radiation Emission).mxd ---- Harder to lockdown the group but more pets to take them out and get their attention.

Illusion Control/Radiation Emission




If you see anything not listed just reply and I will post and updated version of what you are looking for.


Thanks for Looking!

If you would give me an advice to begin a tanker for contents, would you suggest me to start a tank SD/StJ or SD/Mace? I cant' decide cause both would be made for lore purposes but I don' know who can perform better! 

I'm getting mad 😭

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6 hours ago, Bros Ex Machina said:

If you would give me an advice to begin a tanker for contents, would you suggest me to start a tank SD/StJ or SD/Mace? I cant' decide cause both would be made for lore purposes but I don' know who can perform better! 

I'm getting mad 😭

Mace is more straight forward without a combo system and would look better with a shield in my opinion. But either are good.

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7 hours ago, Bros Ex Machina said:

If you would give me an advice to begin a tanker for contents, would you suggest me to start a tank SD/StJ or SD/Mace? I cant' decide cause both would be made for lore purposes but I don' know who can perform better! 

I'm getting mad 😭

I have never been a huge Mace fan - one of my go to tankers is sd-stj.  You really cant go wrong with either one though.

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Trying this again...


I have had good luck with SD/WM.  Decent cone, decent AOE and decent ST.  Here's my build:


This Hero build was built using Mids Reborn

Click this DataLink to open the build!

Mace to the Face_v3.0: Level 50 Science Tanker
Primary Power Set: Shield Defense
Secondary Power Set: War Mace
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Fighting
Power Pool: Speed
Ancillary Pool: Energy Mastery

Hero Profile:
Level 1: Deflection

  • (A) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance
  • (3) Unbreakable Guard - Endurance/RechargeTime
  • (5) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance/Endurance
  • (13) Unbreakable Guard - RechargeTime/Resistance
  • (17) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance/Endurance/RechargeTime
  • (21) Impervium Armor - Psionic Resistance

Level 1: Bash

  • (A) Perfect Zinger - Chance for Psi Damage
  • (7) Perfect Zinger - Taunt/Range
  • (17) Perfect Zinger - Accuracy/Recharge
  • (23) Perfect Zinger - Taunt/Recharge/Range
  • (23) Perfect Zinger - Taunt/Recharge
  • (33) Perfect Zinger - Taunt

Level 2: Battle Agility

  • (A) Shield Wall - Defense/Endurance
  • (3) Shield Wall - Defense
  • (9) Shield Wall - Defense/Recharge
  • (15) Shield Wall - +Res (Teleportation), +5% Res (All)
  • (19) Shield Wall - Endurance/Recharge
  • (25) Shield Wall - Defense/Endurance/Recharge

Level 4: True Grit

  • (A) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance
  • (7) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance/Endurance
  • (9) Unbreakable Guard - Endurance/RechargeTime
  • (11) Unbreakable Guard - +Max HP
  • (11) Unbreakable Guard - RechargeTime/Resistance
  • (13) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance/Endurance/RechargeTime

Level 6: Pulverize

  • (A) Crushing Impact - Damage/Endurance/Recharge
  • (15) Crushing Impact - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
  • (21) Crushing Impact - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
  • (31) Crushing Impact - Damage/Endurance
  • (40) Crushing Impact - Damage/Recharge
  • (50) Crushing Impact - Accuracy/Damage

Level 8: Against All Odds

  • (A) Endurance Reduction IO

Level 10: Active Defense

  • (A) Recharge Reduction IO

Level 12: Taunt

  • (A) Perfect Zinger - Chance for Psi Damage

Level 14: Super Jump

  • (A) Blessing of the Zephyr - Knockback Reduction (4 points)

Level 16: Kick

  • (A) Force Feedback - Chance for +Recharge

Level 18: Phalanx Fighting

  • (A) Shield Wall - Defense/Recharge
  • (19) Shield Wall - Endurance/Recharge
  • (31) Shield Wall - Defense/Endurance/Recharge
  • (31) Shield Wall - Defense
  • (37) Shield Wall - Defense/Endurance
  • (45) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed

Level 20: Build Up

  • (A) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - Chance for Build Up
  • (34) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - To Hit Buff/Recharge/Endurance

Level 22: Whirling Mace

  • (A) Superior Might of the Tanker - Recharge/Chance for +Res(All)
  • (36) Superior Might of the Tanker - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
  • (42) Superior Might of the Tanker - Damage/Endurance/Recharge
  • (43) Superior Might of the Tanker - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
  • (46) Superior Might of the Tanker - Damage/Recharge
  • (46) Superior Might of the Tanker - Accuracy/Damage

Level 24: Tough

  • (A) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance
  • (25) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance/Endurance
  • (33) Unbreakable Guard - Endurance/RechargeTime
  • (33) Unbreakable Guard - RechargeTime/Resistance
  • (34) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance/Endurance/RechargeTime
  • (45) Steadfast Protection - Resistance/+Def 3%

Level 26: Shield Charge

  • (A) Multi-Strike - Damage/Endurance/Recharge
  • (27) Multi-Strike - Accuracy/Endurance
  • (27) Multi-Strike - Damage/Recharge
  • (29) Multi-Strike - Damage/Endurance
  • (29) Multi-Strike - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance

Level 28: Weave

  • (A) Shield Wall - Defense/Endurance
  • (36) Shield Wall - Endurance/Recharge
  • (37) Shield Wall - Defense/Recharge
  • (43) Shield Wall - Defense/Endurance/Recharge
  • (43) Shield Wall - Defense
  • (46) Reactive Defenses - Scaling Resist Damage

Level 30: Combat Jumping

  • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed
  • (36) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance/Recharge
  • (37) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance

Level 32: Hasten

  • (A) Recharge Reduction IO

Level 35: Shatter

  • (A) Multi-Strike - Accuracy/Damage
  • (39) Multi-Strike - Damage/Endurance
  • (39) Multi-Strike - Damage/Recharge
  • (39) Multi-Strike - Accuracy/Endurance
  • (40) Multi-Strike - Damage/Endurance/Recharge
  • (42) Multi-Strike - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance

Level 38: Crowd Control

  • (A) Superior Gauntleted Fist - RechargeTime/+Absorb
  • (40) Superior Gauntleted Fist - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/RechargeTime
  • (48) Superior Gauntleted Fist - Damage/Endurance/RechargeTime
  • (48) Superior Gauntleted Fist - Accuracy/Damage/RechargeTime
  • (48) Superior Gauntleted Fist - Damage/RechargeTime
  • (50) Superior Gauntleted Fist - Accuracy/Damage

Level 41: Conserve Power

  • (A) Recharge Reduction IO

Level 44: One with the Shield

  • (A) Gladiator's Armor - TP Protection +3% Def (All)
  • (50) Impervium Armor - Psionic Resistance

Level 47: Focused Accuracy

  • (A) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - To Hit Buff/Endurance

Level 49: Grant Cover

  • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed

Level 1: Gauntlet 

Level 1: Brawl

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build |

  • Thanks 1

Reunion - JAWBRKR (Inv/SJ Tank), Lich-ilicious (Necro/Dark MM)  Torchbearer - Will Power-Flame (WP/Fire Tank),  Frostee-Freeze (Ice/Emp Troller), DARKNESSREIGNS (Inv/DM Tank), BALLBUSTR (Inv/SS Tank)  Indomitable - PLVRIZR (Stone/SS Tank), The Atomic Warden (Rad/Rad Defender), FACESMSHR (EM/EA Brute)  Excelsior - NUTCRCKR (Inv/SS Tank) - VL500+, DRKSTNITE (DA/DM Tank), Nosfera-too (Kin/Dark Defender), FIREBLLR (FIre/Therm Corr), THUGSRUS (Thugs/Dark MM), Marshal Mayhem (Fire/MA Tank), SLICRDICR (DB/WP Scrap), NECROTANK (SD/DM Tank), FRMRBRWN (Spines/Fire Brute), AVLANCH (Ice/Stone Tank), SWMPTHNG (Bio/Rad Tank), FREEZRBRN (Fire/Ice Tank), ZZAAPP (Elec/Elec Brute), Voltaic Thunderbolt (Elec/Elec Tank) Lemme Axe You Somethin (Rad/Axe Tank), PWDRKEG (Fire/FIre/Pyre Tank), ATMSMSHR (Rad/SS Tank), Morphology of Flame (Bio/Fire Tank) EverlastingMISSADVENTUR (Inv/SS Tank), Mace to the Face (SD/WM Tank)                                                        Retail 2004 (pre-I1) - 2012 lights out; Feb. 2020 - present

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27 minutes ago, PLVRIZR said:

Trying this again...


I have had good luck with SD/WM.  Decent cone, decent AOE and decent ST.  Here's my build:


This Hero build was built using Mids Reborn

Click this DataLink to open the build!

Mace to the Face_v3.0: Level 50 Science Tanker
Primary Power Set: Shield Defense
Secondary Power Set: War Mace
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Fighting
Power Pool: Speed
Ancillary Pool: Energy Mastery

Hero Profile:
Level 1: Deflection

  • (A) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance
  • (3) Unbreakable Guard - Endurance/RechargeTime
  • (5) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance/Endurance
  • (13) Unbreakable Guard - RechargeTime/Resistance
  • (17) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance/Endurance/RechargeTime
  • (21) Impervium Armor - Psionic Resistance

Level 1: Bash

  • (A) Perfect Zinger - Chance for Psi Damage
  • (7) Perfect Zinger - Taunt/Range
  • (17) Perfect Zinger - Accuracy/Recharge
  • (23) Perfect Zinger - Taunt/Recharge/Range
  • (23) Perfect Zinger - Taunt/Recharge
  • (33) Perfect Zinger - Taunt

Level 2: Battle Agility

  • (A) Shield Wall - Defense/Endurance
  • (3) Shield Wall - Defense
  • (9) Shield Wall - Defense/Recharge
  • (15) Shield Wall - +Res (Teleportation), +5% Res (All)
  • (19) Shield Wall - Endurance/Recharge
  • (25) Shield Wall - Defense/Endurance/Recharge

Level 4: True Grit

  • (A) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance
  • (7) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance/Endurance
  • (9) Unbreakable Guard - Endurance/RechargeTime
  • (11) Unbreakable Guard - +Max HP
  • (11) Unbreakable Guard - RechargeTime/Resistance
  • (13) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance/Endurance/RechargeTime

Level 6: Pulverize

  • (A) Crushing Impact - Damage/Endurance/Recharge
  • (15) Crushing Impact - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
  • (21) Crushing Impact - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
  • (31) Crushing Impact - Damage/Endurance
  • (40) Crushing Impact - Damage/Recharge
  • (50) Crushing Impact - Accuracy/Damage

Level 8: Against All Odds

  • (A) Endurance Reduction IO

Level 10: Active Defense

  • (A) Recharge Reduction IO

Level 12: Taunt

  • (A) Perfect Zinger - Chance for Psi Damage

Level 14: Super Jump

  • (A) Blessing of the Zephyr - Knockback Reduction (4 points)

Level 16: Kick

  • (A) Force Feedback - Chance for +Recharge

Level 18: Phalanx Fighting

  • (A) Shield Wall - Defense/Recharge
  • (19) Shield Wall - Endurance/Recharge
  • (31) Shield Wall - Defense/Endurance/Recharge
  • (31) Shield Wall - Defense
  • (37) Shield Wall - Defense/Endurance
  • (45) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed

Level 20: Build Up

  • (A) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - Chance for Build Up
  • (34) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - To Hit Buff/Recharge/Endurance

Level 22: Whirling Mace

  • (A) Superior Might of the Tanker - Recharge/Chance for +Res(All)
  • (36) Superior Might of the Tanker - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
  • (42) Superior Might of the Tanker - Damage/Endurance/Recharge
  • (43) Superior Might of the Tanker - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
  • (46) Superior Might of the Tanker - Damage/Recharge
  • (46) Superior Might of the Tanker - Accuracy/Damage

Level 24: Tough

  • (A) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance
  • (25) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance/Endurance
  • (33) Unbreakable Guard - Endurance/RechargeTime
  • (33) Unbreakable Guard - RechargeTime/Resistance
  • (34) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance/Endurance/RechargeTime
  • (45) Steadfast Protection - Resistance/+Def 3%

Level 26: Shield Charge

  • (A) Multi-Strike - Damage/Endurance/Recharge
  • (27) Multi-Strike - Accuracy/Endurance
  • (27) Multi-Strike - Damage/Recharge
  • (29) Multi-Strike - Damage/Endurance
  • (29) Multi-Strike - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance

Level 28: Weave

  • (A) Shield Wall - Defense/Endurance
  • (36) Shield Wall - Endurance/Recharge
  • (37) Shield Wall - Defense/Recharge
  • (43) Shield Wall - Defense/Endurance/Recharge
  • (43) Shield Wall - Defense
  • (46) Reactive Defenses - Scaling Resist Damage

Level 30: Combat Jumping

  • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed
  • (36) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance/Recharge
  • (37) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance

Level 32: Hasten

  • (A) Recharge Reduction IO

Level 35: Shatter

  • (A) Multi-Strike - Accuracy/Damage
  • (39) Multi-Strike - Damage/Endurance
  • (39) Multi-Strike - Damage/Recharge
  • (39) Multi-Strike - Accuracy/Endurance
  • (40) Multi-Strike - Damage/Endurance/Recharge
  • (42) Multi-Strike - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance

Level 38: Crowd Control

  • (A) Superior Gauntleted Fist - RechargeTime/+Absorb
  • (40) Superior Gauntleted Fist - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/RechargeTime
  • (48) Superior Gauntleted Fist - Damage/Endurance/RechargeTime
  • (48) Superior Gauntleted Fist - Accuracy/Damage/RechargeTime
  • (48) Superior Gauntleted Fist - Damage/RechargeTime
  • (50) Superior Gauntleted Fist - Accuracy/Damage

Level 41: Conserve Power

  • (A) Recharge Reduction IO

Level 44: One with the Shield

  • (A) Gladiator's Armor - TP Protection +3% Def (All)
  • (50) Impervium Armor - Psionic Resistance

Level 47: Focused Accuracy

  • (A) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - To Hit Buff/Endurance

Level 49: Grant Cover

  • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed

Level 1: Gauntlet 

Level 1: Brawl


| Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build |


Thank you @PLVRIZR, wasn't my intention to upset anyone, just wanted to understand the differences between the 2 sets. I'm sorry. 

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4 minutes ago, Bros Ex Machina said:

Thank you @PLVRIZR, wasn't my intention to upset anyone, just wanted to understand the differences between the 2 sets. I'm sorry. 


No worries, my "trying again was a failed attempt at minimizing the post", not about any hard feelings :-).  We're all friends in here...we're tanks...we have to be 🙂


  • Haha 1

Reunion - JAWBRKR (Inv/SJ Tank), Lich-ilicious (Necro/Dark MM)  Torchbearer - Will Power-Flame (WP/Fire Tank),  Frostee-Freeze (Ice/Emp Troller), DARKNESSREIGNS (Inv/DM Tank), BALLBUSTR (Inv/SS Tank)  Indomitable - PLVRIZR (Stone/SS Tank), The Atomic Warden (Rad/Rad Defender), FACESMSHR (EM/EA Brute)  Excelsior - NUTCRCKR (Inv/SS Tank) - VL500+, DRKSTNITE (DA/DM Tank), Nosfera-too (Kin/Dark Defender), FIREBLLR (FIre/Therm Corr), THUGSRUS (Thugs/Dark MM), Marshal Mayhem (Fire/MA Tank), SLICRDICR (DB/WP Scrap), NECROTANK (SD/DM Tank), FRMRBRWN (Spines/Fire Brute), AVLANCH (Ice/Stone Tank), SWMPTHNG (Bio/Rad Tank), FREEZRBRN (Fire/Ice Tank), ZZAAPP (Elec/Elec Brute), Voltaic Thunderbolt (Elec/Elec Tank) Lemme Axe You Somethin (Rad/Axe Tank), PWDRKEG (Fire/FIre/Pyre Tank), ATMSMSHR (Rad/SS Tank), Morphology of Flame (Bio/Fire Tank) EverlastingMISSADVENTUR (Inv/SS Tank), Mace to the Face (SD/WM Tank)                                                        Retail 2004 (pre-I1) - 2012 lights out; Feb. 2020 - present

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5 hours ago, Bros Ex Machina said:

Can I ask you why not? Read a lot of ppl exalting Mace for his AoEs but I've never tried. 

Yeah its great, but its just a matter of taste. I dont like it. lol. Theres no reason really aside from my peculiar style and I have never cracked the code of making it feel good to me.


I may revisit it at some point and try to make it click.

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  • 3 months later
52 minutes ago, Guardian Rhykon said:

I made a Tanker using the exact build you posted, but the stats are way lower in game than they are in Mids and I'm getting my ass kicked. Why the difference?


Are all your toggles on? 😆


I used Infinitum and Hyperstrike's template(s), with SS, and some mods so I can support fire farming.  Try this:


This Hero build was built using Mids Reborn

Click this DataLink to open the build!

NUTCRCKR_v5.0: Level 50 Mutation Tanker
Primary Power Set: Invulnerability
Secondary Power Set: Super Strength
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Fighting
Power Pool: Speed
Ancillary Pool: Pyre Mastery


| Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build |
Edited by PLVRIZR
took out the superfluous data

Reunion - JAWBRKR (Inv/SJ Tank), Lich-ilicious (Necro/Dark MM)  Torchbearer - Will Power-Flame (WP/Fire Tank),  Frostee-Freeze (Ice/Emp Troller), DARKNESSREIGNS (Inv/DM Tank), BALLBUSTR (Inv/SS Tank)  Indomitable - PLVRIZR (Stone/SS Tank), The Atomic Warden (Rad/Rad Defender), FACESMSHR (EM/EA Brute)  Excelsior - NUTCRCKR (Inv/SS Tank) - VL500+, DRKSTNITE (DA/DM Tank), Nosfera-too (Kin/Dark Defender), FIREBLLR (FIre/Therm Corr), THUGSRUS (Thugs/Dark MM), Marshal Mayhem (Fire/MA Tank), SLICRDICR (DB/WP Scrap), NECROTANK (SD/DM Tank), FRMRBRWN (Spines/Fire Brute), AVLANCH (Ice/Stone Tank), SWMPTHNG (Bio/Rad Tank), FREEZRBRN (Fire/Ice Tank), ZZAAPP (Elec/Elec Brute), Voltaic Thunderbolt (Elec/Elec Tank) Lemme Axe You Somethin (Rad/Axe Tank), PWDRKEG (Fire/FIre/Pyre Tank), ATMSMSHR (Rad/SS Tank), Morphology of Flame (Bio/Fire Tank) EverlastingMISSADVENTUR (Inv/SS Tank), Mace to the Face (SD/WM Tank)                                                        Retail 2004 (pre-I1) - 2012 lights out; Feb. 2020 - present

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2 hours ago, Guardian Rhykon said:

Of course they're on. I used the Invulnerability/Energy Melee build


I'm thinking PLVRIZR is just joking with you here. Doubt it was meant any other way than playful banter. 🙂


The difference might be that the incarnates are toggled on in the build uploaded by Infinitum. If you changed incarnates or don't have them yet, your numbers would be expected to be lower overall. Not enough to really make it so you are getting your rear end kicked in though, so some more context than what's been given would help us talk through this.


Are you 50 yet? Fully incarnated?

Going against +4x8? What enemy types?

Malta / Carnies flooring your endurance? Taking on Cimerorans and getting Defense-debuffed? Certain enemies punching through what should be high resists?


These might seem to be silly questions, and apologies if not really applicable, but until asked we don't know what the issue might be and how to solve it. 

Edited by KaoticKarl
I am the tyop nkig..
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8 minutes ago, KaoticKarl said:


I'm thinking PLVRIZR is just joking with you here. Doubt it was meant any other way than playful banter. 🙂


The difference might be that the incarnates are toggled on in the build uploaded by Infinitum. If you changed incarnates or don't have them yet, your numbers would be expected to be lower overall. Not enough to really make it so you are getting your rear end kicked in though, so some more context than what's been given would help us talk through this.


Are you 50 yet? Fully incarnated?

Going against +4x8? What enemy types?

Malta / Carnies flooring your endurance? Taking on Cimerorans and getting Defense-debuffed? Certain enemies punching through what should be high resists?


These might seem to be silly questions, and apologies if not really applicable, but until asked we don't know what the issue might be and how to solve it. 


Thanks KK, yes, sarcasm is difficult on message boards and e-mail.


Agree with the incarnate assessment and great questions about opponents, as well.  Infinitum's Inv builds are a great blend of Def and Res, so lots of the defense debuff and resist issues should be covered.


P.S.  LOL at the edit note 🙂

  • Thanks 1

Reunion - JAWBRKR (Inv/SJ Tank), Lich-ilicious (Necro/Dark MM)  Torchbearer - Will Power-Flame (WP/Fire Tank),  Frostee-Freeze (Ice/Emp Troller), DARKNESSREIGNS (Inv/DM Tank), BALLBUSTR (Inv/SS Tank)  Indomitable - PLVRIZR (Stone/SS Tank), The Atomic Warden (Rad/Rad Defender), FACESMSHR (EM/EA Brute)  Excelsior - NUTCRCKR (Inv/SS Tank) - VL500+, DRKSTNITE (DA/DM Tank), Nosfera-too (Kin/Dark Defender), FIREBLLR (FIre/Therm Corr), THUGSRUS (Thugs/Dark MM), Marshal Mayhem (Fire/MA Tank), SLICRDICR (DB/WP Scrap), NECROTANK (SD/DM Tank), FRMRBRWN (Spines/Fire Brute), AVLANCH (Ice/Stone Tank), SWMPTHNG (Bio/Rad Tank), FREEZRBRN (Fire/Ice Tank), ZZAAPP (Elec/Elec Brute), Voltaic Thunderbolt (Elec/Elec Tank) Lemme Axe You Somethin (Rad/Axe Tank), PWDRKEG (Fire/FIre/Pyre Tank), ATMSMSHR (Rad/SS Tank), Morphology of Flame (Bio/Fire Tank) EverlastingMISSADVENTUR (Inv/SS Tank), Mace to the Face (SD/WM Tank)                                                        Retail 2004 (pre-I1) - 2012 lights out; Feb. 2020 - present

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4 hours ago, KaoticKarl said:


I'm thinking PLVRIZR is just joking with you here. Doubt it was meant any other way than playful banter. 🙂


The difference might be that the incarnates are toggled on in the build uploaded by Infinitum. If you changed incarnates or don't have them yet, your numbers would be expected to be lower overall. Not enough to really make it so you are getting your rear end kicked in though, so some more context than what's been given would help us talk through this.


Are you 50 yet? Fully incarnated?

Going against +4x8? What enemy types?

Malta / Carnies flooring your endurance? Taking on Cimerorans and getting Defense-debuffed? Certain enemies punching through what should be high resists?


These might seem to be silly questions, and apologies if not really applicable, but until asked we don't know what the issue might be and how to solve it. 

I'm 50 and my Incarnate powers are all at partial core and radial, so yeah I'm not fully T4'd out yet. I did a couple of BAF runs and a MoDD so maybe I was expecting too much too soon. 



4 hours ago, PLVRIZR said:


Thanks KK, yes, sarcasm is difficult on message boards and e-mail.


Agree with the incarnate assessment and great questions about opponents, as well.  Infinitum's Inv builds are a great blend of Def and Res, so lots of the defense debuff and resist issues should be covered.


P.S.  LOL at the edit note 🙂

Fair enough. This isn't the best medium to convey sarcasm without /s 

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On 8/30/2021 at 4:56 AM, Bros Ex Machina said:

If you would give me an advice to begin a tanker for contents, would you suggest me to start a tank SD/StJ or SD/Mace? I cant' decide cause both would be made for lore purposes but I don' know who can perform better! 

I'm getting mad 😭

Personal opinion, StJ is a faster playing set so it just feels smoother. 

Top 10 Most Fun 50s.

1. Without Mercy: Claws/ea Scrapper. 2. Outsmart: Fort 3. Sneakers: Stj/ea Stalker. 4. Emma Strange: Ill/dark Controller. 5. Project Next: Ice/stone Brute. 6. Waterpark: Water/temp Blaster. 6. Mighty Matt: Rad/bio Brute. 7. Without Hesitation: Claws/sr Scrapper. 8. Within Reach: Axe/stone Brute. 9. Without Pause: Claws/wp Brute.  10. Chasing Fireworks: Fire/time Controller. 


"Downtime is for mortals. Debt is temporary. Fame is forever."

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3 hours ago, Without_Pause said:

Personal opinion, StJ is a faster playing set so it just feels smoother. 


I've started a Shield/Savage tanker that has been pretty fun in the lower levels. Really fast playstyle and good damage that's smooth as butter, plus I'm looking forward to the double porting AoEs when it gets higher 🙂


I've done the Savage/Bio combo on a brute to 50 (would recommend, tons of fun!), so I'm curious to see how they differ between the two ATs in the leveling process.

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Savage is good, but Hemo needs to be reworked and the slowest cast time for StJ is 2.17 so hence the fast feel for it. Only Kat has a faster longest cast time power.


Consolidated notes from leveling some builds.

Savage, see above. I have a Level 22 Savage/rad Brute and Level 21 Dark/savage Tank on somewhat hold right now.

Psionic needs Insight to be reworked. Level 20 Psi/dark Brute is on hold.

Soloed a Rad/kat to 22 and decided the lower damage of a Tank with lethal damage can make for some boring soloing. I kept the build but stripped the IOs out for now. I might come back later to it but put it on teams.

Rad/kat became Rad/ice. Rad was super smooth to level. Also trying Ice on a Stalker as they get rid of the longer animation of GIS. Ice just feels incredibly solid and well balanced. Cast times are generally favorable. More so for non-lethal/smashing damage.


Top 10 Most Fun 50s.

1. Without Mercy: Claws/ea Scrapper. 2. Outsmart: Fort 3. Sneakers: Stj/ea Stalker. 4. Emma Strange: Ill/dark Controller. 5. Project Next: Ice/stone Brute. 6. Waterpark: Water/temp Blaster. 6. Mighty Matt: Rad/bio Brute. 7. Without Hesitation: Claws/sr Scrapper. 8. Within Reach: Axe/stone Brute. 9. Without Pause: Claws/wp Brute.  10. Chasing Fireworks: Fire/time Controller. 


"Downtime is for mortals. Debt is temporary. Fame is forever."

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I have a Shield/StJ tanker too.  Its real fun and smooth.  Like @Without_Pause says its quite a fast paced attacking style that looks ruthless. With the tanker changes it really upgraded the feel of it when Spinning Strike got better.  Plus they just buffed the damage on tank's Shield Charge a bit.  


With the new harder content in Aeon it made me have a hard look at my tank to spec it to lead these.  One thing I realized is that Crushing Uppercut can house all kinds of procs.  I added the Stun -tohitt proc along with the winter hold asorb proc to go with the hold and melee purples procs.  This thing does quite nice damage and adds 450+ absorb shield that stacks with the tanker ATO absorb shield.  Running around with 900+ bonus buffer health is quite nice in these relentless Aeon runs.  I highly advocate that winter proc if you have a hold attack on your tank.  


The double teleporting with Savage seems like it'd be pretty fun too though.  There's lots of combos that seem to fit ones style on these tank thingies.  

Edited by Mezmera
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16 hours ago, Mezmera said:

along with the winter hold asorb proc to go with the hold and melee purples procs.  This thing does quite nice damage and adds 450+ absorb shield that stacks with the tanker ATO absorb shield. 


Superior Entomb -chance for +absorb.  Great call.  Rather than lose the 5% F/C def with the SBC set, I take Pyre Epic and slot it in Char...also for ST holds like Sappers.

Reunion - JAWBRKR (Inv/SJ Tank), Lich-ilicious (Necro/Dark MM)  Torchbearer - Will Power-Flame (WP/Fire Tank),  Frostee-Freeze (Ice/Emp Troller), DARKNESSREIGNS (Inv/DM Tank), BALLBUSTR (Inv/SS Tank)  Indomitable - PLVRIZR (Stone/SS Tank), The Atomic Warden (Rad/Rad Defender), FACESMSHR (EM/EA Brute)  Excelsior - NUTCRCKR (Inv/SS Tank) - VL500+, DRKSTNITE (DA/DM Tank), Nosfera-too (Kin/Dark Defender), FIREBLLR (FIre/Therm Corr), THUGSRUS (Thugs/Dark MM), Marshal Mayhem (Fire/MA Tank), SLICRDICR (DB/WP Scrap), NECROTANK (SD/DM Tank), FRMRBRWN (Spines/Fire Brute), AVLANCH (Ice/Stone Tank), SWMPTHNG (Bio/Rad Tank), FREEZRBRN (Fire/Ice Tank), ZZAAPP (Elec/Elec Brute), Voltaic Thunderbolt (Elec/Elec Tank) Lemme Axe You Somethin (Rad/Axe Tank), PWDRKEG (Fire/FIre/Pyre Tank), ATMSMSHR (Rad/SS Tank), Morphology of Flame (Bio/Fire Tank) EverlastingMISSADVENTUR (Inv/SS Tank), Mace to the Face (SD/WM Tank)                                                        Retail 2004 (pre-I1) - 2012 lights out; Feb. 2020 - present

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