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Interface DoTs Should Not "Disable" Sleeps (Like Mesermize)

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I really don't think it's fair that it totally renders a lot of sleep powers useless, I think sleeps like Mesmerize probably just shouldn't take interface at all to avoid the breaking of sleeps (you know, the primary function of the power). I'm not saying sleeps are the most useful thing in the world, but it would be nice to have them not totally rendered obsolete by "beneficial" incarnate choices.

Edited by Zeraphia
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Surprisingly, I'm actually somewhat on the fence on this - though I don't disagree.


On the one hand, it doesn't stop a sleep from doing part of its job - for instance, shutting down a FF bubble will still happen even if that sleep is only a fraction of a second long. And it's consistent, in a way, with other DOTs a player can take (such as... bah, what's the name. The "fire" from Sorcery.) Nothing stops a player from picking up a power that can cause issue with one of their own powers, so part of the argument could be "so why should Interface be special?" Besides, you can pick the non-DOT-ing branch, other than the T4 of most branches.


On the other, and as I'm typing this I think this is probably the thing that makes me really agree (ok, outside of my personal like of sleeps and their utility) is that unlike the situation I just mentioned, Interface isn't a "power" you can choose to use (or not.) It adds that proc to every damaging attack, and some sleeps are damaging - though they ignore their own damage (essentially) when they put someone to sleep. And, again, the T4 doesn't give you the choice to not have a damaging proc in many of the interface branches. (Diamagnetic can do a double debuff, for instance.)


Sooo... while I can see an argument for "why should this small portion of a small branch of powers be special?" (since not all sleeps do damage, and wouldn't fall under the "damaging powers cause a chance to proc" description,) it's hard to find other powers that become self-defeating in this way, so yeah... wouldn't hurt to look at it. (Plus it is a fairly small number of powers, so it's not a major shift in the game.)

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38 minutes ago, Greycat said:

(such as... bah, what's the name. The "fire" from Sorcery.)


38 minutes ago, Greycat said:

though they ignore their own damage (essentially) when they put someone to sleep.

It's not that they ignore their own damage, but rather clever timing of what happens when in a sequencing.

Edited by Redlynne


Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.

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17 minutes ago, Redlynne said:


It's not that they ignore their own damage, but rather clever timing of what happens when in a sequencing.

WHich is why I put in the "essentially." 🙂

Kheldian backstory guide 2.0 is out.

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Not opposed to the idea.  But there's also the option of Interface powers that do not come with a DoT at all.    Diamagnetic, Gravitic, Paralytic.... or you could stop at a T3 Total Core Cognitive or something, and just not proceed to the T4  (which is where my Mind/Kin controller is currently)

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I agree with the OP, but I feel sleep needs to have some secondary effect to it as well. That seems to be the one thing Mind Control lacks. Being awaken from sleep should either lower your defenses, effect your regen and recovery, or make you have a slower recharge to your powers. 

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28 minutes ago, mbre2006 said:

I agree with the OP, but I feel sleep needs to have some secondary effect to it as well. That seems to be the one thing Mind Control lacks. Being awaken from sleep should either lower your defenses, effect your regen and recovery, or make you have a slower recharge to your powers. 

Or confusion.

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