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Teleport and you

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Like you, I have tried to make teleport work as travel power several times. Each time it seems so blah. Even with binds, I wasn’t able to enjoy it.  Recently I tried again to make a teleportation character, but I wanted to take it one step further.  I wanted to make a “combat teleport”. 

Here is what I set up (with help from people on the discord).  To get around the can’t activate 2 powers with one click, I set it up to turn powers on auto. 

/macro_image “forgot what I used” “slash” “powexec target teleport$$powexecauto slash”

/macro_image “forgot what I used” “strike” “powexec target teleport$$powexecauto strike”

/bind w “+forward$$powexec_auto hasten”


The good news, it worked, but that made teleport’s problems more apparent. 

The problems

-hover’s activation time means that the target may have moved out of melee range

-The hover period after teleport is frustrating. I can’t take a couple steps to engage my target. 
-Teleport needs line of sight. I did not know this until the other day. I thought I might have done something wrong with my macro so I tested it on a corner. The animation plays and I “teleport” to my same location. 

Solutions (This is the suggestion)

-Allow teleport to be activated without line of sight. This would also open up teleporting to a teammate’s location (something else I tried)

-remove or allow the bird to remove the hover period 

-been suggested before but here it is, reduce the animation time before the teleport. 

TLDR- buff teleport 


Thanks for your time. 


edit: I forgot to add my other suggestion. 
Replace long range teleport or combine recall friend and teleport for into one power with and add “combat teleport” power. This would do what my macros above do, without having to set powers to auto. It could be a toggle that used endurance every time you Attacked/teleported. 

Edited by 0th Power
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For combat teleport? 

Take Speed of Sound. Leave Speed of Sound on.  Keybind Jaunt.


Yes, I definitely would like regular plain old "Teleport" to be that fast animating and not sticking you in a hover for a few seconds.

Or if there's a sizeable chunk of people who prefer the current teleport for long distance travelling, fine, take a page from Dual Pistols / Swap Ammo, and have Telelport be one power selection that unlocks both "Travel Teleport" (existing mode) and "Combat Teleport" (jaunt style).


And I really really really want a Teleport Attack like "Burst of Speed" from Martial Combat available in the Teleport power pool.

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Teleport does not need line of sight. THe macros may, but TP itself does not. I've teleported "Between" and "around" things frequently.  Now, *YOU* need to be able to see a destination (like the other side of the wall,) since you're picking a destination, but there can certainly be stuff in the way. (For instance, I'll often use this on Warshades - who have teleport built in - to TP up on a catwalk right above them and mire/eclipse or stick a hold on something right away.)


Also, the hover was put in because people didn't want to "have" to take hover to not immediately fall when using this as a travel power. If you want to get an idea of what this was like, get a stone tank/brute, get Rooted, and start teleporting through the air. Yes, it could stand improvement. Yes, it's a bit hack-y. But removing it is probably a bad idea. Maybe "if you're within a foot of a surface, don't activate" or something, though.


And no replacing long range teleport. 😛 (Mostly because I don't want to lose it on my 'shades.) Wouldn't argue with replacing/combining recall/tp foe to make room in the pool though.

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1 hour ago, MTeague said:

For combat teleport? 

Take Speed of Sound. Leave Speed of Sound on.  Keybind Jaunt.

Mystic Flight/Translocation also works decently.  I have "Translocation to target" bound to a mouse thumb button, and as long as flight speed isn't supressed, you move quickly coming out of the teleport.  Alternatively, you can detoggle Mystic Flight instantly and have no "hover" phase like standard TP.  


My "combat TP" set up described above gets a solid work out in the Battle Maiden Apex TF fight when playing melee or hybrid characters with Mystic Flight.  

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2 hours ago, Greycat said:

Teleport does not need line of sight. THe macros may, but TP itself does not. I've teleported "Between" and "around" things frequently.  Now, *YOU* need to be able to see a destination (like the other side of the wall,) since you're picking a destination, but there can certainly be stuff in the way. (For instance, I'll often use this on Warshades - who have teleport built in - to TP up on a catwalk right above them and mire/eclipse or stick a hold on something right away.)


Also, the hover was put in because people didn't want to "have" to take hover to not immediately fall when using this as a travel power. If you want to get an idea of what this was like, get a stone tank/brute, get Rooted, and start teleporting through the air. Yes, it could stand improvement. Yes, it's a bit hack-y. But removing it is probably a bad idea. Maybe "if you're within a foot of a surface, don't activate" or something, though.


And no replacing long range teleport. 😛 (Mostly because I don't want to lose it on my 'shades.) Wouldn't argue with replacing/combining recall/tp foe to make room in the pool though.

I don’t know why i wasn’t able to teleport without LoS. I’ll try and see what I was doing wrong next time I’m in game. 

I think null would be perfect for disabling the hover period (if possible) to be able to keep it for those who want it. 

also, shades get long range teleport?

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1 hour ago, 0th Power said:

I don’t know why i wasn’t able to teleport without LoS. I’ll try and see what I was doing wrong next time I’m in game. 

I think null would be perfect for disabling the hover period (if possible) to be able to keep it for those who want it. 

also, shades get long range teleport?

Null's fine for disabling it, AFAIC. I'm assuming the inability to TP without LOS is something to do with the binds.

And yeah. Shades pretty much get the full TP pool other than team teleport.

Still not particularly fond of certain segments of this community.

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