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Themed TF/SF Saturdays


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Something a little different.


A week or so ago, I ran an all Beam Rifle Synapse TF. Zap the zappers! It was spur-of-the-moment, so there were only four of us, but it was really cool. It got me thinking I want to run themed TFs/SFs more often. So...


Starting this Saturday, August 1st, I will be running a TF or SF with a theme every week right here on Indom. I'm looking at noon EST (possibly 1pm if that's preferable). I'll announce in the game an hour before start time for folks who don't use the message boards. If you do use the message boards, please state your intention to play so I can hold a spot for you.


Early in the week, I'll announce what we're doing here in this thread so you all have time to consider your options. I hope you will join me! I'm looking to run low stress, high fun, non-speedy, chill TFs/SFs.


--- Theme of the Week ---


August 1st: all arrows Manticore TF. Archery, Trick Arrow, or Tactical Arrow are one of your sets (or both!) and you are level 30+. I'll be bringing my dude Checkmate, level 42 Archery/Trick Arrow corruptor.


August 8th: all weapons Miss Liberty TF. See post below for the details.


August 15th, noon EST, blue sideall sentinel Citadel TF. (It rhymes-ish.) Level 25+

August 15th, 2pm EST, red side: all stalker Virgil Tarikoss SF. Level 15+


August 22nd, noon EST, purple side: "bag of Skittles" Lady Gray TF. See post below for details.


August 29th, noon EST, blue side: all animal themed Manticore TF.


September 5th, noon EST, red side: totally rad Renault SF.


September 12th, noon EST. blue side: NuMMina TF.


September 19th, noon EST, blue side: THEM! All insect motif Positron 1 and 2.


September 26th, noon EST, blue side: Flamin' Ernesto! All fire Ernesto Hessto TF.


October 3rd, noon EST, red side: Gloomy Boomy! All darkness Ice Mistral SF


October 10th, noon EST, purple side: Apex or Tin Mage


October 17th, noon EST, red sideBird is the Word. Bird motifs Silver Mantis SF


October 24th, noon EST, red sideOperatives Report! all VEATs Operative Renault SF


October 31st....


Edited by TraumaTrain
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It was fun! We had six archers on the team. One brute showed up, and I put it to vote whether or not he can stay on the team. Everyone wanted to stay with the theme, which was super cool - so the brute had to go. With all the debuffs from multiple Trick and Tactical Arrows, Hopkins and Countess Crey went down really fast!


Sorry we missed you, Emmy! Is your archer a sentinel? I know you love sentinels. We had two corrs, two blasters, a defender, and an MM. (I think.)


I'm mulling over my ideas for next week and will post it tomorrow!



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I have a few:


A/TA blaster, A/EA sentinel, A/inv sentinel, A/RA sentinel (reunion) and A/WP sentinel


some of those may still be below 20, not sure, i usually focus on a project and forget about the other babies until i get to them lol, but some babies are at 45 and some are at 1.


looking forward to the next idea ya come up with and someone remind me when it rolls around so i don't forget again 😛


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August 8th: all weapons Miss Liberty TF


Level 45+ (Miss Liberty's requirement, not mine)


If your primary offensive power set is some kind of weapon, I invite you to join in! Broad Sword, Mace, Titan Weapons, Dual Pistols, Beam Rifle, Assault Rifle, Katana, Ninja Blade, Dual Blades, Staff, Claws, Battle Ax, and Archery is what we're looking for.


Noon EST on the 8th. I'll start giving a shout out for invitations around 11am. If you holler out here, I'll save you a spot!


Edited by TraumaTrain
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1 hour ago, EmmySky said:

Ahhah!  One staff brute coming up!  PrestigeSky will work nicely.  


I have never done the MLTF.  I think I did the STF once when it was brand new but that's been a minute.

Awesome! Staff is so much fun! *thunk thunk thunk thunk thunk*


I've done MLTF once since Homecoming and I did STF once or twice back on live, so I'm right there with ya on that. We're not doing a "Master of..." or a speed run. We're gonna have fun and stumble through it. I'm sure one or more people on the team will actually know what's going on.


As a bonus, Miss Liberty is the WST!

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The all Archery was a blast! Looks like I'll use Miss Skittles again in the upcoming 8/8 Miss Liberty...must get her to Level 45 ASAP! And I'll have to make a Sentinel...I don't think I have one. But, we'll see 🙂 Good thing I'm on staycation this week! 

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Adding a second run for the 15th. The all sentinel Citadel will be at noon EST, and there will be an all stalker Virgil Tarikoss SF in Cap au Diable.


For Citadel, I'll bring my dude Super-Cool. In my head count, it looks like we have seven spots for the Citadel already taken! You guys are great!


For Tarikoss, I'll bring my dude Glowie Thief.

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I'm bringing Ember Shrike (Fire/Fire) for the all sentinel tomorrow. I think I'll bring The Gloamling (Dark/Rad) for the stalker Tarikoss.


Question: If my stalker is a hero, can I just switch him at Null to be able to do the SF? If not I'll roll up a redside stalker tonight

Edited by Enigmatus
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It was a blast!   Look forward to next week dusting off my PB (human only).  FYI, ST are not converted so I may knock stuff around a smidge, but they usually die 😄


And yes, Provoke on a sentinel is a beautiful thing, and you gotta be in melee for an effective Inferno! 

Edited by EmmySky
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