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I-powers test room


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So, I think anyone paying attention to help or chat sees the inevitable questions about what certain powers look like, do, etc.


While our normal primary/secondary/pool/ancillary powers can be recolored or have alternate animations put on for a few inf, Incarnate powers actually take resources to craft - and you can't back out if you decide you don't like it.  You just have to spend time crafting something new.


So how about having a room - probably in icon, since, well, coloring powers and such anyway - where you can go in at any level and see how these powers look and get an idea of what they do? I'm imagining one large room (or maybe just two rooms) with a "vendor" for each branch. Want to see what a judgement looks like? See the judgement vendor. Get a temp power (recharge, etc. matches the actual power, but it disappears outside of this room,) go to the test dummies (or the other room with non-XP mobs) and fire away. Get a couple of Lore pets from the Lore vendor - yes, you can hve more than one at once, these are just temp powers - and see what they are and what they do.


And yes, you can pick these up at level 1 if you want to look and plan ahead.


These have no cost (because, why would they,) and vanish outside of the testing room. Should there be some bug or exploit where they don't? It wouldn't matter. They have no actual effect on the game world - no damage to mobs, no buffs, etc. (And would probably expire in 30 minutes just to keep the powers listing clean anyway.) Getting info on the powers would report the "real" power's stats (so you can tell this one is the one that does support and damage, this one's the one that just does support, no damage, but is untouchable, etc.)


Vital? Nah. Useful? Given how much time some of us spend on costumes and the like, I'd say more for some than others. 🙂

Kheldian backstory guide 2.0 is out.

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At some point the player has to be willing to take some responsibility for ensuring they don't make the wrong choice. The tools are already there for them to find out for themselves what powers are gonna look like, and you can see every incarnate power for every slot in the tailor as soon as you've crafted a single t1 for that slot.

Edited by Vanden
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Imagine this - Someone asks what I mentioned.

Answer one - "Go load up the test server. Go to the forum. Do a server transfer. Once your character shows up, do this command, go here, get this, get that, craft this, craft that."

Likely response: "Nevermind, then."


Optional answer two with this suggestion:

"Head to Icon, see the guy at the back, go in and take a look."

Likely response: "OK, thanks" from a happy player who gets to check things out with an easy way in game.


We can already preview what our primary and secondary look like on creation. We don't have to wait until we have each power to see it and customize it. We don't have to load up (or do an initial load of) the test server and do the whole runaround to check that out. This is an extension of that. We have "test dummies" in game already, so there's not exactly work there. The powers already exist. There's a little work to make temp versions people can check out.


I'm purely suggesting this as a "this would be nice."


(Also, for the record, I'm aware of - and on - the test server, and know this can be done there, but that's also not a particularly convenient solution for someone who wants to just check the powers out quickly.)


Edited by Greycat

Kheldian backstory guide 2.0 is out.

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