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Powerset Ideas


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@Greycat Zombies and Demons MMs expressly have powers called 'enchant', Necromancers summon liches who are described as likely having been necromancers themselves in life, one of the other powers involves summoning the soul of your fallen minion.


@Player2 Doom demons are magical, some of them are just augmented with earth (and more recently Argent D'nur and Maykr) cybernetic tech and earth's means of reaching Hell were at first scientific as a result of either teleportation mishap and/or energy research. If you want purely scientific demons you'd have to look at the weird Doom Novels with Flynn Taggert instead of Doomguy.


Also, one of you tell me what to explain the freakin' Oni with when I'm supposed to be Batman training other Batmen.


I should ultimately stress while I don't Poopoo people's concepts, I am saying you cannot say the live devs weren't perfectly okay with origin specific powersets since they clearly had certain origins in mind when designing some of them. Admittedly, most of them are mastermind powers which are kind of conceptually narrow.

Edited by Sakura Tenshi
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16 minutes ago, Sakura Tenshi said:

Also, one of you tell me what to explain the freakin' Oni with when I'm supposed to be Batman training other Batmen.

The Oni is a metahuman in need of a mentor just like any other sidekick.  And your Batman is the best mentor choice he has, because despite whatever powers he may possess, it's about the skills and how you use them.  So your Natural origin Batman is training a magical/mutant/science/tech-based powered hero.  This is not strange at all.

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That's my understanding as well. Simple fact...


Although, through creativity, we can explain away the various non-generic powersets as being based on an origin obviously not likely to them, it cannot be ignored that we have powers that are "very" specific. My original concept is just an idea for a powerset that fills in the essentially empty fantasy corner of magic in COH.


Demon Summoning has some, but not all magic users are demon-worshipers. Zombie Summoning too has some. But again, not all magic casters draw the darkest parts of the universe. Also, not all magic is freaking summoning magic. We also have the Sorcery pool, which begs to have something else to compliment it thematically.


That's it for magic. Everything else is based on imagination, through multiple elements, weapons, armour and appearances, but nothing remotely specific like other powersets afford. And the same argument can be made for other origins as well. If an Arcane set existed, creativity could easily explain why a scientist is using scienced-magic (Doctor Fate), mutant-magic is a thing (Illiana Rasputin, Scarlet Witch), someone could have a natural spark of arcane potential, and someone else could build an advanced reactor that draws in magic energy and imprints it on a piece of high-tech gear (Doctor Doom)


Meanwhile... a proper mage, could be a proper mage, finally.

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