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I was trying to bind a key to do two things. It works, but it doesn't.


The idea is to bind Q to turn left (as default) and also select previous enemy.

And bind E to turn right (as default) and also select next enemy.


It should be simple, as below:

/bind Q "+turnleft$$target_enemy_prev"
/bind E "+turnright$$target_enemy_next"

So, I'm battling a few Skulls (sorry, I needed test subjects), target the nearest one, hold him (let's call him HELD), and then press E. What happens? For a moment I turn right, the next enemy is targeted, and then, less then one second later, HELD is automatically targeted again.

If I press Q, another skull is targeted as I slightly turn left, and then, as before, HELD is automatically targeted again.


What am I doing wrong?


The "+" in front of the turnleft command is an indicator to perform the action while the key is pressed, and to stop when the key is released (see page 11 of Shenanigunner's CoH/CoV Technical Reference Guide). It might be applying that to both the turn and targeting commands such that as long as the key is pressed it is repeatedly performing both actions. Which is good in the case of the turn command, but bad in the case of the targeting command. If you hold down Q or E for several seconds or more in front of a group of enemies, does it continuously cycle through the enemies as you turn? Or does it simply target enemy A, then enemy B, then back to A and stop?


You might try reversing the order of the commands (like "target_enemy_prev$$+turnleft") but I have no idea if that will work or not.

33 minutes ago, AboveTheChemist said:

You might try reversing the order of the commands (like "target_enemy_prev$$+turnleft") but I have no idea if that will work or not.

Don't EVER do that. I did, and the "+turnleft" part became auto, and I was turning in circles for a minute or two until I discovered how to disable it (just bind "+turnleft" again and use it).


I've decided to simply bind the targeting part to both keys since I use the mouse to turn anyway. At least for now.

If someone else has a better idea, I may bind the two commands together once again.


1 hour ago, Fermmoylle said:

Don't EVER do that. I did, and the "+turnleft" part became auto

Interesting, I would not have expected that and I'll keep that in mind in the future. Sorry you got stuck in a turn loop! If I can remember when I get home I'll tinker around with it and see if I can find something that will work. I have a feeling though that commands that include the single '+' might best be left as single-command binds.


Well, I tinkered with it for about 30 mins, and tried a ton of different things (including various combos of the commands reversed) but I couldn't find a combo that would work as you hoped. With the '+' sign there it is causing the target command to be executed once when the key is pressed, and again when it is released, and I couldn't find a way around that. Which isn't to say that there isn't a way, but if there is it eluded me.

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