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Pain Points: I Can't be the Only One

Mr. Sleepy

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I read on the forums guidelines that feedback about pain points are appreciated. So here are mine. 😃


I play the game a little differently than others do- in that I'm a total OCD nut. That being said, I understand that these vexations are small, but I also suspect I am not the only one to feel them.


1.) No P2W (or T4V) Vendor or Praetorian Tailor available in Bases. Granted, I've been spoiled by /enterbasefrompasscode, but it feels like a tedious amount of running around when my Base loses track of my original location because I wanted to pop into Pocket D for something. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE there to be a P2W & T4V vendor available as a Base item. I can't be the only one.


2.) It feels like teasing that I see these awesome Roman Cingulum and Chain Skirt items in the Kilt / Shorts bottoms for male toons, but they turn my legs into weird skinny twig things. I can't bring myself to use them, as they always look terrible. I would rather there was clipping. I can't be the only one.


3.) The Panther Travel Power boosts jump height by +327.60 and jump speed by +201.00, while the Coyote Travel Power boosts jump height by +600.60 and jump speed by +235.17. There is no offsetting advantage for the Panther Power. It's strictly worse. But it suits some of my toons better. But it's worse. But it looks cool. But its... just... worse. No one would be upset if Panther got buffed up to +600.60, and no balance issue, since Coyote is already there. Maybe I am the only one on this one, but... dammit!


4.) The Coyote Travel Power (on a toon with no enhancements at lvl 2) has a higher jumping speed than run speed. Which makes it faster to jump around all mimbly-bimbly than to run a straight line- a concept that CoH seems to (rightfully) acknowledge. It's the only time apart from Super Jump where this is the case- at least that I have found. It breaks immersion to be jumping for extra speed. I humbly suggest the Coyote Travel Power gets nerfed to the +201.00 jump speed that Panther has. It's a small reduction, but it should stop Jump Speed from exceeding Run Speed, as per usual CoH standards. 


5.) It would be awesome if there were a tailor available to Praetorian Characters as a base item. Like, how do you know what dimension I'm from, lady? I just wanna give you some money to make me some clothes! My influence seems good enough for the nurses... I guess they don't have your acute sense of dimensional phasing.... You oughtta work for the Midnighter's Club instead of Icon with that kind of cognizance; or a Seer for Marcus Co.. oh, bother it, never mind. *Grumbles about the Icon lady as he runs around the old-fashioned way.*

Edited by Mr. Sleepy
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1 and 5 seem to be the same thing, somewhat... though, there aren't Praetorian based SGs or bases, so...


As far as 3 and 4? They're different animals. Having them behave differently "makes sense" to me, personally.

Primarily on Everlasting. Squid afficionado. Former creator of Copypastas. General smartalec.


I tried to combine Circle and DE, but all I got were garden variety evil mages.

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1 minute ago, Greycat said:

1 and 5 seem to be the same thing, somewhat... though, there aren't Praetorian based SGs or bases, so...


As far as 3 and 4? They're different animals. Having them behave differently "makes sense" to me, personally.

#1 is similar to #5 in that it calls for new base items, but is different in that it asks for a P2W vendor. Perhaps I should have amalgamated the requests, but I didn't for the sake of clarity.


The lack of Praetorian SG bases does add a certain realism to the lack of Praetorian NPC base items, I suppose, but for me it does so at the expense of fun factor. Let's face it, a lvl 1 Praetorian would have no access to or knowledge of the SG bases from a different dimension, but they are allowed in the Supergroups all the same, because realism has to yield to fun sometimes, and it's a tricky balance. There are few enough Yellow side players as it is; I can't see the harm in making it a little less inconvenient. My points aren't issues with realism except for the skinny legs thing, (it's legit weird for someone's legs to shrink when they put on a kilt, and looks too silly for me utilize), they are just little annoyances that take away from the joy of the game... at least for me.


I'm not saying it doesn't make sense for coyotes and panthers to exhibit different abilities. That's certainly reasonable. I highly doubt, however, that a coyote can travel faster jumping than it can sprinting, or that it could out-leap a friggin' panther. So from a "makes sense' perspective, I'm not seeing it. I feel like my suggestions for changing those two powers to be cosmetic differences only would be an improvement to the end-user experience, to make the choice merely a cosmetic one, as opposed to a performance one. A small difference, perhaps, but maybe an easy enough thing to change that it's worth the time.

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On 10/14/2020 at 2:18 AM, Greycat said:

1 and 5 seem to be the same thing, somewhat... though, there aren't Praetorian based SGs or bases, so...


As far as 3 and 4? They're different animals. Having them behave differently "makes sense" to me, personally.

The trade-off was that, originally, the Panther transformation also granted Stealth... It gave up some of its jump to account for that extra utility.

For some reason, that Stealth was removed from the power in the SCoRE days, but the jump numbers were apparently never adjusted to account for that loss.  




Edited by Coyotedancer

Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice

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