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Please limit DFB/DiB runs.

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On 3/16/2021 at 10:46 PM, Qwerty MacDoogal said:

I have soloed to 50 on all my 50s. It isn't that hard including trollers and defs. 

Yeah every powerset combo can solo. Not every *build* can solo, but every powerset combo can build to solo if needed and respec later.

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Baring a few toons. I have Power Leveled about 30 of my toons to 50 and Have IOed them out in the same process. Granted about 10 are Petless and Semi Petless masterminds.
I think it takes 3 to 4 runs of Comic Con missions (Each run is 5 missions )  to get to 50. 

DFB is useless because I get more INF and recipes running Comic Con to create my IO builds.

1 full run of Comic Con( 5 missions)  gets me to around 33. Another run to 40's and the third run to 50. Sometimes something goes wrong I might need to do a few more runs. 


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On 5/25/2019 at 11:38 PM, kelly Rocket said:

This probably won't be the most popular of suggestions... But I'd really like to see the Death From Below and Drowning In Blood trials limited so that a player can only run them once or twice a day.


I like fast xp and high inf rewards as much as anyone, but at a certain point it gets really, really old running the same thing over and over, especially for altaholics like me. I'd like to be able to get groups for other things before level 22, and at present the LFG channel is just a flood of people looking for players for DFB and DiB, with very occasionally something else mixed in, but all the other things tend to be at least level 20+


Arguably worse, we get new players to the game hitting DFB until their mid-20s, and having no idea how to actually play the game when they start looking for something else to do. I see so many people in the 20-30 range that haven't figured out how to manage their knockback, and today I had a group where our Brute, who was level 20 something, did not have his taunt aura or Taunt (The latter of which is excusable on a Brute, but the former of which is not, even if you don't intend to tank, because it's generally one of your best defensive powers), and after we'd been struggling with a Freakshow mission with several wipes, about halfway through it, he asks the group "How do you get enhancements?".


Please, for the love of Positron, stop the madness!

"I see so many people in the 20-30 range that haven't figured out how to manage their knockback"


Really??  I find so many lvl 50 AE babies that have NO Idea how to play them... sheesh!  But yet there the first to post online or forums about their newest 50!


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10 hours ago, plainguy said:

Baring a few toons. I have Power Leveled about 30 of my toons to 50 and Have IOed them out in the same process. Granted about 10 are Petless and Semi Petless masterminds.
I think it takes 3 to 4 runs of Comic Con missions (Each run is 5 missions )  to get to 50. 

DFB is useless because I get more INF and recipes running Comic Con to create my IO builds.

1 full run of Comic Con( 5 missions)  gets me to around 33. Another run to 40's and the third run to 50. Sometimes something goes wrong I might need to do a few more runs. 


DFB is for people that don’t powerlevel 1-50. I’m pretty sure everyone here knows it’s not as fast as powerleveling. I don’t play my characters until 50+1 either though.

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On 3/17/2021 at 5:38 PM, Tyrannical said:


Completely agree.


Imposing restrictions on people who play differently to you is just unfair, plain and simple. This is the same reasoning as the other anti-farming/powerleveling thread a little while ago, so I'll just paraphrase what I said there;


If you want a CoH experience with limitations on your gameplay, go to Rebirth.


Faultline (I think) mentioned at one point that Fire Farm maps are typically something like 2 out of 3 mapserver instances at any given time.


That means every time you look around and see a ghost town, just know the game looks dead because we didn't kill the easiest possible way to amass XP and cash.


It's virtuous to want to let people do what they want, but there is always an impact.  You can say the alternative is worse, that people would simply play less if they had to play the other 98% of the game, but that is acknowledgement of the impact.


Which means people who want stuff like this aren't as selfish as you're making them out to be.  They just disagree on the damage.

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1 hour ago, Replacement said:

Faultline (I think) mentioned at one point that Fire Farm maps are typically something like 2 out of 3 mapserver instances at any given time.


That means every time you look around and see a ghost town, just know the game looks dead because we didn't kill the easiest possible way to amass XP and cash.


I believe that was on the old server Infrastructure, which has since been updated to handle more intensive activity.

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