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Doubts and concerns on /regen


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I've recently been leveling a dark/regen brute, having a blast and feeling good enough tanking large groups 1 or 2 levels above mine. Dark drains seem to fill in gaps that regen sometimes won't heal through. 


It was brought to my attention that regen is considered an inferior power set. Normally I wouldn't care too much since this game makes nearly every power set combo work. I'm just concerned that once I'm doing endgame, I'll be terrible at tanking or anything else a brute can be doing. Is regen really that bad? Just seems like a different set than straight up def or regen. 

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Regen isn't bad, it's just SUPER ok. It'll get you by, but yes, other brutes are unfortunately going to have a way easier time tanking than you, especially if we're talking later into the game when everyone is starting to trick out their 50s and whatnot. That's not to say you can't tank or even tank well with some exceptional support, and you also have some utility to buffer out your low points as you said, but don't let yourself feel bad if every encounter doesn't go the way you plan it.


But that's the nature of the set. You live on the edge, Your only way of mitigating damage is healing yourself, so with some smart usage of your click heals, jumping into a group could be no problem. Then you get hit by a dump truck and you're on the ground. It happens. You should be testing your limit to see just how immortal you can be with the usage of your green numbers.


By the by, I have a /Regen that will attempt to tank if the team build calls for it, but if there's someone beefier present, I'll let them take point in a heartbeat.

Edited by Leetdeth
fixed typo

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Actually, the FUN thing is that someone gave me a Dark/Regen Brute build that can easily tank the Hami core.....with no supports during the fight 😁


Defense is moot, and the only Resist that matters is Toxic (which Regen gives plenty of), so it's actually damn near perfect for it.  Of course, anything ELSE would squish me easily....

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Regen is not an inferior secondary.


If it works for a player it can be very effective. If it doesn't work for a player it can be awful. A lot can come down to play style.


It is a busy set. There are things to watch or be mindful of and buttons that need to be pushed.


Recharge is your friend, Dark is a good pairing.



Compared to other sets. They might be able to reach some goals like defense or resistance quicker but they may never be able to match the regen. Meanwhile Regen can also build for those other Def and Resist.


Bonus: Regen has been tuned down (nerfed) so much it may be inline for a buff sometime soon.

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One of the last toons I rolled on Live was a /Regen Brute.  My memory is fuzzy, but IIRC it made the Keyes trial a lot easier for some reason.  Not that many folks are running Keyes these days.


Been meaning to circle back to another one, but I can't decide on a Primary.


Maybe when the NRG/ changes go live ... NRG/Regen might be interesting.

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On live my absolute favorite all around character was my spines regen scrapper. I jumped at the opportunity to make an SS/Regen brute on HC and he was my second 50. I do really like SS with regen because it has some mitigation in the primary and I have a FF proc in footstomp that is awesome. 

I both see why regen is considered bad but also think it has become underrated at this point. It is a busy set, sure, but with some management it really has a ton of mitigatory tools. Take burnout, get your health and recharge up high, layer on some defense and resistance, and you have a lot of tools at your disposal.


  • MoG is an interesting power that recharges quickly and makes you almost unkillable.
  • With Dull pain and the brute HP cap you can consistently have a ridiculous amount of HP. THOUSANDS OF HIT POINTS!
  • IH with DP running is like a second tier god mode. In specific instances you can get taken down, but mostly your health won't budge.
  • End management is phenomenal from the get-go.
  • Burnout means in emergencies you can use MoG/IH back to back, use DP as a heal, etc. And the end penalty will be easily mitigated. 
  • If you are in a situation where you can kite (and your pride allows you to do so) then your survival rate will go way up vs. mobs that target your weaknesses (longbow can be vexing if you don't annihilate the nulls and spec ops quickly, for example).

Regen does need a few updates though I think. Some version of -regen resistance just makes sense and should exist. Layer some absorb in the set somewhere. 



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Regen is a lot better than people make it out to be. With Dark Melees -to hit and the self heal it pairs up nicely. I have a couple Regen Brutes (SuperStrength and MartialArts) and I have a lot of fun with both. I did get them to the defense soft cap for S/L (45%) with IOs and Weave+ Maneuvers + Combat Jumping. It shouldn't be too hard with DM because you have a lot of single target melee attacks you can slot with Kinetic Combat (3.75% S/L defense for 4). The Brute archetype enhancements also offer up some S/L defense too (2.5% and 1.875%). Once you get to the S/L soft cap your play experience will be completely different, since most attacks have a smash or lethal component (no matter how small it is, you get the full defense bonus against the entire attack). After that work on global recharge, and make sure you have hasten. Getting your defensive powers up more often will help a ton.


A different route to take would be to look at some of the end tier powers in the pool sets, like the Sorcery pool. It's more clicky powers but they go for 30 seconds to 90 seconds, so could be really helpful too.

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