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Outleveling contacts

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Is it possible to remove the restrictions on contacts that cause you to outlevel them. I find myself frequently outleveling the contacts even without an XP booster.

This is true for most contacts from lvl 1 to 20.


Its incredibly frustrating to become invested into a contact story only to then find out they dont want anything to do with you.

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6 hours ago, TrueBornTyrant said:

Is it possible to remove the restrictions on contacts that cause you to outlevel them. I find myself frequently outleveling the contacts even without an XP booster.

The XP lock solves exactly that problem.

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One idea that has been floated around before is for contacts to auto exemp you to the maximum level of their missions. Then you could go up to any contact in the game and get missions from them as long as you met their minimum level. You'd also never be in danger of outlevelling a contact half way through their stuff.

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Ideally, I think it would be great to give the player the option of either:

A)  Continue with a Contact, but enemies don't level up beyond their standard range, meaning no Experience of Inf rewards.

B)  The player enters an Exemplar/Malefactor state, so they can continue to earn rewards, but won't outscale the enemies.


But, yeah, in the meantime, Ouroboros is a thing.  Not an ideal thing, due to a number of issues that get brought up each time this is discussed (being locked out of other content, not being able to invite additional teammates, et cetera) . . . but Ouroboros is a thing.

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