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Can You Replace Zone Loading Screens?

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Has anyone come up with a solution to this? I would really like to see the old loading screens in-game again, I like their designs a lot. It would be cool to replace them with our own loading screens too.

 This previous thread mentioned that it is pretty difficult to replace those images, but I do still really like the way the old loading screens look. It would be cool to mod them back in.

"All thoughts of retreat are discarded as counterproductive, there is no other course of action but to press on. You've been caught in an unseen orbit, around a power you cannot possibly fathom."

Everlasting - Gradivus, Amarillo Starlight, Hullbreak, Hyperblink, Matchlight
Previously on Guardian, Triumph, Liberty, and Freedom

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Well - a texture replacement via client side modification might be possible. You don't have to mod the pigg files at all. 


However finding good clean versions of all those old load screens themselves might be a bit of an issue. Also - they were made back when 800x600 screens were the norm. That's one of the reasons they were replaced back on live. 

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There's a good link to the old loading screens here:



They are just Jpgs, 1440 x 994 ppi. Seems like decent quality but they will have some upscaling issues with bigger screens for sure.

"All thoughts of retreat are discarded as counterproductive, there is no other course of action but to press on. You've been caught in an unseen orbit, around a power you cannot possibly fathom."

Everlasting - Gradivus, Amarillo Starlight, Hullbreak, Hyperblink, Matchlight
Previously on Guardian, Triumph, Liberty, and Freedom

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  • 5 months later

yeah i know its an old thread, but i m  currently looking in to getting the old loading screens back for me and splasher has no option for loading screens except the login
so if anyone is doing the same as me and finds this thread thru google no need to bother with splasher in that case

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i had a partially success. i have no idea what to do about the text though


as the old loading screens had the text as part of the same image and the new ones store the text seperate and i dont know where or even what to do about it.


i have a close look tomorrow

i have a hunch about the text, but i might need to take screenshots of every loading screen for all zones that where added after the new loading screens where introduced -.-

text over text.png


update: i thought the text was stored in fonts as Paragon City Italic but i either did something wrong or my font editor messed the file in a way up that it is not longer recognized by the game as the fonts in COH seem to not follow some standarts which my program attempted to fix -.-


so what i could do instead would be to edt the loading screens to make room for the new way of showing zone names ..... or simply give up

Edited by jkwak

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so this is what the loading screens for blue side City zones kinda look for me now,meh.thumb.png.85fa5c825b5493baccc9f7eedfac4d54.png

not bad but certainly not good so i dont really know if i should share it


allright i made an Hybrid of the old and the new loading screens, it looks way better i share it thru COH Modder since the Zip Archive will be to big


it works.png

Edited by jkwak

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