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Enable prestige but keep base items free


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If it's about adding a mechanical purpose to Groups, there are already three big ones I can think of:
1:  Bases.  HUGE.  Probably -the- reason to have a Group.  And the best part is, everyone can make them now AND share them publicly!  That's been a massive part of the socialization which takes place on Everlasting, though I admit that I don't know enough about the other Shards to speak to the social conduct on them.

2:  Finding the "Last Time Played" information.  This is something I would really appreciate seeing propagated to the Global Friend List instead, but as it stands, Groups are the only place to get this valuable bit of info right now.

3:  SG Mode palette swap.  Granted, a more niche perk of Groups, this has still be leveraged to great effect by a number of creative players to make wonderful forms of visual expression.


Could we use more?  Sure.
Rather than trying to reintroduce something which clearly upsets some players due to historic precedent, perhaps it's worthwhile investigating new solutions instead.  

Just remember that offering suggestions which are inclusive, rather than exclusionary or gate-y, will likely land more favourable interest.

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5 hours ago, GraspingVileTerror said:

Could we use more?  Sure.

Rather than trying to reintroduce something which clearly upsets some players due to historic precedent, perhaps it's worthwhile investigating new solutions instead.  

Just remember that offering suggestions which are inclusive, rather than exclusionary or gate-y, will likely land more favourable interest.


Yeah I hadn't realized the opposition to prestige was so aggressive, I am at best vaguely in favor of enabling it so it seems like a one sided argument.


I agree that new mechanics or changes to SG implementation would better serve the purposes of prestige, if people are so offended by its existence, that alone is reason enough to leave it gone. My only counter argument was that I think people are over reacting to the idea.

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At this point, all prestige would be is an SG high score and I don't believe we need more of that drama.


Now, if I were to take a page from the other MMO I play:


1. Make SG prestige private

2. Enable it full time in or out of SG mode

3. Create temp buffs that SGs can spend prestige on

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 Everlasting's Actionette 

Also Wolfhound, Starwave, Blue Gale, Relativity Rabbit, and many more!

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16 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:


C'mon, let's open up prestige just so @Ukase and I can have a SG inf-burning war!  

lol, I would let you win. I wouldn't blow my inf on something so useless. 

Give me ...insta level 50 for 100M
+10 recipe storage for 100M 
p2w in base for 100M

But prestige? nah, useless stuff


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I'd buy in if prestige let you have more members in your supergroup.


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Disclaimer: Not a medical doctor. Do not take medical advice from Doctor Ditko.

Also, not a physicist. Do not take advice on consensus reality from Doctor Ditko.

But games? He used to pay his bills with games. (He's recovering well, thanks for asking!)

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You know a simple solution could be that you don't have to be in SG mode to earn prestige, you earn it by simply being in an SG. SG mode only changes your costume to the SG colors (like the toggle it currently is). Prestige then wouldn't take from INF or XP it would just simply be something you get along side of those since you are in an SG. 


Then maybe down the road those prestige points can be converted into something either personal or for the SG as a whole. That way prestige doesn't really hurt anything, there is not "I forgot to toggle SG mode" you just play. And the more you play the more prestige you get, that simple. 


You already have SG's that are hyper sensitive about SG activity and will boot you for not participating or not being online. Turning on Prestige in the way I described wouldn't change that in any way. You don't like it? Join a more laid back SG and use your Prestige for yourself! 

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