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4 hours ago, Super Atom said:


Still community volunteers lol It's right in that thread even, people offering their time to work on animations/art work. It's obviously not something that would happen tomorrow, but the option isn't not available


I expect it would take several years. I'm fine with that.


Also I personally wouldn't care if the new difficulty settings didn't offer rewards, but in past discussions multiple people have said it should be part of the deal.



34 minutes ago, golstat2003 said:


I expect it would take several years. I'm fine with that.


Also I personally wouldn't care if the new difficulty settings didn't offer rewards, but in past discussions multiple people have said it should be part of the deal.




Yeah, it'd take longer but i think everyone knew this going into it.


Higher rewards is only gonna be influence in the +5 +6 setting and XP. I'm almost entirely sure nothing else is increased unless theres a hidden % on IO drops but I think that's just a myth, thoroughly tested throughout the years with little to no real results due to the cooldown on purple drops, but i don't think a test has been done on homecoming involving +1 vs +4 purple drops.

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Wanting to increase damage is one thing, how the increase will effect either playstyle is another. Does anyone have any numbers as to effect of increasing from +4 to +5 would have on players, thats players damage, control duration, resis duration, accuracy and what enemies gain, hp, accuracy, defence, control duration etc?


Think once we see the numbers as a whole would be interesting.


New Zones? maybe we should populate Kallista Wharf or revamp the ones we have already. Sadly, this takes development time, which is on a volunteer basis. 
Not saying it shouldn't be done, but do we really need a new zone? or even to have Kallista populated with a new faction? I don't think so. I think we'd be better served just having new story arcs that might have different endings depending on certain actions taken earlier in the arc. 
As for why, a new zone is ...engaging for all of 2 minutes. You see the new npcs and/or the new zone..and then what? Unless there's some compelling reason to engage with the npcs (aside from very dull street sweeping), there's just not much point to it. At least a story arc might have a badge or new content. 

When you require different builds/powers to complete a mission/tf/trial, you're basically requiring people to team up. While so many people seem to think this is the point of playing this game, there's a lot of us who, for whatever reason, want to explore the new content but can't always team. I work remotely. I *could* team during the day, but I'd get a lot of folks upset when I might have to tab out and take a call for work and be gone for 30 minutes, leaving my character in a mission and holding things up. (or getting kicked). There should never be any task/trial below level 50 that requires a team. Post-50, I'm okay with that, as we have incarnate stuff that basically requires a team/league. 

I don't see how level shifting NPCs is going to make things more fun or more engaging. New Dialog from the npcs as we engage in battle, new powers from the NPCs, faster recharge, self heals for the npcs, npcs actually using team work, etc - that kind of thing would be a lot more interesting than a +5 npc that is now suddenly just a little harder to hit that takes a little less damage. 


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