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Please, PLEASE don't give Ally NPCs the Rabbit AI

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To explain what the Rabbit AI is, it's the Tsoo Sorcerer AI.

Do a thing, hang around a bit, zip off to far corner of the map. Come back after a cool down.

I call the Rabbit AI because back in beta and launch it made me feel a bit like Elmer Fudd.


The over-aggressive allies are bad enough, but give them Rabbit AI and this happens:

Ally attacks a couple of enemies.... Zips across map... resettles into do-stuff phase, encounters entirely new group of enemies, and attacks them....

Rinse, repeat, aggro half the map before you know it.

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22 minutes ago, Thrythlind said:


The longbow lady in the Vanguard story arcs does this. With flight and stealth.


Don't think I've had her do anything but die if she did this. They don't come back to find me. And you don't have to keep her alive. (Unlike Lady Jane....)

Kheldian backstory guide 2.0 is out.

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I run into this all the time on that "Mysterious General Z" arc, in the mission where I have to rescue him from the Sky Raiders. He decides to attack a Porter, the Porter ports away, and General Z races off across the map to find him. Then I usually never see him again.

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1 hour ago, RikOz said:

I run into this all the time on that "Mysterious General Z" arc, in the mission where I have to rescue him from the Sky Raiders. He decides to attack a Porter, the Porter ports away, and General Z races off across the map to find him. Then I usually never see him again.

That's the general aggression. As far as I know General Z doesn't have the rabbit thing, he just has the general combat AI which, on a "helper" is often no help... especially if it's necessary to get them out alive (Lady Jane, General Z, Lady Grey). 

The ally I mostly found this on was WM Dietrich. I assume they gave her Rabbit AI for fighting against players... engage, fight a bit and then run away a little bit before re-engaging. And it basically does the same thing as General Z just SOOOO much worse because she doesn't return to the original location before re-engaging and then she spots a brand new spawn of enemies and fights that instead... but since she will then disengage rather than just dying, they follow her to where-ever she disengages to... which could be back to you.

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