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I am looking for an active european time red side supergroup on Excelsior server....

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...since my own red side supergroup only got members of the american continent and so "died out" after some time. I have alot of lvl 50 toons, which I will keep in my own supergroup, so I will join only with one toon and hopefully link my supergroup with yours. Dedicated base builder here with my own supergroup base as a proof.


You ask, why red side only?


I just can´t adapt to the hero thing, you know?


"do they all have to be left handed or do you want to keep your options open? "


As long as the red side branch of the supergroup is active at european time, I am ok with that. I just want to stay in the rogue isles playwise, like I did in the past of this game. I just don´t want to play alone.


"You might also ask in the Excelsior forum:  https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/39-excelsior/"

Thanks, will try that.

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2 hours ago, Dungeoness said:

Have you tried the Reunion server yet? Since it's the official EU server there might be more players of all types in your time zone there.

Yeah, this, not sure why you’d want Excelsior from across the pond.


EU side the Hounds of Love are pretty active (considering the time of year and the whole "emerging blinking from our pandemic bolt holes" thing) on Reunion.


Reunion in general is quite compared to Excelsior but I prefer regular teams of folk I know compared to PuGs. 



19 hours ago, arcane said:

Yeah, this, not sure why you’d want Excelsior from across the pond.

I can't speak for the OP, but I've done this when my schedule didn't match my time zone.  I live in the Pacific (-8) time zone, so when I played UO in theory I should have played Baja, Napa, or one of the other West Coast (-8) servers.  But I was busy in the evening and free in the late afternoon - so I played Lake Superior (-5) because it's peak hours matched when I was most likely playing.

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