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Hey all,


As I've continue to question my obsession with the Robotics FF build, I have gone and looked into trying to create more and more offense out of a historically non offensive mastermind build.


One of the things I enjoy most in CoH is playing archetypes unconventionally and trying to maximizing their abilities in unexpected ways while still retaining it's core purpose. Needless to say...it can be a really tough balance...


When it comes to the Bots/FF build its really...really good at surviving as you all know. Tanking is a non issue... however being a damaging threat yourself...yeah that's a bit tricky.


I looked into it's strengths (defense) and said...the beauty of FF is as everyone knows...its hands off (sometimes downright boring.) So how can we take advantage of this? We need to do things while we stay alive...hell...let's go beyond that, let's murder souls ourselves...as it's not like we are doing anything really else to keep things alive.


Let's get down to it. 


Knockout Blow! The whole build revolves around this. The idea of doing potentially 500 damage in a single attack as a MM should be considered illegal...but hey.. here we are. 


Kick! Why is this important? Force Feedback...we want that baby up as much as we can. Which will mean...more Knockout Blow!


Cross Punch! This is your big time AOE...sure it's a cone and sure its a small radius but boy does this have procs including another Force Feedback.


School of Sharks will keep things stuck while you punch them in the face. 


Soft Capped positional defenses thanks to the protector bots shield. 


Just under 60% S/L resists... then throw in your body guard mode....


Boom here comes the pain! Bots all have knockback to knockdown so you'll be literally kicking them while their down not to mention watching them burn alive thanks to your buddy Assault bot. 


Okay enough blabbing from me. Here is the build attached.






Mastermind - Bots Forcefield Build Scrappermind.mxd

Edited by skippy7721
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I've seen similar done with Spring Attack from Jumping pool, with Cross Punch combo, and a few other things. I can't claim the expertise to know if these would be any better than the personal MM attacks, but still, neat concept.

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Yeah I dig that. Spring Attack is like a mini AOE especially with Procs. You can get around 400 damage with Gaussian up. The only issue there is, unless you are rolling a ton of recharge like in that of the time manipulation secondary you may run into an issue of it just not being up enough of the time. I could probably get it to come up every 30 secs in a FF build which isn't half bad but not great. 


As far as the personal MM attacks, I find they are more or less better for CC'ing with the right procs than actual damage. At most you may get around 200 damage out of one with the right damage procs and gaussian being up.  Useful, yes.. threatening? ehh that's debatable. 


Side note, I think I read somewhere that if someone does decide to roll with the MM personal attacks and if used properly...it can be equivalent of the same amount of damage of the T3 pet. So no doubt useful but not as explosive as some of the alternative options out there like Spring Attack or Knockout Punch. 

Edited by skippy7721
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I had a Ninja/FF Mastermind set up with attacks from Fighting and Leviathan. I figured, my guys are melee, why not join them? On paper the attacks looked OK but in practice, even solo, by the time I got my character close enough to land a punch, one the ninjas had already killed my target. I tried ordering the ninjas to focus on one target while I handled the spare, but that just felt as my pets were letting my have  a pity kill. Eventually I respeced.


Still, the potential is there. I might try it on my Necro/Sonic at some point.


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I have several Thugs/* builds where I almost always take dual wield and cross punch.  Duel Wield more for the FF+Rech proc and a few others, but Cross Punch does really good damage and it's a lot of fun to follow the Bruiser and do the beat downs together.

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  • 2 weeks later

Also look at some of the P2W temp attack powers.  Most are very cheap.  They auto scale for damage.  Tend to really shine early on while you still have "beginners luck" and potentially DFB bonuses going, but the right IO bonuses can help later.   


Thematically they seem especially well suited to thug builds as you can get a baseball bat and a hammer to smack things with.  My latest thug MM went a LOT faster leveling up when solo from jumping in and using them.

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14 hours ago, Riverdusk said:

Also look at some of the P2W temp attack powers.  Most are very cheap.  They auto scale for damage.  Tend to really shine early on while you still have "beginners luck" and potentially DFB bonuses going, but the right IO bonuses can help later.   


Thematically they seem especially well suited to thug builds as you can get a baseball bat and a hammer to smack things with.  My latest thug MM went a LOT faster leveling up when solo from jumping in and using them.




You also tend to pull more aggro on yourself when you use personal and/or P2W attacks.  Really helps when running BG mode as the attacks like Cross Punch will let you damage, risk mitigate (knockdown) and pull aggro onto yourself and off of your henchmen, who then basically pile on.  I usually build for S/L +DEF and +RES both so it’s relatively safe for me outside of mezzers.

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