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I s Elec/Elec Good for Scrappers?


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I'd think /Elec would be better on a brute. First off I think it's a pure resist set and brutes have a higher resist cap. Secondly there's the brute adding taunt to damage aura to keep enemies from running away. I mean I'm sure Elec/Elec is doable, but I have both a Elec/SR stalker and Rad/Elec brute that I like and I can't imagine a Elec/Elec scrapper would be better than either of them.

Edited by Gwyrddu
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I've have an Elec/Elec Brute.  I built it around the idea of max resists supported by it's self heal (Energize).  Even at 90% Resists, basically, on everything except Negative (57%) and Toxic (42.5%), I was sad to see that was not enough to be survivable like soft capped defenses 😞

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Anything is usable, easy game. If it looks fun and it fits your theme then try it out. But no, it's not good on a scrapper.   


Elec melee is a set with a lot of AOE attacks, but it has a very lacking single target rotation.  Stalker fixes this by bringing assassins strike into the rotation.  Additionally elec armor is not especially great on a scrapper.  It's a resist set and scrappers tend to prefer defense, being that their resist cap is 75%.  Additionally it doesn't have a taunt aura on scrappers, and this makes a big difference IMO.


If you want to play elec/shield, I'd go stalker.  If you want to play elec/elec go brute or tanker, but know your single target rotation will suffer. 

Edited by Obsinious
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Should be noted you can still get Electric Melee up to soloing AVs for accolade.  You're not going to take down a pylon in 2 minds, no, but still, solo AVs, I feel is enough.


Though, that may have also been taking Zapp...I don't recall...I'd have to go back and check.

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