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Help with a Spines / Regen build


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I know people say Regen is just objectively worse than Willpower, but I've already leveled this character to 50 and I've been enjoying playing them, and I want to try and make as a good a build for them as I can. Thing is, I'm not really good at doing builds. I've got one roughed out here, but I'd really appreciate some feedback on how I could maybe slot things better, or if there's any objectively bad choices I'm making in it. I know what I've got here is an expensive build, but I've got a good farmer so cost isn't really an issue.



Sewer Monster - Scrapper (Spines).mxd

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  • 2 weeks later

Sewer Monster - Scrapper (Spines - Regeneration).mxd


Alright so there were alot of issues with the build you posted. You mentioned not being used to making builds and well Regeneration is probably one of the hardest to wrap your head around since "just pump up them numbers" isn't really as effective a strategy as most other sets. You also were making the common mistake of just six slotting everything and it left some of your most powerful abilities largely unslotted.

I took the liberty of creating a build from scratch using yours as a model for what powers you wanted since i assume you wanted to keep Stealth even though Maneuvers would be better. I did however ditch Body Mastery for Soul Mastery, the reason being that Focused Accuracy is nice but Physical Perfection is dead weight, with quick recovery you already have more endurance than you need, and the pittance of regen the power gives is over shadows by even a single enhancement. Instead Moonbeam gives a strong snipe to make up for losing Impale, and Shadow Meld has amazing synergy with Regeneration. Use as you run into fights, and cast it on cooldown if you are pressured.

Giving up Impale was rough, but power picks get tight and Spines has the unenviable position of not having an attack power you can easily just justify ditching, and well, you skipped Build Up in your build, never do this. Aside from being a huge source of damage for the AT, Build Up is a natural home for Gaussian's Fire Control: Chance for Boost Up which acts as a second Build Up, briefly giving you +200% damage on 95% of your Build Up casts.

Superior Critical Strikes is another tricky point for new scrappers, you want that proc going off as much as possible as it is a flat +50% chance to crit for a few seconds, usually long enough to get of 2-3 attacks. That means if your attack has a 6% chance to crit, after that proc triggers you are at 56% chance to crit and crits are double damage multiplicative with +damage%. The issue is Superior Critical Strikes as a set has a lot of recharge, and slotting recharge negatively impacts the proc rate. I chose to put it in Spine Burst because the proc rates on other powers wasn't going to be much better and the AoE will check per target giving a much higher chance to proc, nearly a guarantee on 3+ enemies.

Now for Defense metrics, I ran this build through my regen calculator here

and here are the results


which are very strong results, rivaling, and in about 70% of senarios, beating out my main (mainly because i put alot of RP related and tanking realted limits on myself) So as long as you keep your click powers in mind and make sure to take Ageless Radial for debuff protection you should be able to solo +4 anything with this with some difficulty here and there. This assumes the enhancement suggestions bellow.

Some final notes, When looking at the build make sure you have Mids configured to show stealth as if you ahev been attacked, found in the options under Effects & Maths, you may also want to set the Base to Hit to 48 in Exemping & Base Values, as that will reflect what itsl iek to fight +4 enemeis with an Alpha equiped (functional +3)

Lastly the new D-Sync enhancements include a Heal/Recharge enhancement, I recommend replacing the Dull Pain enhancement with one and upgrading it to 53. I also usualy make my builds with the assumption of using Enhancement Boosters to boost everything to +5, if you don't the above stats will be slightly lower but nothing will break.

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  • 1 month later

I was looking at this and ended up with a slightly different angle:


I've been playing this combo since live. It is fun to play. I have two versions of my build. The first is a bit more traditional. In this build Lunge is actually a mule, as the high Recharge makes it unnecessary. The other build uses Lunge and is a bit less optimal. However, this build is a lot easier to manage. You keep the green circle on Dull Pain and rely on movement to keep you under the Regen threshold. It will be a lot harder to run this at max difficulty, but it also requires a lot less management for survival.

Spyqe.mxdSpyqe (Relaxed Play).mxd

Edited by Zepp

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  • 2 years later

A bit of thread necromancy here. How does this build look?  I know that I have skipped patron/epic pools. I'm going for a more thematic build and am not seeking min/max. 



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  • 1 month later
32 minutes ago, Grizadams said:

This does not seem to work when I try to open it. Any way you could put the mid import code in your post?

It complained about it being from an older build, but opened for me. I resaved it as this with no changes by me.  Looks like it just changed the names of the enhancements to the newer way.   They are just text files in JSON format


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While not spines/regen. There are fundamental build philosophies for regen that are discussed in that thread that will apply to any regen build.


1 - don't build for passive regen

2 - recharge is key, as your survival depends on your clicks and all of them have relatively long recharge.

3 - so is slow resist, if your recharge is neutered you die.

4 - splash in defense accordingly


A side note on copying builds from here or discord or anywhere else: As a rule of thumb you can consistently identify builds that are not highly optimized by the prevalence of too many 6 slotted sets. Those kinds of builds generally lack focus and waste slots on unnecessary bonuses that don't provide a lot of return on investment.


Remember - just because someone shares their build for free doesn't mean their build is good or good for you. 


I gave a power by power, slot by slot breakdown of a street justice/regen build in that link. It might help you,

Liberty, Torchbearer, Excelsior, Everlasting

Jezebel Delias

Level 50 Fire/Elec/Mace Blaster


I am the Inner Circle!

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On 7/8/2024 at 8:03 PM, Grizadams said:


This does not seem to work when I try to open it. Any way you could put the mid import code in your post?



let me know if this doesnt work, i can send it on discord also.



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On 7/10/2024 at 2:45 AM, Mini-Mega said:


let me know if this doesnt work, i can send it on discord also.









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