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QoL Request: tailor organization

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One of the things I've loved most about this game, over the years, is the growing number of character design options. However, with this steadily increasing tally of parts comes an increasing difficulty in finding what I'm looking for, even when I know up-front what it is. Can we please:

a) get everything, in every slot and category, alphabetically organized, or

b) get a search function added

Both would be even better, but putting SOME kind of searchability in is becoming increasingly necessary.

Edited by Blood Speaker
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I *seem* to recall that organizing it was ... more difficult than it might appear, thanks to oddness in how it (like most things...) was coded. It would be nice, as would a search, though.

Primarily on Everlasting. Squid afficionado. Former creator of Copypastas. General smartalec.


I tried to combine Circle and DE, but all I got were garden variety evil mages.

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3 hours ago, Greycat said:

I *seem* to recall that organizing it was ... more difficult than it might appear, thanks to oddness in how it (like most things...) was coded. It would be nice, as would a search, though.

The problem being, IIRC, that the order in which selections appear in a list of costume parts matches the order in which they appear in the database, and costume references internally through the game are just pointers into that database, rather than being labels that are indexed into the database (i.e., when you save a .costume file, and it writes your lower body texture as 'Hips_V_Overguard_01', what the game uses internally is, say, '53', because that texture is the 53rd record in the 'legs' texture database; this is one of the things that contributes to errors when you try to load old costume files), so that changing the order of items for a given body part means having to go through every single costume reference in the entire game to update the pointers.

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